The elements you use depend on the search type you are using as well as what datasets you have. You can check the datasets you have available by using the GET /address/datasets/v1 endpoint.

Element Name Description Example
buildingName2 Building Name 2 North Wing
buildingName Building Name Treasury Building
flatUnitName Flat/unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
buildingLevel Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
allotmentNumber1 Allotment number Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber2 Allotment number 16
subbuildingNumber Sub-building number 2a
subbuildingNumberNumber Sub-building number (number) 2
subbuildingNumberAlpha Sub-building number (alpha) a
buildingNumber Building number 1-26
buildingNumberFirst Building number (first) 1
buildingNumberLast Building number (last) 26
allPostalDeliveryTypes All postal delivery types
type Type PO Box
number Number 87
poBox PO Box PO Box 65
gpoBox GPO Box GPO Box M929
carePo Care PO Care PO
roadsideMailBox Roadside Mail Box RMB 65
roadsideDelivery Roadside Delivery RSD 21
communityMailAgent Community Mail Agent CMA
communityPostalAgent Community Postal Agent CPA
privateBag Private Bag Private Bag 6060
lockedBag Locked Bag Locked Bag 3
mailService Mail Service MS 494
communityMailBag Community Mail Bag CMB 111
roadsideMailService Roadside Mail Service RMS 1600
street Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
locality Locality Ayr
invalidLocalityAlias Invalid Locality Alias (Invalid Locality Alias may be used for searching but will never be returned in a final address) Mt Kelly
borderingLocality Bordering Locality (Denotes elements not returned by default) Alderley
stateCode State code QLD
postalCode Postal code 4807
borderingLocalityPostcode Bordering Locality Postcode (Denotes elements not returned by default) 4051
deliveryPointIdentifierDpidDid Delivery Point Identifier (DPID/DID) (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) 56729927
primaryPoint Primary Point (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) R
stateName State name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Queensland
countryName Country name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) AUS
barcodeSortPlanNumber 3 digit Barcode Sort Plan (BSP) number for an address
changeOfAddressDate Change of Address date. This indicates the date of the last change of occupancy
changeOfAddressFlag Change of Address flag. This indicates how many months ago the change of occupancy occurred 3
hin 10 digit Household Identification Number
mosaicGroup Mosaic 2021: Mosaic group, e.g. 'K'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic 2021 refresh K
mosaicType Mosaic 2021: Mosaic group and type, e.g. 'K39'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh K39
mosaicElement Mosaic 2021: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild K39_1
householdMosaicElement Mosaic 2021: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild K39_1
affluence Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 3
householdIncome Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Income band, e.g. '5'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 5
maximumLengthOfResidence Mosaic 2021: Single character representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh. 2
relations Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Composition category, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. 2
headOfHouseholdAge Mosaic 2018: The code representing the Head of Household Age band, e.g. '11'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 11
lifestage Mosaic 2021: 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g. '09' Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 09
adultsAtAddress Mosaic 2021: An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g.'3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 3
propensityForChildren0To10Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 0 -10 years 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '05'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 11 -18 years 05
f1ScoreFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition -24255
f1PercentileFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition 13
f2ScoreProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-024255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity -024255
f2PercentileProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity 13
f3ScoreDependants Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Lifestage though the column name still refers to Dependants -24255
f3PercentileDependants Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Lifestage though the column name still refers to Dependants 13
f4ScoreCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild -24255
f4PercentileCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 13
f5ScoreHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Work Commute though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership -24255
f5PercentileHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Work Commute, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership 13
f6ScoreMultiDwellings Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh -24255
f6PercentileMultiDwellings Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh
gnafLatitude Latitude of the address in degrees, e.g. '-37.36555450' -37.36555450
gnafLongitude Longitude of the address in degrees, e.g. '144.52962801' 144.52962801
localGovernmentAreaCode 5-digit LGA code, e.g. '39299' 39299
localGovernmentAreaDescription The name of the Local Government Area, for example 'Onkaparinga (C)' Onkaparinga (C)
businessResidentialCode Single character indicating the premises type for the DPID, e.g. 'R' R
ausbar Standard address barcode for an address
meshblock 11 digit meshblock code.
meshblockLatitude Latitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
meshblockLongitude Longitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '144.53153100' 144.53153100
sa1Code 7 digit SA1 code
sa1Latitude Latitude of the SA1 centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
sa1Longitude Longitude of the SA1 centroid in degrees, e.g. '144.53153100' 144.53153100
Element Name Description Example
buildingName Building name Treasury Building
flatUnitName Flat/Unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/Unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
subBuildingNumber Sub-building number 5a
subBuildingNumberNumber Sub-building number (number) 5
subBuildingNumberAlpha Sub-building number (alpha) a
buildingLevel Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
buildingNumber Building number 1-131
buildingNumberFirst Building number (first) 1
buildingNumberLast Building number (last) 131
allotmentNumber1 Allotment number Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber2 Allotment number 16
street Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
privateStreet Private Street Private Street
locality Locality Ayr
borderingLocality Bordering Locality Mt Kelly
stateCode State code QLD
stateName State Name Queensland
postcode Postcode 4807
countryName Country Name Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character country code AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character country code AUS
geocodeLevelCode This is the geocode level code. The value is a number between 0 and 7; for example, '2' 2
geocodeLevelDescription This is the geocode level description; for example, 'Street level geocode only' Street level geocode only
geocodeTypeCode This is the geocode type code. The value is 2-4 alphabetic characters in uppercase; for example, 'LB' LB
geocodeTypeDescription This is the geocode type description; for example, 'Letterbox' Letterbox
addressLevelLongitude The address-level longitude in degrees
addressLevelLatitude The address-level latitude in degrees
addressLevelElevation The address-level elevation
addressLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The address-level planimetric accuracy
addressLevelBoundaryExtent The address-level boundary extent
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The address-level geocode reliability code; for example, '2' 2
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The address-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary' Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary
streetLevelLongitude The street-level longitude in degrees
streetLevelLatitude The street-level latitude in degrees
streetLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The street-level planimetric accuracy
streetLevelBoundaryExtent The street-level boundary extent
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The street-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '4', or blank 4
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The street-level geocode reliability description. If the reliability code is '4', this is 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature
localityLevelLongitude The locality-level longitude in degrees
localityLevelLatitude The locality-level latitude in degrees
localityLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The locality-level planimetric accuracy
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The locality-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '5', '6', or blank 5
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The locality-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood
longitude The highest-level longitude in degrees
latitude The highest-level latitude in degrees
elevation The highest-level elevation
planimetricAccuracy The highest-level planimetric accuracy
boundaryExtent The highest-level boundary extent
geocodeReliabilityCode The highest-level geocode reliability code
geocodeReliabilityDescription The highest-level geocode reliability description
gnafPid Persistent identifier of an address. This is a unique 14-character alphanumeric identifier of the address record; for example, 'GANSW716798454' GANSW716798454
gnafAddressTypeCode This is the address type code; for example, 'R/RMB' R/RMB
gnafAddressTypeDescription This is the address type description; for example, 'Rural Roadside Mail Box' Rural Roadside Mail Box
streetPid This is a unique street persistent identifier
localityPid This is a unique locality persistent identifier
confidenceLevelCode This is the confidence level code. The value is numerical; for example '2' 2
confidenceLevelDescription This is the confidence level descriptor. The value is alpahbetic; for example 'All three contributors have supplied an identical address' All three contributors have supplied an identical address
2021MeshBlockId The 2021 version of the Mesh Block ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2021MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2021 version of the Mesh Block Code
2021MeshBlockMatchCode2021MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2021 Mesh Blocks
2021MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2021 Mesh Block match level
2016MeshBlockId The 2016 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2016MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2016 version of the MeshBlock Code
2016MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2016 Mesh Blocks
2016MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2016 Mesh Block match level
complexAddressTypeCode Returns the Address Type, indicating if the address is a Primary or Secondary address. If the Primary/Secondary relationship does not exist, then this element would be blank, otherwise the possible values areP andS: P: Primary Address, S: Secondary Address P
primaryAddressPid This element will only be populated if the input address is a secondary address. In that case, this element would contain the PID of the primary address
addressJoinTypeCode Returns the Join Type Code. The possible values are 1 or 2: 1: Both parent and child have the same root address, 2: Parent and child may or may not have the same root address
gnafLegalParcelIdentifier The Legal Parcel Id field is populated with the cadastral information using the same concatenations (where applicable) as adopted for the Jurisdiction Id used in the Cadastre theme (CAD table) of the CadLite product
collectorDistrictId This is a unique Collector District persistent identifier
collectorDistrictCode This is the Collector District Code
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryId This is a unique Commonwealth Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryName This is the Commonwealth Electoral Boundary name
localGovernmentAreaId This is a Local Government Area persistent identifier
localGovernmentAreaName This is the Local Government Area name
statisticalLocalAreaId This is a Statistical Local Area persistent identifier
statisticalLocalAreaCode This is a Statistical Local Area code
statisticalLocalAreaName This is a Statistical Local Area name
stateElectoralBoundaryId This is a State Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
stateElectoralBoundaryName This is a State Electoral Boundary name
stateElectoralEffectiveStart This is the date that the electorate becomes effective
stateElectoralEffectiveEnd This is the end date when electorate is no longer in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryId This is the State Electoral Boundary identifier for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryName This is the State Electoral Boundary name for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewEffectiveStart This is the start date that the new electorate will become effective
stateElectoralNewEffectiveEnd This is the end date when the new electorate will no longer be in effect
mosaicGroup Mosaic Group, e.g. 'K' K
mosaicType Mosaic Group and Type, e.g. 'K39' K39
mosaicSegmentCode Mosaic Segment, eg 'A01_3' A01_3
factor1Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor1Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor2Score Factors score, e.g. '-024255' -024255
factor2Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor3Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor3Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor4Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor4Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor5Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor5Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
lengthOfResidence The code representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2' 2
headOfHouseholdAge The code representing the Age band, e.g. '11' 11
propensityForChildren0To10Years Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02' 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02' 02
adultsAtAddress An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g. '3' 3
householdComposition Single digit code representing the Household Composition band, e.g.'2' 2
lifestage 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g. '09' 09
householdIncome Single digit code representing the Household Income band, e.g.'5' 5
affluence Single digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3' 3
riskInsight Code representing the Risk Insight band, e.g. '7' 7
creditDemand Code representing the Credit Demand band, e.g. '7' 7
Element Name Description Example
pafBuildingName2 PAF Building name 2 North Wing
pafBuildingName PAF Building name Treasury Building
gnafBuildingName G-NAF Building name Treasury Building
pafFlatUnitName PAF Flat/Unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/Unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
gnafFlatUnitName G-NAF Flat/Unit name Flat 2
gnafFlatUnitType GNAF Flat/Unit type Flat
gnafFlatUnitNumber G-NAF Flat/Unit number 2
pafSubBuildingNumber PAF Sub-building number 2
gnafSubBuildingNumber G-NAF Sub-building number
pafBuildingLevel PAF Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
gnafBuildingLevel G-NAF Building level Level 7
gnafBuildingLevelType G-NAF Building level type Level
gnafBuildingLevelNumber G-NAF Building level number 7
pafBuildingNumber PAF Building number 26
gnafBuildingNumber G-NAF Building number
pafAllotment PAF Allotment Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber Allotment number 16
gnafAllotment G-NAF Allotment Lot 16
gnafAllotmentLot G-NAF Allotment lot Lot
gnafAllotmentNumber G-NAF Allotment number 16
allPostalDeliveryTypes All postal delivery types
type Type PO Box
number Number 87
poBox PO Box PO Box 65
gpoBox GPO Box GPO Box M929
carePo Care PO Care PO
roadsideMailBox Roadside Mail Box RMB 65
roadsideDelivery Roadside Delivery RSD 21
communityMailAgent Community Mail Agent CMA
communityPostalAgent Community Postal Agent CPA
privateBag Private Bag Private Bag 6060
lockedBag Locked Bag Locked Bag 3
mailService Mail Service MS 494
communityMailBag Community Mail Bag CMB 111
roadsideMailService Roadside Mail Service RMS 1600
pafStreet PAF Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
gnafStreet G-NAF Street Tudor Court East
gnafStreetName G-NAF Street name Tudor
gnafStreetType G-NAF Street type Court
gnafStreetTypeSuffix G-NAF Street type suffix East
pafLocality PAF Locality Ayr
pafInvalidLocalityAlias PAF Invalid Locality Alias (Invalid Locality Alias may be used for searching but will never be returned in a final address) Mt Kelly
pafBorderingLocality PAF Bordering Locality (Denotes elements not returned by default) Alderley
gnafLocality G-NAF Locality Ayr
gnafBorderingLocality G-NAF Bordering Locality Mt Kelly
stateCode State code QLD
stateName State Name Queensland
pafPostcode PAF Postcode 4807
pafBorderingLocalityPostcode PAF Bordering Locality Postcode (Denotes elements not returned by default) 4051
gnafPostcode G-NAF Postcode 4807
countryName Country Name Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two Character Country Code AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three Character Country Code AUE
primaryPoint Primary Point (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) R
addressSourceCode Returns the Address Source code. The possible values are P, G, PG or PGB P, G, PG or PGB
addressSourceDescription Returns the Address Source description. The possible values are: Address exists on PAF only (P), Address exists on G-NAF only (G), Address exists on both PAF and G-NAF (PG), Address exists on both PAF and G-NAF but level information exists on PAF only (PGB) Address exists on PAF only (P)
barcodeSortPlanNumber 3 digit BarcodeSort Plan (BSP) numberfor an address
changeOfAddressDate Change of Address date. This indicates the date of the last change of occupancy
changeOfAddressFlag Change of Address flag. This indicates how many months ago the change of occupancy occurred. There are three possible values: 3: 3 months or less, 6: between 3 and 6 months, 12: between 6 and 12 months 3
hin 10 digit Household Identification Number
mosaicGroup Mosaic 2021 group, e.g. 'A' A
mosaicType Mosaic 2021 group and type, e.g. 'A01' A01
mosaicElement Mosaic 2021Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh K39_1
householdMosaicElement2015 Mosaic 2013: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh K39_1
affluence Mosaic 2021: Single or double digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3' or '99'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 3
householdIncome Mosaic 2021: Single or double digit code representing the HouseholdIncome band, e.g. '5' or '99'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 5
maximumLengthOfResidence Mosaic 2021: Single character representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 2
relations Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Composition category, e.g. “2”. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 2
headOfHouseholdAge Mosaic 2021: The code representing the Head of HouseholdAgeband, e.g. '11'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 11
lifestage Mosaic 2021: 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g.'09'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 09
adultsAtAddress Mosaic 2021: An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g. '3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 3
propensityForChildren0To10Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02''. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 0 - 10 years 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '05'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 11 - 18 years 05
f1ScoreFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition -24255
f1PercentileFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g.'13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition 13
f2ScoreProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-024255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity -024255
f2PercentileProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity 13
f3ScoreDependants Mosaic 2013: Factors percentile, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh to Workforce Participation, though the column name still refers to Dependants -24255
f3PercentileDependants Mosaic 2013: Factors percentile, e.g.'13'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh to Workforce Participation, though the column name still refers to Dependants 13
f4ScoreCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild -24255
f4PercentileCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 13
f5ScoreHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh to Cultural Diversity, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership -24255
f5PercentileHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh to Cultural Diversity, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership 13
businessResidentialCode Single character indicating the premises type for the address e.g. 'R' R
geocodeLevelCode This is the geocode level code. The value is a number between 0 and 7; for example, '2' 2
geocodeLevelDescription This is the geocode level description; for example, 'Street level geocode only' Street level geocode only
geocodeTypeCode This is the geocode type code. The value is 2-4 alphabetic characters in uppercase; for example, 'LB' LB
geocodeTypeDescription This is the geocode type description; for example, 'Letterbox' Letterbox
addressLevelLongitude The address-level longitude in degrees
addressLevelLatitude The address-level latitude in degrees
addressLevelElevation The address-level elevation
addressLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The address-level planimetric accuracy
addressLevelBoundaryExtent The address-level boundary extent
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The address-level geocode reliability code; for example, '2' 2
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The address-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary' Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary
streetLevelLongitude The street-level longitude in degrees
streetLevelLatitude The street-level latitude in degrees
streetLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The street-level planimetric accuracy
streetLevelBoundaryExtent The street-level boundary extent
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The street-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '4', or blank 4
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The street-level geocode reliability description. If the reliability code is '4', this is 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature
localityLevelLongitude The locality-level longitude in degrees
localityLevelLatitude The locality-level latitude in degrees
localityLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The locality-level planimetric accuracy
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The locality-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '5', '6', or blank 5
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The locality-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood
longitude The highest-level longitude in degrees
latitude The highest-level latitude in degrees
elevation The highest-level elevation
planimetricAccuracy The highest-level planimetric accuracy
boundaryExtent The highest-level boundary extent
geocodeReliabilityCode The highest-level geocode reliability code
geocodeReliabilityDescription The highest-level geocode reliability description
gnafPid Persistent identifier of an address. This is a unique 14-character alphanumeric identifier of the address record; for example, 'GANSW716798454' GANSW716798454
gnafAddressTypeCode This is the address type code; for example, 'R/RMB' R/RMB
gnafAddressTypeDescription This is the address type description; for example, 'Rural Roadside Mail Box' Rural Roadside Mail Box
streetPid This is a unique street persistent identifier
localityPid This is a unique locality persistent identifier
confidenceLevelCode This is the confidence level code. The value is numerical; for example '2' 2
confidenceLevelDescription This is the confidence level descriptor. The value is alpahbetic; for example 'All three contributors have supplied an identical address' All three contributors have supplied an identical address
2016MeshBlockId The 2016 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2016MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2016 version of the MeshBlock Code
2016MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2016 Mesh Blocks
2016MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2016 Mesh Block match level
2011MeshBlockId The 2011 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2011MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2011 version of the MeshBlock Code
2011MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2011 Mesh Blocks
2011MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2011 Mesh Block match level
complexAddressTypeCode Returns the Address Type, indicating if the address is a Primary or Secondary address. If the Primary/Secondary relationship does not exist, then this element would be blank, otherwise the possible values areP andS: P: Primary Address, S: Secondary Address P
primaryAddressPid This element will only be populated if the input address is a secondary address. In that case, this element would contain the PID of the primary address
addressJoinTypeCode Returns the Join Type Code. The possible values are 1 or 2: 1: Both parent and child have the same root address, 2: Parent and child may or may not have the same root address 1
collectorDistrictId This is a unique Collector District persistent identifier
collectorDistrictCode This is the Collector District Code
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryId This is a unique Commonwealth Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryName This is the Commonwealth Electoral Boundary name
localGovernmentAreaId This is a Local Government Area persistent identifier
localGovernmentAreaName This is the Local Government Area name
statisticalLocalAreaId This is a Statistical Local Area persistent identifier
statisticalLocalAreaCode 9-digit SLA code, e.g. '150154750' 150154750
statisticalLocalAreaName This is a Statistical Local Area name
stateElectoralBoundaryId This is a State Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
stateElectoralBoundaryName This is a State Electoral Boundary name
stateElectoralEffectiveStart This is the date that the electorate becomes effective
stateElectoralEffectiveEnd This is the end date when electorate is no longer in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryId This is the State Electoral Boundary identifier for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryName This is the State Electoral Boundary name for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewEffectiveStart This is the start date that the new electorate will become effective
stateElectoralNewEffectiveEnd This is the end date when the new electorate will no longer be in effect
meshblock 11 digit Meshblock code
meshblockLatitude Latitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
meshblockLongitude Longitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g.'144.53153100' 144.53153100
sa1Code 11 digit SA1 code.
Element Name Description Example
companyName Company name (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Banque de France
department Department name (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Accounts Department
allPoBoxTypes All PO Box Types BP 12
allPoBoxTypesType All PO Box Types (Type) BP
allPoBoxTypesNumber All PO Box Types (Number) 12
additionalGeographicData Additional geographic data (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses)
number Number (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) 16
streetName Street name rue du General de Gaulle
locality Locality (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Cesseins
postcode Postcode 17306
townCedexOffice Town / CEDEX office Rochefort CEDEX
département Département Charente Maritime
insee INSEE 17299
countryName Country France
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions 7.64 and later) FR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions 7.64 and later) FRA
Element Name Description Example
streetNumber Street Number 15A
streetNumberNumber Street Number (Number) 15
streetNumberAlpha Street Number (Alpha) A
buildingName Building Name Monterey Apartments
floorNumber Floor Number Floor 5
floorNumberType Floor Number (Type) Floor
floorNumberNumber Floor Number (Number) 5
unitTextual Unit Textual Basement Flat
unitTextualId Unit Textual (ID) Basement
unitTextualType Unit Textual (Type) Flat
unitAlphaNum Unit AlphaNum Flat 1
unitAlphaNumType Unit AlphaNum (Type) Flat
unitAlphaNumId Unit AlphaNum (ID) 1
subBuildingNumber Sub-Building Number 1
street Street South Fern Glen Road
streetName Street (Name) Fern Glen
streetType Street (Type) Road
streetDirection Street (Direction) South
allPostalDeliveryTypes All Postal Delivery Types (A generic element that will match B11, B12, B13, or B14 as appropriate. The sub-elements B101 and B102 will match accordingly) PO Box 10
allPostalDeliveryTypesType All Postal Delivery Types (Type) PO Box
allPostalDeliveryTypesNumber All Postal Delivery Types (Number) 10
poBox PO Box (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) PO Box 10
poBoxType PO Box (Type) PO Box
poBoxNumber PO Box (Number) 10
privateBag Private Bag (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output.) Private Bag 5
privateBagType Private Bag (Type) Private Bag
privateBagNumber Private Bag (Number) 5
counterDelivery Counter Delivery (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) Counter Delivery
counterDeliveryType Counter Delivery (Type) Counter Delivery
counterDeliveryNumber Counter Delivery (Number) (This element is usually blank)
cmb CMB (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) CMB A4
cmbType CMB (Type) CMB
cmbNumber CMB (Number) A4
ruralDelivery Rural Delivery RD 3
city City Warkworth
postcode Postcode 3216
suburb Suburb Warkworth
suburbInvalidAliases Suburb Invalid Aliases (Denotes elements that contain aliases that cannot be used in accreditation matching. These elements are not configurable in the final address) Henderson
lobbyName Lobby Name Otaki Railway
pnrLobbyName PNR Lobby Name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Wellington
country Country (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) New Zealand
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR
dataFusionAddressTypeCode The numeric values that denotes different address type code 1
dataFusionAddressTypeDescription Returns a full string representing the address type URBAN
dataFusionDpid Returns a unique numeric identifier for an address, for example 4567. The identifier is defined by New Zealand Post 4567
dataFusionStreetId Returns a unique numeric identifier for a street. The identifier is defined by New Zealand Post. This element is not populated if an address does not contain a street 1324
roundNumber Postal area information relating to the specific delivery job. Always in the format:3 letters + 3 numbers + 15 spaces + 1 number NMS005                6
sequenceNumber The order the address should appear within a mail file provided to New Zealand Post.This is always a number with a maximum of seven digits.
Element Name Description
empty Empty line
companyName Company/organisation name assigned
department Departments within an organisation that are postally addressable
streetNumber Street/Building number
buildingLevel Building level
buildingGroup Building group
buildingGroupName Building group name
buildingGroupDesc Building group description
extension Building extension
extensionAlt Building extension alternative information
extensionAltName Building extension alternative name
extensionNumber Building extension number
subBuildingType Sub building type
subBuildingNumber Sub building number
poBox PO Box / Delivery service full 1
poBoxType PO Box type
poBoxNumber PO Box number
box Box
boxType Box type
boxNumber Box number
streetPrimary Street primary
streetPreDirectionalPrimary Street pre directional primary
streetNamePrimary Street name primary
streetTypePrimary Street type primary
streetPostDirectionalPrimary Street post directional primary
streetSecondary Street secondary
streetNameSecondary Street name secondary
streetTypeSecondary Street type secondary
region Region
regionAlt Region alternative information
state State
stateAbbreviation State abbreviation
county County
town Town
preferredTown Preferred town name
localityL1 Locality L1
localityL2 Locality L2
localityL3 Locality L3
postcode Postcode
postcodeAlt1 Postcode alternative information 1
postcodeAlt2 Postcode alternative information 2
country Country
countryCode Country code
retained Retained
Element Name Description Example
buildingName2 Building Name 2 North Wing
buildingName Building Name Treasury Building
flatUnitName Flat/unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
buildingLevel Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
allotmentNumber1 Allotment number Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber2 Allotment number 16
subbuildingNumber Sub-building number 2a
subbuildingNumberNumber Sub-building number (number) 2
subbuildingNumberAlpha Sub-building number (alpha) a
buildingNumber Building number 1-26
buildingNumberFirst Building number (first) 1
buildingNumberLast Building number (last) 26
allPostalDeliveryTypes All postal delivery types
type Type PO Box
number Number 87
poBox PO Box PO Box 65
gpoBox GPO Box GPO Box M929
carePo Care PO Care PO
roadsideMailBox Roadside Mail Box RMB 65
roadsideDelivery Roadside Delivery RSD 21
communityMailAgent Community Mail Agent CMA
communityPostalAgent Community Postal Agent CPA
privateBag Private Bag Private Bag 6060
lockedBag Locked Bag Locked Bag 3
mailService Mail Service MS 494
communityMailBag Community Mail Bag CMB 111
roadsideMailService Roadside Mail Service RMS 1600
street Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
locality Locality Ayr
invalidLocalityAlias Invalid Locality Alias (Invalid Locality Alias may be used for searching but will never be returned in a final address) Mt Kelly
borderingLocality Bordering Locality (Denotes elements not returned by default) Alderley
stateCode State code QLD
postalCode Postal code 4807
borderingLocalityPostcode Bordering Locality Postcode (Denotes elements not returned by default) 4051
deliveryPointIdentifierDpidDid Delivery Point Identifier (DPID/DID) (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) 56729927
primaryPoint Primary Point (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) R
stateName State name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Queensland
countryName Country name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) AUS
barcodeSortPlanNumber 3 digit Barcode Sort Plan (BSP) number for an address
changeOfAddressDate Change of Address date. This indicates the date of the last change of occupancy
changeOfAddressFlag Change of Address flag. This indicates how many months ago the change of occupancy occurred 3
hin 10 digit Household Identification Number
mosaicGroup Mosaic 2021: Mosaic group, e.g. 'K'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic 2021 refresh K
mosaicType Mosaic 2021: Mosaic group and type, e.g. 'K39'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh K39
mosaicElement Mosaic 2021: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild K39_1
householdMosaicElement Mosaic 2021: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild K39_1
affluence Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 3
householdIncome Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Income band, e.g. '5'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 5
maximumLengthOfResidence Mosaic 2021: Single character representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh. 2
relations Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Composition category, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. 2
headOfHouseholdAge Mosaic 2018: The code representing the Head of Household Age band, e.g. '11'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 11
lifestage Mosaic 2021: 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g. '09' Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 09
adultsAtAddress Mosaic 2021: An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g.'3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 3
propensityForChildren0To10Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 0 -10 years 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '05'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 11 -18 years 05
f1ScoreFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition -24255
f1PercentileFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition 13
f2ScoreProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-024255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity -024255
f2PercentileProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity 13
f3ScoreDependants Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Lifestage though the column name still refers to Dependants -24255
f3PercentileDependants Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Lifestage though the column name still refers to Dependants 13
f4ScoreCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild -24255
f4PercentileCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 13
f5ScoreHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Work Commute though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership -24255
f5PercentileHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Work Commute, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership 13
f6ScoreMultiDwellings Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh -24255
f6PercentileMultiDwellings Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh
gnafLatitude Latitude of the address in degrees, e.g. '-37.36555450' -37.36555450
gnafLongitude Longitude of the address in degrees, e.g. '144.52962801' 144.52962801
localGovernmentAreaCode 5-digit LGA code, e.g. '39299' 39299
localGovernmentAreaDescription The name of the Local Government Area, for example 'Onkaparinga (C)' Onkaparinga (C)
businessResidentialCode Single character indicating the premises type for the DPID, e.g. 'R' R
ausbar Standard address barcode for an address
meshblock 11 digit meshblock code.
meshblockLatitude Latitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
meshblockLongitude Longitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '144.53153100' 144.53153100
sa1Code 7 digit SA1 code
sa1Latitude Latitude of the SA1 centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
sa1Longitude Longitude of the SA1 centroid in degrees, e.g. '144.53153100' 144.53153100
Element Name Description Example
buildingName Building name Treasury Building
flatUnitName Flat/Unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/Unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
subBuildingNumber Sub-building number 5a
subBuildingNumberNumber Sub-building number (number) 5
subBuildingNumberAlpha Sub-building number (alpha) a
buildingLevel Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
buildingNumber Building number 1-131
buildingNumberFirst Building number (first) 1
buildingNumberLast Building number (last) 131
allotmentNumber1 Allotment number Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber2 Allotment number 16
street Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
privateStreet Private Street Private Street
locality Locality Ayr
borderingLocality Bordering Locality Mt Kelly
stateCode State code QLD
stateName State Name Queensland
postcode Postcode 4807
countryName Country Name Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character country code AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character country code AUS
geocodeLevelCode This is the geocode level code. The value is a number between 0 and 7; for example, '2' 2
geocodeLevelDescription This is the geocode level description; for example, 'Street level geocode only' Street level geocode only
geocodeTypeCode This is the geocode type code. The value is 2-4 alphabetic characters in uppercase; for example, 'LB' LB
geocodeTypeDescription This is the geocode type description; for example, 'Letterbox' Letterbox
addressLevelLongitude The address-level longitude in degrees
addressLevelLatitude The address-level latitude in degrees
addressLevelElevation The address-level elevation
addressLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The address-level planimetric accuracy
addressLevelBoundaryExtent The address-level boundary extent
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The address-level geocode reliability code; for example, '2' 2
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The address-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary' Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary
streetLevelLongitude The street-level longitude in degrees
streetLevelLatitude The street-level latitude in degrees
streetLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The street-level planimetric accuracy
streetLevelBoundaryExtent The street-level boundary extent
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The street-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '4', or blank 4
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The street-level geocode reliability description. If the reliability code is '4', this is 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature
localityLevelLongitude The locality-level longitude in degrees
localityLevelLatitude The locality-level latitude in degrees
localityLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The locality-level planimetric accuracy
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The locality-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '5', '6', or blank 5
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The locality-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood
longitude The highest-level longitude in degrees
latitude The highest-level latitude in degrees
elevation The highest-level elevation
planimetricAccuracy The highest-level planimetric accuracy
boundaryExtent The highest-level boundary extent
geocodeReliabilityCode The highest-level geocode reliability code
geocodeReliabilityDescription The highest-level geocode reliability description
gnafPid Persistent identifier of an address. This is a unique 14-character alphanumeric identifier of the address record; for example, 'GANSW716798454' GANSW716798454
gnafAddressTypeCode This is the address type code; for example, 'R/RMB' R/RMB
gnafAddressTypeDescription This is the address type description; for example, 'Rural Roadside Mail Box' Rural Roadside Mail Box
streetPid This is a unique street persistent identifier
localityPid This is a unique locality persistent identifier
confidenceLevelCode This is the confidence level code. The value is numerical; for example '2' 2
confidenceLevelDescription This is the confidence level descriptor. The value is alpahbetic; for example 'All three contributors have supplied an identical address' All three contributors have supplied an identical address
2021MeshBlockId The 2021 version of the Mesh Block ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2021MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2021 version of the Mesh Block Code
2021MeshBlockMatchCode2021MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2021 Mesh Blocks
2021MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2021 Mesh Block match level
2016MeshBlockId The 2016 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2016MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2016 version of the MeshBlock Code
2016MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2016 Mesh Blocks
2016MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2016 Mesh Block match level
complexAddressTypeCode Returns the Address Type, indicating if the address is a Primary or Secondary address. If the Primary/Secondary relationship does not exist, then this element would be blank, otherwise the possible values areP andS: P: Primary Address, S: Secondary Address P
primaryAddressPid This element will only be populated if the input address is a secondary address. In that case, this element would contain the PID of the primary address
addressJoinTypeCode Returns the Join Type Code. The possible values are 1 or 2: 1: Both parent and child have the same root address, 2: Parent and child may or may not have the same root address
gnafLegalParcelIdentifier The Legal Parcel Id field is populated with the cadastral information using the same concatenations (where applicable) as adopted for the Jurisdiction Id used in the Cadastre theme (CAD table) of the CadLite product
collectorDistrictId This is a unique Collector District persistent identifier
collectorDistrictCode This is the Collector District Code
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryId This is a unique Commonwealth Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryName This is the Commonwealth Electoral Boundary name
localGovernmentAreaId This is a Local Government Area persistent identifier
localGovernmentAreaName This is the Local Government Area name
statisticalLocalAreaId This is a Statistical Local Area persistent identifier
statisticalLocalAreaCode This is a Statistical Local Area code
statisticalLocalAreaName This is a Statistical Local Area name
stateElectoralBoundaryId This is a State Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
stateElectoralBoundaryName This is a State Electoral Boundary name
stateElectoralEffectiveStart This is the date that the electorate becomes effective
stateElectoralEffectiveEnd This is the end date when electorate is no longer in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryId This is the State Electoral Boundary identifier for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryName This is the State Electoral Boundary name for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewEffectiveStart This is the start date that the new electorate will become effective
stateElectoralNewEffectiveEnd This is the end date when the new electorate will no longer be in effect
mosaicGroup Mosaic Group, e.g. 'K' K
mosaicType Mosaic Group and Type, e.g. 'K39' K39
mosaicSegmentCode Mosaic Segment, eg 'A01_3' A01_3
factor1Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor1Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor2Score Factors score, e.g. '-024255' -024255
factor2Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor3Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor3Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor4Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor4Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
factor5Score Factors score, e.g. '-24255' -24255
factor5Percentile Factors percentile, e.g. '13' 13
lengthOfResidence The code representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2' 2
headOfHouseholdAge The code representing the Age band, e.g. '11' 11
propensityForChildren0To10Years Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02' 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02' 02
adultsAtAddress An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g. '3' 3
householdComposition Single digit code representing the Household Composition band, e.g.'2' 2
lifestage 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g. '09' 09
householdIncome Single digit code representing the Household Income band, e.g.'5' 5
affluence Single digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3' 3
riskInsight Code representing the Risk Insight band, e.g. '7' 7
creditDemand Code representing the Credit Demand band, e.g. '7' 7
Element Name Description Example
pafBuildingName2 PAF Building name 2 North Wing
pafBuildingName PAF Building name Treasury Building
gnafBuildingName G-NAF Building name Treasury Building
pafFlatUnitName PAF Flat/Unit name Flat 2
flatUnitType Flat/Unit type Flat
flatUnitNumber Flat/unit number 2
gnafFlatUnitName G-NAF Flat/Unit name Flat 2
gnafFlatUnitType GNAF Flat/Unit type Flat
gnafFlatUnitNumber G-NAF Flat/Unit number 2
pafSubBuildingNumber PAF Sub-building number 2
gnafSubBuildingNumber G-NAF Sub-building number
pafBuildingLevel PAF Building level Level 7
buildingLevelType Building level type Level
buildingLevelNumber Building level number 7
gnafBuildingLevel G-NAF Building level Level 7
gnafBuildingLevelType G-NAF Building level type Level
gnafBuildingLevelNumber G-NAF Building level number 7
pafBuildingNumber PAF Building number 26
gnafBuildingNumber G-NAF Building number
pafAllotment PAF Allotment Lot 16
allotmentLot Allotment lot Lot
allotmentNumber Allotment number 16
gnafAllotment G-NAF Allotment Lot 16
gnafAllotmentLot G-NAF Allotment lot Lot
gnafAllotmentNumber G-NAF Allotment number 16
allPostalDeliveryTypes All postal delivery types
type Type PO Box
number Number 87
poBox PO Box PO Box 65
gpoBox GPO Box GPO Box M929
carePo Care PO Care PO
roadsideMailBox Roadside Mail Box RMB 65
roadsideDelivery Roadside Delivery RSD 21
communityMailAgent Community Mail Agent CMA
communityPostalAgent Community Postal Agent CPA
privateBag Private Bag Private Bag 6060
lockedBag Locked Bag Locked Bag 3
mailService Mail Service MS 494
communityMailBag Community Mail Bag CMB 111
roadsideMailService Roadside Mail Service RMS 1600
pafStreet PAF Street Tudor Court East
streetName Street name Tudor
streetType Street type Court
streetTypeSuffix Street type suffix East
gnafStreet G-NAF Street Tudor Court East
gnafStreetName G-NAF Street name Tudor
gnafStreetType G-NAF Street type Court
gnafStreetTypeSuffix G-NAF Street type suffix East
pafLocality PAF Locality Ayr
pafInvalidLocalityAlias PAF Invalid Locality Alias (Invalid Locality Alias may be used for searching but will never be returned in a final address) Mt Kelly
pafBorderingLocality PAF Bordering Locality (Denotes elements not returned by default) Alderley
gnafLocality G-NAF Locality Ayr
gnafBorderingLocality G-NAF Bordering Locality Mt Kelly
stateCode State code QLD
stateName State Name Queensland
pafPostcode PAF Postcode 4807
pafBorderingLocalityPostcode PAF Bordering Locality Postcode (Denotes elements not returned by default) 4051
gnafPostcode G-NAF Postcode 4807
countryName Country Name Australia
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two Character Country Code AU
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three Character Country Code AUE
primaryPoint Primary Point (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) R
addressSourceCode Returns the Address Source code. The possible values are P, G, PG or PGB P, G, PG or PGB
addressSourceDescription Returns the Address Source description. The possible values are: Address exists on PAF only (P), Address exists on G-NAF only (G), Address exists on both PAF and G-NAF (PG), Address exists on both PAF and G-NAF but level information exists on PAF only (PGB) Address exists on PAF only (P)
barcodeSortPlanNumber 3 digit BarcodeSort Plan (BSP) numberfor an address
changeOfAddressDate Change of Address date. This indicates the date of the last change of occupancy
changeOfAddressFlag Change of Address flag. This indicates how many months ago the change of occupancy occurred. There are three possible values: 3: 3 months or less, 6: between 3 and 6 months, 12: between 6 and 12 months 3
hin 10 digit Household Identification Number
mosaicGroup Mosaic 2021 group, e.g. 'A' A
mosaicType Mosaic 2021 group and type, e.g. 'A01' A01
mosaicElement Mosaic 2021Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh K39_1
householdMosaicElement2015 Mosaic 2013: Mosaic Element, e.g. 'K39_1'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh K39_1
affluence Mosaic 2021: Single or double digit code representing the Affluence band, e.g. '3' or '99'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 3
householdIncome Mosaic 2021: Single or double digit code representing the HouseholdIncome band, e.g. '5' or '99'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 5
maximumLengthOfResidence Mosaic 2021: Single character representing the Length of Residence band, e.g. '2'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 2
relations Mosaic 2021: Single digit code representing the Household Composition category, e.g. “2”. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild 2
headOfHouseholdAge Mosaic 2021: The code representing the Head of HouseholdAgeband, e.g. '11'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 11
lifestage Mosaic 2021: 2-digit code representing the Lifestage band, e.g.'09'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 09
adultsAtAddress Mosaic 2021: An estimate of the number of adults at the address, e.g. '3'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh 3
propensityForChildren0To10Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '02''. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 0 - 10 years 02
propensityForChildren11To18Years Mosaic 2021: Double digit code representing the band, e.g. '05'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild. Now applies to Propensity for Children 11 - 18 years 05
f1ScoreFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition -24255
f1PercentileFamilyComposition Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g.'13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Household Composition though the column name still refers to Family Composition 13
f2ScoreProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-024255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity -024255
f2PercentileProsperity Mosaic 2021: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic rebuild to Socioeconomic Status though the column name still refers to Prosperity 13
f3ScoreDependants Mosaic 2013: Factors percentile, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh to Workforce Participation, though the column name still refers to Dependants -24255
f3PercentileDependants Mosaic 2013: Factors percentile, e.g.'13'. Updated as part of 2015 Mosaic refresh to Workforce Participation, though the column name still refers to Dependants 13
f4ScoreCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild -24255
f4PercentileCulturalDiversity Mosaic 2018: Factors percentile, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2018 Mosaic rebuild 13
f5ScoreHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '-24255'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh to Cultural Diversity, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership -24255
f5PercentileHousingOwnership Mosaic 2021: Factors score, e.g. '13'. Updated as part of 2021 Mosaic refresh to Cultural Diversity, though the column name still refers to Housing Ownership 13
businessResidentialCode Single character indicating the premises type for the address e.g. 'R' R
geocodeLevelCode This is the geocode level code. The value is a number between 0 and 7; for example, '2' 2
geocodeLevelDescription This is the geocode level description; for example, 'Street level geocode only' Street level geocode only
geocodeTypeCode This is the geocode type code. The value is 2-4 alphabetic characters in uppercase; for example, 'LB' LB
geocodeTypeDescription This is the geocode type description; for example, 'Letterbox' Letterbox
addressLevelLongitude The address-level longitude in degrees
addressLevelLatitude The address-level latitude in degrees
addressLevelElevation The address-level elevation
addressLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The address-level planimetric accuracy
addressLevelBoundaryExtent The address-level boundary extent
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The address-level geocode reliability code; for example, '2' 2
addressLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The address-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary' Geocode accuracy sufficient to place centroid within address site boundary
streetLevelLongitude The street-level longitude in degrees
streetLevelLatitude The street-level latitude in degrees
streetLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The street-level planimetric accuracy
streetLevelBoundaryExtent The street-level boundary extent
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The street-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '4', or blank 4
streetLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The street-level geocode reliability description. If the reliability code is '4', this is 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique road feature
localityLevelLongitude The locality-level longitude in degrees
localityLevelLatitude The locality-level latitude in degrees
localityLevelPlanimetricAccuracy The locality-level planimetric accuracy
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityCode The locality-level geocode reliability code. The value of this is either '5', '6', or blank 5
localityLevelGeocodeReliabilityDescription The locality-level geocode reliability description; for example, 'Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood' Geocode accuracy sufficient to associate address site with a unique locality or neighbourhood
longitude The highest-level longitude in degrees
latitude The highest-level latitude in degrees
elevation The highest-level elevation
planimetricAccuracy The highest-level planimetric accuracy
boundaryExtent The highest-level boundary extent
geocodeReliabilityCode The highest-level geocode reliability code
geocodeReliabilityDescription The highest-level geocode reliability description
gnafPid Persistent identifier of an address. This is a unique 14-character alphanumeric identifier of the address record; for example, 'GANSW716798454' GANSW716798454
gnafAddressTypeCode This is the address type code; for example, 'R/RMB' R/RMB
gnafAddressTypeDescription This is the address type description; for example, 'Rural Roadside Mail Box' Rural Roadside Mail Box
streetPid This is a unique street persistent identifier
localityPid This is a unique locality persistent identifier
confidenceLevelCode This is the confidence level code. The value is numerical; for example '2' 2
confidenceLevelDescription This is the confidence level descriptor. The value is alpahbetic; for example 'All three contributors have supplied an identical address' All three contributors have supplied an identical address
2016MeshBlockId The 2016 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2016MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2016 version of the MeshBlock Code
2016MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2016 Mesh Blocks
2016MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2016 Mesh Block match level
2011MeshBlockId The 2011 version of the MeshBlock ID. This element consists of 15 alphanumeric characters: a 4 character descriptor, followed by the 11 digit Mesh Block Code
2011MeshBlockCode The 11-digit 2011 version of the MeshBlock Code
2011MeshBlockMatchCode The code for the level of matching to 2011 Mesh Blocks
2011MeshBlockMatchDescription The description of the 2011 Mesh Block match level
complexAddressTypeCode Returns the Address Type, indicating if the address is a Primary or Secondary address. If the Primary/Secondary relationship does not exist, then this element would be blank, otherwise the possible values areP andS: P: Primary Address, S: Secondary Address P
primaryAddressPid This element will only be populated if the input address is a secondary address. In that case, this element would contain the PID of the primary address
addressJoinTypeCode Returns the Join Type Code. The possible values are 1 or 2: 1: Both parent and child have the same root address, 2: Parent and child may or may not have the same root address 1
collectorDistrictId This is a unique Collector District persistent identifier
collectorDistrictCode This is the Collector District Code
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryId This is a unique Commonwealth Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
commonwealthElectoralBoundaryName This is the Commonwealth Electoral Boundary name
localGovernmentAreaId This is a Local Government Area persistent identifier
localGovernmentAreaName This is the Local Government Area name
statisticalLocalAreaId This is a Statistical Local Area persistent identifier
statisticalLocalAreaCode 9-digit SLA code, e.g. '150154750' 150154750
statisticalLocalAreaName This is a Statistical Local Area name
stateElectoralBoundaryId This is a State Electoral Boundary persistent identifier
stateElectoralBoundaryName This is a State Electoral Boundary name
stateElectoralEffectiveStart This is the date that the electorate becomes effective
stateElectoralEffectiveEnd This is the end date when electorate is no longer in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryId This is the State Electoral Boundary identifier for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewBoundaryName This is the State Electoral Boundary name for new electorate that will be in effect
stateElectoralNewEffectiveStart This is the start date that the new electorate will become effective
stateElectoralNewEffectiveEnd This is the end date when the new electorate will no longer be in effect
meshblock 11 digit Meshblock code
meshblockLatitude Latitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g. '-37.36647900' -37.36647900
meshblockLongitude Longitude of the Meshblock centroid in degrees, e.g.'144.53153100' 144.53153100
sa1Code 11 digit SA1 code.
Element Name Description Example
defaultStreet Default street rue de Bretagne
buildingNumber Building number 2
postalCode Postal code 1200
dutchStreet Dutch street (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Bretagnestraat
frenchStreet French street (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) rue de Bretagne
germanStreet German street (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Am Adesberg
defaultProvince Default province (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) West-Vlaanderen
dutchProvince Dutch province (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Brussel-Hoofdstad
frenchProvince French province (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Flandre Occidentale
germanProvince German province (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Westflandern
defaultDistrict Default district Büllingen
dutchDistrict Dutch district (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Büllingen
frenchDistrict French district (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Bullange
germanDistrict German district (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Büllingen
defaultPlace Default place (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Bruxelles
dutchPlace Dutch place (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Brussel
frenchPlace French place (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Bruxelles
germanPlace German place (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Amel
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Belgium
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) BE
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) BEL
Element Name Description Example
largeVolumeReceiverName Large volume receiver name Athabasca University
governmentDepartmentName Government department name Agriculture Canada
generalDeliveryName General Delivery name General Delivery
governmentBranchName Government branch name Farm Credit Corporation
poBox PO Box PO Box 302
generalDelivery General Delivery GD
submittedPoBox Submitted PO Box (Elements used in Batch output address formats only) Case postale 6185
submittedGeneralDelivery Submitted General Delivery (Elements used in Batch output address formats only) PR
premisesNumberRange Premises number/range 14
buildingName Building name Denby House
subPremisesNumberRange Sub-premises number/range 102
suiteUnitApartmentNumber Suite/Unit/Apartment number Suite 103
routeServiceBoxRange Route service box range 51138
streetName Street name Greenman Drive SW
routeNameAndNumber Route name and number RR 1
municipality Municipality KINGSTON
deliveryInstallationName Delivery installation name STN MAIN
deliveryInstallationQualifierNameAndType Delivery installation qualifier name and type Succ Bureau-Chef
postalCode Postal Code K7M 7T5
provinceCode Province code NL
provinceNameEnglish Province name (English) (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Newfoundland and Labrador
provinceNameFrench Province name (French) (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador
submittedProvince Submitted Province (Elements used in Batch output address formats only) Nouvelle-Écosse
directoryAreaName Directory area name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Sudbury
invalidMunicipalityName Invalid municipality name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Belmont Park
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Canada
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) CA
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) CAN
Element Name Description Example
buildingNumberPreStreet Building Number (Pre-Street) 13a
buildingNumberPostStreet Building Number (Post-Street) 13a
buildingName Building name Chalet Domenica
street Street chemin de la Plaine
cantonAbbreviation Canton Abbreviation (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) ZH
cantonName Canton Name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Zürich
town Town PRANGINS
postcode Postcode 3284
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Switzerland
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) CH
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) CHE
6DigitPostcode The first four digits represent the postcode. The last two digits are used to distinguish between any addresses that may share the same first four digits. Such addresses are termed NPAs (Numéro postal d'acheminement)
addressIdentifier This is a 7-8 digit key. This number remains unchanged, unless there is a modification of part of the address. For example, changing the name of the street
Element Name Description Example
organisation Organisation Deutsche Post AG
department1 Department 1 Direktion Nürnberg
department2 Department 2 Bau- und Immobiliencenter Süd-Ost
poBox PO Box Postfach 50 01 44
street Street Abbachstr.
premiseNumber Premise number 7
postcode Postcode 80992
town Town Frankfurt
townRegion Town - Region (Elements that are returned only if entered in the search or contained in the input address) Frankfurt am Main
district District (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Moosach
state State (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Bayern
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Germany
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) DE
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) DEU
Element Name Description Example
buildingNumber Building number 12
buildingName Building name Blok A
floor Floor st
apartmentNumber Apartment number (For pre-V5.0 products, the name of this element is 'apartment'. For V5.0 products and later, the name is 'apartment number') 12
apartmentName Apartment name th
street Street Sommerstedgade
postcode Postcode Holmbladsgade
postalDistrict Postal district København K
town Town (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Gølstrup
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Denmark
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) DN
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) DNK
Element Name Description Example
number Number 37
street Street Paseo Florida
postcode Postcode 42004
region Region (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Castilla Y León
province Province Soria
town Town Soria
country Country España
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) ES
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) ESP
Element Name Description Example
poBoxNumber PO box number 12
finnishStreet Finnish street Saarankatu
swedishStreet Swedish street Saragatan
buildingNumber Building number 34
postcode Postcode 40800
finnishLocality Finnish locality Helsinki
swedishLocality Swedish locality Helsingfors
finnishMunicipality Finnish municipality (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Espoo
swedishMunicipality Swedish municipality (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Esbo
municipalityCode Municipality code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) 049
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Finland
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) FI
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) FIN
Element Name Description Example
companyName Company name Banque de France
department Department name Accounts Department
poBoxType1 PO Box type BP 12
poBoxType2 PO Box type CE 12
poBoxType3 PO Box type CP 12
poBoxType4 PO Box type LP 12
poBoxType5 PO Box type CS 12
additionalGeographicData Additional geographic data Centre Commercial
postalLocalityGeographicTown Postal locality / Geographic town (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product.The L42 element is not populated in the raw data, but is only used to hold any secondary street information which is returned by Batch in the output address) lieu dit au Bois
number Number 16
numberExtension Number extension A
secondaryNumber Secondary number 28
secondaryNumberExtension Secondary number extension B
street Street rue du General de Gaulle
streetType Street (Type) rue
streetOtherWords Street (Other words) du General de
streetKeyword Street (Keyword) Gaulle
submittedPostalLocalityGeographicTown Submitted Postal locality / Geographic town Cesseins
postcode Postcode 17306
town Town (The town name is blank in CEDEX addresses) Rochefort
cedexOffice Cedex office Strasbourg Cedex 9
département Département. (This element also holds “département number” as an alias) Charente Maritime
inseeCode INSEE code 17299
afnorLine1 AFNOR line 1 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product.You can also use the O11 element (company name) to specify AFNOR line 1 in the input layout)
afnorLine2 AFNOR line 2 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product)
afnorLine3 AFNOR line 3 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product)
country Country France
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions v8 and later) FR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions v8 and later) FRA
streetRegistrationNumber This is a unique number which identifies each street in France. This is used mainly by the SNA as a way of navigating through their data files, although some companies use it as an aid in address de-duplication
roudisNumber This reference code provides an entry point into the ROUDIS2000 file provided by La Poste, which contains descriptions of the postman's walk. This code will not change even if the address changes in some way (for example, if the street is renamed). It is used for Mailsort purposes
geographicalKey This is a unique number which identifies each building or premises, and is used for address de-duplication. Note that two flats within the same building will have the same GeoKey, while two flats in different buildings will have different GeoKeys. This number stays the same even if the address changes in some way (e.g. the street is renamed).
matchingFlag A value of N indicates that a matching premises has been found in the data, while a value of Y indicates that the premises could not be confirmed. This information can be used to warn users that the address they have selected may not be deliverable Y
Element Name Description Example
companyName Company name Banque de France
department Department name Accounts Department
poBoxType1 PO Box type BP 12
poBoxType2 PO Box type CE 12
poBoxType3 PO Box type CP 12
poBoxType4 PO Box type LP 12
poBoxType5 PO Box type CS 12
additionalGeographicData Additional geographic data Centre Commercial
postalLocalityGeographicTown Postal locality / Geographic town (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product.The L42 element is not populated in the raw data, but is only used to hold any secondary street information which is returned by Batch in the output address) lieu dit au Bois
number Number 16
numberExtension Number extension A
secondaryNumber Secondary number 28
secondaryNumberExtension Secondary number extension B
street Street rue du General de Gaulle
streetType Street (Type) rue
streetOtherWords Street (Other words) du General de
streetKeyword Street (Keyword) Gaulle
submittedPostalLocalityGeographicTown Submitted Postal locality / Geographic town Cesseins
postcode Postcode 17306
town Town (The town name is blank in CEDEX addresses) Rochefort
cedexOffice Cedex office Strasbourg Cedex 9
département Département. (This element also holds “département number” as an alias) Charente Maritime
inseeCode INSEE code 17299
afnorLine1 AFNOR line 1 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product.You can also use the O11 element (company name) to specify AFNOR line 1 in the input layout)
afnorLine2 AFNOR line 2 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product)
afnorLine3 AFNOR line 3 Unmatched retained address information (These elements are only relevant to Batch, and are not used in any other Experian Data Quality product)
country Country France
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions v8 and later) FR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions v8 and later) FRA
streetRegistrationNumber This is a unique number which identifies each street in France. This is used mainly by the SNA as a way of navigating through their data files, although some companies use it as an aid in address de-duplication
roudisNumber This reference code provides an entry point into the ROUDIS2000 file provided by La Poste, which contains descriptions of the postman's walk. This code will not change even if the address changes in some way (for example, if the street is renamed). It is used for Mailsort purposes
geographicalKey This is a unique number which identifies each building or premises, and is used for address de-duplication. Note that two flats within the same building will have the same GeoKey, while two flats in different buildings will have different GeoKeys. This number stays the same even if the address changes in some way (e.g. the street is renamed).
matchingFlag A value of N indicates that a matching premises has been found in the data, while a value of Y indicates that the premises could not be confirmed. This information can be used to warn users that the address they have selected may not be deliverable Y
Element Name Description Example
companyName Company name (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Banque de France
department Department name (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Accounts Department
allPoBoxTypes All PO Box Types BP 12
allPoBoxTypesType All PO Box Types (Type) BP
allPoBoxTypesNumber All PO Box Types (Number) 12
additionalGeographicData Additional geographic data (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses)
number Number (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) 16
streetName Street name rue du General de Gaulle
locality Locality (Denotes elements that only occur in CEDEX addresses) Cesseins
postcode Postcode 17306
townCedexOffice Town / CEDEX office Rochefort CEDEX
département Département Charente Maritime
insee INSEE 17299
countryName Country France
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions 7.64 and later) FR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (In Pro and Pro Web versions 7.50 and later, and Batch versions 7.64 and later) FRA
Element Name Description Example
organisation Organisation Experian Ltd
department Department Sales
wholePoBox Whole PO Box PO Box 12
poBoxName PO Box (Name) PO Box
poBoxNumber PO Box (Number) 12
britishForcesPostOfficeBfpo BritishForces Post Office (BFPO) BFPO 10
bfpoName BFPO (Name) BFPO
bfpoNumber BFPO (Number) 10
subBuildingName Sub-building name Flat 2
subBuildingNumber Whole Sub-building number 1G
subBuildingNumberPrimary Sub-building number (Primary) 1
subBuildingNumberAdditional Sub-building number (Additional) G
buildingName Building name Ocean Towers
buildingNumber Whole Building number 27a
buildingNumberPrimary Building number (Primary) 27
buildingNumberAdditional Building number (Additional) a
wholeDependentThoroughfare Whole Dependent thoroughfare Gorse View
dependentThoroughfareName Dependent thoroughfare (Name) Gorse
dependentThoroughfareDescriptor Dependent thoroughfare (Descriptor) View
submittedDependentThoroughfare Submitted Dependent thoroughfare (Elements that are only returnable if included in the search when using Pro)
wholeThoroughfare Whole thoroughfare Peak Lane
thoroughfareName Thoroughfare (Name) Peak
thoroughfareDescriptor Thoroughfare (Descriptor) Lane
submittedThoroughfare Submitted thoroughfare (Elements that are only returnable if included in the search when using Pro)
doubleDependentLocality Double dependent locality Kingston Gorse
dependentLocality Dependent locality East Preston
submittedPnrlocality Submitted PNRLocality Clapham
town Town Littlehampton
county County West Sussex
pnrCounty PNR county (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) West Midlands
postcode Postcode BN16 1 RW
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) United Kingdom
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GB
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR
deliveryPointSuffix Delivery PointSuffix (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) 1A
rawEasting Native OS or OSNI grid-reference (Northern Ireland uses a different projection to the rest of the UK)
rawNorthing Native OS or OSNI grid-reference (Northern Ireland uses a different projection to the rest of the UK)
osEasting 100m OS Easting grid-reference (Northern Ireland is mapped onto a standard UK projection)
osNorthing 100mOS Northing grid-reference (Northern Ireland is mapped onto a standard UK projection)
latitude WGS84 projection compatible with the GPS system and returned to six decimal places
longitude WGS84 projection compatible with the GPS system and returned to six decimal places
osLandranger OSLand-ranger format derived from OSEast and OSNorth
codePointEasting Native OS or OSNI grid-reference (Northern Ireland uses a different projection to the rest of the UK)
codePointNorthing Native OS or OSNI grid-reference (Northern Ireland uses a different projection to the rest of the UK)
codePointPositionalQualityIndicator Assesses the quality of the grid based on the quality of the AddressPoints used
codePointPoBoxIndicator Value is always “Yes” or “No”, depending on whether the postcode is a PO Box
codePointDeliveryPoints Indicates the number of delivery points on PAF for the current postcode
codePointDeliveryPointsWithPositionalQualityIndicators Indicates the number of delivery points on PAF for the current postcode
codePointDomesticDeliveryPoints Represents the number of non-PO Box delivery points with no PAF organisation name
codePointNonDomesticDeliveryPoints Represents the number of non-PO Box delivery points which have a PAF organisation name
codePointPoBoxDeliveryPoints Represents the number of PO Box delivery points
codePointAddressPointsPafMatched Represents the number of good AddressPoints after deduplication of Address Points with the same coordinates
codePointNonPafDeliveryPoints Represents the number of Delivery Points on PAF unmatched to OS data
europeanElectoralRegionCode Official code given to the Europen Electoral Region Code by the ONS in January 2011
europeanElectoralRegionCodePre2011 Official code for the European Electoral Region, as used by the ONS before January 2011
europeanElectoralRegionName Official name given to the European Electoral Region
governmentOfficeRegionCode Official code given to the Government Office Region by the ONS in January 2011
governmentOfficeForRegionCodePre2011 Official code for the Government Office Region, as used by the ONS before January 2011
governmentOfficeForRegionName Official name given to the Government Office Region
localEducationAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Education Authority
localEducationAuthorityName Official name given to the Local Education Authority
localAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Authority by the ONS in January 2011
localAuthorityCodePre2011 Official code given to the Local Authority by the ONS in January 2011
localAuthorityName Official name givento the Local Authority
governmentLocalAuthorityWardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward by the ONS in January 2011
localAuthorityWardCodePre-2011 Official code for the Local Authority Ward,as used by the ONS before January 2011
governmentLocalAuthorityWardName Officialname given to the local Authority Ward
censusOutputArea Census Area output code
wardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward as assigned in 1998
wardName Official name given to the local Authority Ward as assigned in 1998
nhsAuthorityCode Official NHS Authority code, as used by the ONS before January 2011
nhsAuthorityCode2011 Official code give to the NHS Authority by the ONS in January 2011
nhsAuthorityName Official name given to the NHS Authority
primaryCareLocalHealthCode Official Primary Care Trust or Local Health Groupcode, asused by the ONS before January 2011
primaryCareLocalHealthCode2011 Official code given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group by the ONS in January 2011
primaryCareOrLocalHealthName Official name given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group
healthLocalAuthorityWardCode Official Local Authority Ward code, asused by the ONS before January 2011
localAuthorityWardCode2011 Official code given to the Local Authority Ward by the ONS in January 2011
healthLocalAuthorityWardName Official name given to the Local Authority Ward
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaCode The 9 character area code for: - Clinical Commissioning Group in England(E.g. E38000056) - Local Health Board (LHB) in Wales - Community Health Partnership (CHP) in Scotland - LocalCommissioningGroup(LCG)in Northern Ireland - Primary Healthcare Directorate (PHD) in the Isle of Man E38000056
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaName Official name given to the area. NHS Eastern Cheshire
clinicalCommissioningGroupFormerDhAreaCode Department of Health area code. 01C
parliamentaryConstituencyCode Official code given to the Parliamentary Constituency
parliamentaryConstituencyName Official name given to the Parliamentary Constituency
memberOfParliament Name of the MP representing their constituency
memberOfParliamentsParty Name of the party to which the MP belongs
scottishParliamentaryConstituencyCode Official code given to the Scottish Parliamentary Constituency
scottishParliamentaryConstituencyName Official name given to the Scottish Parliamentary Constituency
parliamentaryRegionName Official name given to the Scottish Parliament electoral region
parliamentaryRegionCode Official code given to the Scottish Parliament electoral region.
scottishMemberOfParliament Name of the MSP representing the constituency.
scottishMemberOfParliamentsParty Name of the party to which the MSP belongs.
regionalMemberOfParliament1 Name of the first MSP representing the electoral region
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty1 Name of the party to which the first regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament2 Name of the second MSP representing the electoral region.
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty2 Name of the party to which the second regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament3 Name of the third MSP representing the electoral region.
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty3 Name of the party to which the third regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament4 Name of the forth MSP representing the electoral region.
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty4 Name of the party to which the forth regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament5 Name of the fifth MSP representing the electoral region.
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty5 Name of the party to which the fifth regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament6 Name of the sixth MSP representing the electoral region
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty6 Name of the party to which the sixth regional MSP belongs
regionalMemberOfParliament7 Name of the seventh MSP representing the electoral region
regionalMemberOfParliamentsParty7 Name of the party to which the seventh regional MSP belongs
mosaicHouseholdTypeCode 2 digit MOSAIC Type code 28
mosaicHouseholdTypeName MOSAIC Type name Modern Parents
mosaicHouseholdGroupCode Single character MOSAIC Group code B
mosaicHouseholdGroupName MOSAIC Group name Prestige Positions
mosaicPostcodeTypeCode 2 digit MOSAIC Type code 28
mosaicPostcodeTypeName MOSAIC Type name Modern Parents
mosaicPostcodeGroupCode Single character MOSAIC Group code B
mosaicPostcodeGroupName MOSAIC Group name Prestige Positions
publicSectorMosaicPostcodeTypeCode 3 character MOSAIC Type code. B08
publicSectorMosaicPostcodeTypeName MOSAIC Type name Families and singles living in developments built since 2001
publicSectorMosaicPostcodeGroupCode Single character MOSAIC Group code B
publicSectorMosaicPostcodeGroupName MOSAIC Group name Younger families living in newer homes
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdTypeCode 3 character MOSAIC Type code. B08
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdTypeName MOSAIC Type name (Some of the Mosaic Type and Group names are very long. You should ensure you set the line width to the maximum 120 characters if you are returning Mosaic names) Families and singles living in developments built since 2001
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdGroupCode Single character MOSAIC Group code B
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdGroupName MOSAIC Group name (Some of the Mosaic Type and Group names are very long. You should ensure you set the line width to the maximum 120 characters if you are returning Mosaic names) Younger families living in newer homes
pafAddressKey PAF Address Key
pafOrganisationKey PAF Organisation Key
pafDeliveryPointType PAF Delivery Point Type “L” = large user organisation, “O” = smalluser organisation, “R” = smalluser residential
customerBarcode Customer Barcode sequence (hexadecimal)
dateMadeLiveOnPaf The date when the address was added to the Royal Mail’s Postcode Address File (PAF)
udprnKey The unique deliverry point reference number, an 8 character code assigned to every delivery point in the Royal Mails's Postcode Address file (PAF)
fss4PostcodeTypeCode This postcode's FSS '4 Type code 02
fss4PostcodeTypeName This postcode's FSS '4 Type name Portable Assets
fss4PostcodeGroupCode This postcode's FSS '4 Group code A
fss4PostcodeGroupName This postcode's FSS '4 Group name Bright Futures
fss4HouseholdTypeCode This household's FSS '4 Type code 10
fss4HouseholdTypeName This household's FSS '4 Type name Career Priorities
fss4HouseholdGroupCode This household's FSS '4 Group code D
fss4GHouseholdGroupName This household's FSS '4 Group name Growing Rewards
dnaRisk The DNA risk level of people living in this postcode area, between 50 and 200
dnaRiskBand The DNA risk band of people living in this postcode area (Low to High)
communicationPreference1 The preferred communication methods of people living in this postcode area, in order of preference Values can include: “Email”, “Face to Face”, “Letter”, “SMS Text”, “Telephone” and “Unclassified”
communicationPreference2 The preferred communication methods of people living in this postcode area, in order of preference Values can include: “Email”, “Face to Face”, “Letter”, “SMS Text”, “Telephone” and “Unclassified”
communicationPreference3 The preferred communication methods of people living in this postcode area, in order of preference Values can include: “Email”, “Face to Face”, “Letter”, “SMS Text”, “Telephone” and “Unclassified”
gbrgeoUprn Unique numeric identifier for every addressable location in Great Britain
gbrgeoEasting Easting value
gbrgeoNorthing Northing value
gbrgeoLatitude Latitude value
gbrgeoLongitude Longitude value
gbrisgUprn Unique numeric identifier for every addressable location in Great Britain and Islands
gbrisgEasting Easting value
gbrisgNorthing Northing value
gbrisgLatitude Latitude value
gbrisgLongitude Longitude value
Element Name Description Example
organisation Names of organisations
rmOrganisation Organisation name assigned to a Royal Mail postal delivery point
rmDepartment Departments within an organisation that are postally addressable
poBox Royal Mail PO Box number
paoNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number. This can be split into separate elements if required 24A
paoFirstNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, first number 24
paoFirstNumberSuffix The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, first number suffix A
paoSecondNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, second number
paoSecondNumberSuffix The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, second number suffix
paoTextEnglish A text description of the Primary Addressable Object Riverside House
paonEnglish A combination of the PAO Text and Number 63 65 Cardiff Arms Hotel
paoTextLocal The local language version of the PAO text
saoNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number. This can be split into separate elements if required 87B
saoFirstNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, first number 87
saoFirstNumberSuffix The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, first number suffix B
saoSecondNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, second number
saoSecondNumberSuffix The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, second number suffix
saoTextEnglish A text description of the Secondary Addressable Object Unit 3
levelEnglish The level name or number First Floor
saonEnglish A combination of the SAO Text and Number Charles M Willie Shipping Unit 6
saoTextLocal The local language version of the SAO text, if available
levelLocal The local language version of the level name or number
rmSubBuildingName Identifying names and/or numbers for subdivisions of a property, as used by Royal Mail
rmBuildingName Identifying names for buildings and single properties, as used by Royal Mail 44A
rmBuildingNumber Identifying numbers for buildings and single properties, as used by Royal Mail
legalName The legal name of an organisation, as registered at a Basic Land and Property Unit (BLPU)
streetEnglish The name of the street on which an addressable object is located
streetLocal The local language version of a street name, if applicable
rmThoroughfare The name of the Thoroughfare on which a Royal Mail postal delivery point is located. In most cases this will be the same as the Street name
rmWelshThoroughfare The Welsh version of the Thoroughfare name
rmDependentThoroughfare The Dependent Thoroughfare name, used by Royal Mail to identify postal addresses when two identical Thoroughfare names exist in the same Post Town
rmWelshDependentThoroughfare The Welsh version of the Dependent Thoroughfare name
administrativeAreaEnglish The Administrative Area is the local government subdivision in which an address is located. This may be a county, a London borough, or unitary authority Anglesey
administrativeAreaLocal The local language version of the Administrative Area name. Ynys Mon
townEnglish Town names London
townLocal The local language version of the Town name Abertawe
rmPostTown Royal Mail Post Town name
rmWelshPostTown The Welsh version of the Post Town name Casnewydd
postallyValidFlag This field is 'Y' if the address is postally valid Y
localityEnglish Name of a Locality within an Administrative Area Normanton
localityLocal Local language version of a Locality name
area Used to identify distinctive areas or property groups within a Locality, such as islands or crofts Eel Pie Island
rmDependentLocality Used by the Royal Mail to identify certain areas within a Post Town. If an address is located within a Dependent Locality, the Dependent Locality name will be a required part of the postal address
rmWelshDependentLocality The Welsh version of the Dependent Locality name
pnrLocality The postally non-required (PNR) locality. This is a name that is commonly used to identify part of a town, but is not officially required in addresses Clapham
rmDoubleDependentLocality Used by the Royal Mail to identify certain areas within a Dependent Locality. If an address is located within a Double Dependent Locality, the Double Dependent Locality name will be a required part of the postal address
rmWelshDoubleDependentLocality The Welsh version of the Double Dependent Locality name
postcode Postcode TW11 9LY
outcode Outcode TW11
incode Incode 9LY
uprn The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12-digit identifier for each land and property unit
country Country name United Kingdom
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two-character code that identifies the country GB
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three-character code that identifies the country GBR
blpuLogicalStatusCode A single digit, indicating the status of the address associated with the BLPU record 1
lpiLogicalStatusCode A single digit, indicating the status of the address associated with the LPI record 3
stateCode A single digit, indicating the current state of the BLPU 2
stateDate The date on which the BLPU entered its current state
startDate The date on which the BLPU was defined
lastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
entryDate The date of data entry
updateFrequency A single character, indicating how frequently the data is updated. The only value that can be returned is S, indicating six-weekly updates S
officialFlag A single character, indicating the status of an address in the official street naming and numbering register Y
pafProcessDate The date on which a Royal Mail Delivery Point Address was last updated
recordType A single digit that indicates the street type represented by the record 9
swaOrgRefNaming A four character code indicating the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or Local Highway Authority
streetClassification A two digit code indicating the classification of the street record 08
surfaceType A single digit showing the type of surface on the street 3
streetStateCode A single digit showing the current state of the street 4
streetStateDate The date on which the street entered its current state
version Version number of the street record
startX The Easting co-ordinate of the start point of the street
startY The Northing co-ordinate of the start point of the street
endX The Easting co-ordinate of the end point of the street
endY The Northing co-ordinate of the end point of the street
startLatitude Latitude of the start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
startLongitude Longitude of the start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
endLatitude Latitude of the end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
endLongitude Longitude of the end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
tolerance The potential variance in metres of the start and end co-ordinates of the street
organisationKey Unique 14-character key for the organisation record
lpiKey Unique 14-character key for the LPI record
blpuEasting Easting co-ordinate of the BLPU in metres (1 cm resolution)
blpuNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the BLPU in metres (1 cm resolution)
blpuEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the BLPU (10 cm resolution)
blpuNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the BLPU (10 cm resolution)
blpuLatitude Latitude of the location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system
blpuLongitude Longitude of the location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system
rpc A single digit Representative Point Code which provides more specific information about the location of the grid reference, in relation to the BLPU 5
postcodeLocator The postcode of the BLPU
buildingEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Building in metres (1 cm resolution)
buildingNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Building in metres (1 cm resolution)
buildingEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Building (10 cm resolution)
buildingNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Building (10 cm resolution)
streetEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Street in metres (1 cm resolution)
streetNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Street in metres (1 cm resolution)
streetEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Street (10 cm resolution)
streetNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Street (10 cm resolution)
postcodeEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Postcode in metres (1 cm resolution)
postcodeNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Postcode in metres (1 cm resolution)
postcodeEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Postcode (10 cm resolution)
postcodeNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Postcode (10 cm resolution)
usrn The USRN is an 8-character code assigned to every street
usrnMatchIndicator A single digit indicating how the returned address was matched to the USRN 2
udprn The Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number
deliveryPointSuffix A two character code uniquely identifying an individual delivery point within a postcode
addressLayer2Toid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Address Layer 2. This can be used to return TOIDs for addressable objects, such as buildings
topographyLayerToid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Topographical Layer. This can be used to return the TOID of the closest topographical feature to an object
integratedTransportNetworkToid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Integrated Transport NetworkTM. This is usually the road from which an object is accessible
crossReferenceMt Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMt Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMt The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMt The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMt The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMt The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceMa Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMa Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMa The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMa The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMa The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMa The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceMi Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMi Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMi The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMi The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMi The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMi The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceVc Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyVc Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionVc The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateVc The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateVc The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateVc The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceVn Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyVn Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionVn The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateVn The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateVn The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateVn The date of data entry for this record
addressBasePremiumClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record ADDRESSBASE PREMIUM CLASSIFICATION SCHEME
addressBasePremiumClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
addressBasePremiumClassificationKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
addressBasePremiumClassificationCode The code that describes the classification of the BLPU record
addressBasePremiumClassificationPrimaryDescription Description of the primary element (i.e. first character) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationSecondaryDescription Description of the secondary element (i.e. second character) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationTertiaryDescription Description of the tertiary element (i.e. third/fourth characters, expressed as a number) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumQuaternaryClassificationCodeDescription Description of the quaternary element (i.e. any characters after the fourth) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
addressBasePremiumClassificationEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
addressBasePremiumClassificationLastUpdatedDate The date on which the record was last updated
addressBasePremiumClassificationEntryDate The date of data entry for the record
voaPrimaryDescriptionClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record VOA PRIMARY DESCRIPTION
voaPrimaryDescriptionClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
voaPrimaryDescriptionKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
voaPrimaryDescriptionCode The code that describes this classification of the BLPU record
voaPrimaryDescriptionStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
voaPrimaryDescriptionEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
voaPrimaryDescriptionLastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
voaPrimaryDescriptionEntryDate The date of first data entry for the record
voaSpecialCategoryClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record VOA SPECIAL CATEGORY
voaSpecialCategoryClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
voaSpecialCategoryKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
voaSpecialCategoryCode The code that describes this classification of the BLPU record
voaSpecialCategoryStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
voaSpecialCategoryEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
voaSpecialCategoryLastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
voaSpecialCategoryEntryDate The date of first data entry for the record
postDeliveryFlag A single character, indicating whether a BLPU is a postal address D
parentUniquePropertyReferenceNumber The UPRN of the parent property associated with a record
custodianName The name of the custodian department or organisation
custodianUprn The Unique Property Reference Number of the custodian location
localCustodianName The name of the custodian in the relevant local language
localCustodianCode A four digit code identifying the custodian department or organisation
coOrdinateSystem The name of the co-ordinate system used in the dataset to describe positions British National Grid
coOrdinateUnit The unit of measurement for the co-ordinate system metres
postcodeType A single digit, indicating whether a postal address has a small or large user postcode
gazetteerName The name of the dataset AddressBasePremium
gazetteerScope Description of the contents of the dataset
linkedData Names of the external data sources that are used to update the dataset
gazetteerOwner The name of the organisation with overall responsibility for the dataset
metadataUpdateDate The date on which the metadata was last updated.
classScheme The name of the classification scheme used in the dataset
gazetteerDate Date at which the dataset can be considered current
multiOccupancyCount The number of child UPRNs for the record. Shows how many separate properties are present within a BLPU
parentAddressableUprn The Parent UPRN for a record. Shows if the record is part of a multi-occupancy address
nationCode The nation code E
nationName The nation name England
europeanElectoralRegionCode Official code given to the European Electoral Region
europeanElectoralRegionName Official name given to the European Electoral Region
governmentOfficeForRegionCode Official code given to the Government Office Region
governmentOfficeForRegionName Official name given to the Government Office Region
localEducationAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Education Authority
localEducationAuthorityName Official name given to the Local Education Authority
localAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Authority
localAuthorityName Official name given to the Local Authority
governmentLocalAuthorityWardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward
governmentLocalAuthorityWardName Official name given to the Local Authority Ward
censusOutputArea Census Area output code
nhsAuthorityCode Official code given to the NHS Authority
nhsAuthorityName Official name given to the NHS Authority
primaryCareLocalHealthCode Official code and name given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group
primaryCareLocalHealthName Official code and name given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group
healthLocalAuthorityWardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward
healthLocalAuthorityWardName Official name given to the Local Authority Ward
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaCode The 9 character area code for Commissioning Group in England, Local Health Board (LHB) in Wales, Community Health Partnership (CHP) in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group (LCG) in Northern Ireland and Primary Healthcare Directorate (PHD) in the Isle of Man E38000056
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaName Official name given to the area NHS Eastern Cheshire
clinicalCommissioningGroupFormerDhAreaCode Department of Health area code 01C
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdTypeCode 3 character MOSAIC Type code B08
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdTypeName MOSAIC Type name (Some of the Mosaic Type and Group names are very long. You should ensure you set the line width to the maximum 120 characters if you are returning Mosaic names) Families and singles living in developments built since 2001
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdGroupCode Single character MOSAIC Group code B
publicSectorMosaicHouseholdGroupName MOSAIC Group name (Some of the Mosaic Type and Group names are very long. You should ensure you set the line width to the maximum 120 characters if you are returning Mosaic names) Younger families living in newer homes
parliamentaryConstituencyCode Official code given to the Parliamentary Constituency
parliamentaryConstituencyName Official name given to the Parliamentary Constituency
memberOfParliament Name of the MP representing their constituency
memberOfParliamentsParty Name of the party to which the MP belongs
Element Name Description Example
organisation Names of organisations
rmOrganisation Organisation name assigned to a Royal Mail postal delivery point
rmDepartment Departments within an organisation that are postally addressable
poBox Royal Mail PO Box number
paoNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number. This can be split into separate elements if required 24A
paoFirstNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, first number 24
paoFirstNumberSuffix The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, first number suffix A
paoSecondNumber The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, second number
paoSecondNumberSuffix The Primary Addressable Object (PAO) number, second number suffix
paoTextEnglish A text description of the Primary Addressable Object Riverside House
paonEnglish A combination of the PAO Text and Number 63 65 Cardiff Arms Hotel
paoTextLocal The local language version of the PAO text
saoNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number. This can be split into separate elements if required 87B
saoFirstNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, first number 87
saoFirstNumberSuffix The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, first number suffix B
saoSecondNumber The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, second number
saoSecondNumberSuffix The Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) number, second number suffix
saoTextEnglish A text description of the Secondary Addressable Object Unit 3
levelEnglish The level name or number First Floor
saonEnglish A combination of the SAO Text and Number Charles M Willie Shipping Unit 6
saoTextLocal The local language version of the SAO text, if available
levelLocal The local language version of the level name or number
rmSubBuildingName Identifying names and/or numbers for subdivisions of a property, as used by Royal Mail
rmBuildingName Identifying names for buildings and single properties, as used by Royal Mail 44A
rmBuildingNumber Identifying numbers for buildings and single properties, as used by Royal Mail
legalName The legal name of an organisation, as registered at a Basic Land and Property Unit (BLPU)
streetEnglish The name of the street on which an addressable object is located
streetLocal The local language version of a street name, if applicable
rmThoroughfare The name of the Thoroughfare on which a Royal Mail postal delivery point is located. In most cases this will be the same as the Street name
rmWelshThoroughfare The Welsh version of the Thoroughfare name
rmDependentThoroughfare The Dependent Thoroughfare name, used by Royal Mail to identify postal addresses when two identical Thoroughfare names exist in the same Post Town
rmWelshDependentThoroughfare The Welsh version of the Dependent Thoroughfare name
administrativeAreaEnglish The Administrative Area is the local government subdivision in which an address is located. This may be a county, a London borough, or unitary authority Anglesey
administrativeAreaLocal The local language version of the Administrative Area name. Ynys Mon
townEnglish Town names London
townLocal The local language version of the Town name Abertawe
rmPostTown Royal Mail Post Town name
rmWelshPostTown The Welsh version of the Post Town name Casnewydd
postallyValidFlag This field is 'Y' if the address is postally valid Y
localityEnglish Name of a Locality within an Administrative Area Normanton
localityLocal Local language version of a Locality name
area Used to identify distinctive areas or property groups within a Locality, such as islands or crofts Eel Pie Island
rmDependentLocality Used by the Royal Mail to identify certain areas within a Post Town. If an address is located within a Dependent Locality, the Dependent Locality name will be a required part of the postal address
rmWelshDependentLocality The Welsh version of the Dependent Locality name
pnrLocality The postally non-required (PNR) locality. This is a name that is commonly used to identify part of a town, but is not officially required in addresses Clapham
rmDoubleDependentLocality Used by the Royal Mail to identify certain areas within a Dependent Locality. If an address is located within a Double Dependent Locality, the Double Dependent Locality name will be a required part of the postal address
rmWelshDoubleDependentLocality The Welsh version of the Double Dependent Locality name
postcode Postcode TW11 9LY
outcode Outcode TW11
incode Incode 9LY
uprn The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) is a unique 12-digit identifier for each land and property unit
country Country name United Kingdom
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code GB
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code GBR
blpuLogicalStatusCode A single digit, indicating the status of the address associated with the BLPU record 1
lpiLogicalStatusCode A single digit, indicating the status of the address associated with the LPI record 3
stateCode A single digit, indicating the current state of the BLPU 2
stateDate The date on which the BLPU entered its current state
startDate The date on which the BLPU was defined
lastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
entryDate The date of data entry
updateFrequency A single character, indicating how frequently the data is updated. The only value that can be returned is S, indicating six-weekly updates S
officialFlag A single character, indicating the status of an address in the official street naming and numbering register Y
pafProcessDate The date on which a Royal Mail Delivery Point Address was last updated
recordType A single digit that indicates the street type represented by the record 9
swaOrgRefNaming A four character code indicating the Street Naming and Numbering Authority or Local Highway Authority
streetClassification A two digit code indicating the classification of the street record 08
surfaceType A single digit showing the type of surface on the street 3
streetStateCode A single digit showing the current state of the street 4
streetStateDate The date on which the street entered its current state
version Version number of the street record
startX The Easting co-ordinate of the start point of the street
startY The Northing co-ordinate of the start point of the street
endX The Easting co-ordinate of the end point of the street
endY The Northing co-ordinate of the end point of the street
startLatitude Latitude of the start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
startLongitude Longitude of the start point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
endLatitude Latitude of the end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
endLongitude Longitude of the end point of the street in accordance with the ETRS89 co-ordinate reference system
tolerance The potential variance in metres of the start and end co-ordinates of the street
organisationKey Unique 14-character key for the organisation record
lpiKey Unique 14-character key for the LPI record
blpuEasting Easting co-ordinate of the BLPU in metres (1 cm resolution)
blpuNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the BLPU in metres (1 cm resolution)
blpuEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the BLPU (10 cm resolution)
blpuNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the BLPU (10 cm resolution)
blpuLatitude Latitude of the location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system
blpuLongitude Longitude of the location in accordance with the ETRS89 coordinate reference system
rpc A single digit Representative Point Code which provides more specific information about the location of the grid reference, in relation to the BLPU 5
postcodeLocator The postcode of the BLPU
buildingEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Building in metres (1 cm resolution)
buildingNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Building in metres (1 cm resolution)
buildingEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Building (10 cm resolution)
buildingNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Building (10 cm resolution)
streetEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Street in metres (1 cm resolution)
streetNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Street in metres (1 cm resolution)
streetEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Street (10 cm resolution)
streetNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Street (10 cm resolution)
postcodeEasting Easting co-ordinate of the Postcode in metres (1 cm resolution)
postcodeNorthing Northing co-ordinate of the Postcode in metres (1 cm resolution)
postcodeEastingAddressPointFormat Easting co-ordinate of the Postcode (10 cm resolution)
postcodeNorthingAddressPointFormat Northing co-ordinate of the Postcode (10 cm resolution)
usrn The USRN is an 8-character code assigned to every street
usrnMatchIndicator A single digit indicating how the returned address was matched to the USRN 2
udprn The Royal Mail Unique Delivery Point Reference Number
deliveryPointSuffix A two character code uniquely identifying an individual delivery point within a postcode
addressLayer2Toid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Address Layer 2. This can be used to return TOIDs for addressable objects, such as buildings
topographyLayerToid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Topographical Layer. This can be used to return the TOID of the closest topographical feature to an object
integratedTransportNetworkToid The TOID of the nearest feature to an object in the OS MasterMap® Integrated Transport NetworkTM. This is usually the road from which an object is accessible
crossReferenceMt Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMt Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMt The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMt The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMt The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMt The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceMa Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMa Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMa The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMa The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMa The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMa The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceMi Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyMi Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionMi The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateMi The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateMi The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateMi The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceVc Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyVc Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionVc The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateVc The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateVc The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateVc The date of data entry for this record
crossReferenceVn Primary key of the corresponding record in the external dataset
crossReferenceKeyVn Unique key for the application cross reference record
versionVn The version number of the source object, if applicable
startDateVn The date on which the record was created
lastUpdateDateVn The date on which the record was last changed
entryDateVn The date of data entry for this record
addressBasePremiumClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record ADDRESSBASE PREMIUM CLASSIFICATION SCHEME
addressBasePremiumClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
addressBasePremiumClassificationKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
addressBasePremiumClassificationCode The code that describes the classification of the BLPU record
addressBasePremiumClassificationPrimaryDescription Description of the primary element (i.e. first character) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationSecondaryDescription Description of the secondary element (i.e. second character) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationTertiaryDescription Description of the tertiary element (i.e. third/fourth characters, expressed as a number) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumQuaternaryClassificationCodeDescription Description of the quaternary element (i.e. any characters after the fourth) of the classification code
addressBasePremiumClassificationStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
addressBasePremiumClassificationEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
addressBasePremiumClassificationLastUpdatedDate The date on which the record was last updated
addressBasePremiumClassificationEntryDate The date of data entry for the record
voaPrimaryDescriptionClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record VOA PRIMARY DESCRIPTION
voaPrimaryDescriptionClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
voaPrimaryDescriptionKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
voaPrimaryDescriptionCode The code that describes this classification of the BLPU record
voaPrimaryDescriptionStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
voaPrimaryDescriptionEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
voaPrimaryDescriptionLastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
voaPrimaryDescriptionEntryDate The date of first data entry for the record
voaSpecialCategoryClassificationScheme The name of the classification scheme used for the record VOA SPECIAL CATEGORY
voaSpecialCategoryClassificationSchemeVersion The version number of the classification scheme
voaSpecialCategoryKey The unique 14-character key of the classification record
voaSpecialCategoryCode The code that describes this classification of the BLPU record
voaSpecialCategoryStartDate The start date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it becomes effective)
voaSpecialCategoryEndDate The end date of the classification record (i.e. the date on which it ceases to be effective)
voaSpecialCategoryLastUpdateDate The date on which the record was last updated
voaSpecialCategoryEntryDate The date of first data entry for the record
postDeliveryFlag A single character, indicating whether a BLPU is a postal address D
parentUniquePropertyReferenceNumber The UPRN of the parent property associated with a record
custodianName The name of the custodian department or organisation
custodianUprn The Unique Property Reference Number of the custodian location
localCustodianName The name of the custodian in the relevant local language
localCustodianCode A four digit code identifying the custodian department or organisation
coOrdinateSystem The name of the co-ordinate system used in the dataset to describe positions British National Grid
coOrdinateUnit The unit of measurement for the co-ordinate system metres
postcodeType A single digit, indicating whether a postal address has a small or large user postcode
gazetteerName The name of the dataset AddressBasePremium
gazetteerScope Description of the contents of the dataset
linkedData Names of the external data sources that are used to update the dataset
gazetteerOwner The name of the organisation with overall responsibility for the dataset
metadataUpdateDate The date on which the metadata was last updated.
classScheme The name of the classification scheme used in the dataset
gazetteerDate Date at which the dataset can be considered current
multiOccupancyCount The number of child UPRNs for the record. Shows how many separate properties are present within a BLPU
parentAddressableUprn The Parent UPRN for a record. Shows if the record is part of a multi-occupancy address
nationCode The nation code E
nationName The nation name England
europeanElectoralRegionCode Official code given to the European Electoral Region
europeanElectoralRegionName Official name given to the European Electoral Region
governmentOfficeForRegionCode Official code given to the Government Office Region
governmentOfficeForRegionName Official name given to the Government Office Region
localEducationAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Education Authority
localEducationAuthorityName Official name given to the Local Education Authority
localAuthorityCode Official code given to the Local Authority
localAuthorityName Official name given to the Local Authority
governmentLocalAuthorityWardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward
governmentLocalAuthorityWardName Official name given to the Local Authority Ward
censusOutputArea Census Area output code
nhsAuthorityCode Official code given to the NHS Authority
nhsAuthorityName Official name given to the NHS Authority
primaryCareLocalHealthCode Official code and name given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group
primaryCareLocalHealthName Official code and name given to the Primary Care Trust or Local Health Group
healthLocalAuthorityWardCode Official code given to the Local Authority Ward
healthLocalAuthorityWardName Official name given to the Local Authority Ward
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaCode The 9 character area code for Commissioning Group in England, Local Health Board (LHB) in Wales, Community Health Partnership (CHP) in Scotland, Local Commissioning Group (LCG) in Northern Ireland and Primary Healthcare Directorate (PHD) in the Isle of Man E38000056
clinicalCommissioningGroupCurrentAreaName Official name given to the area NHS Eastern Cheshire
clinicalCommissioningGroupFormerDhAreaCode Department of Health area code 01C
parliamentaryConstituencyCode Official code given to the Parliamentary Constituency
parliamentaryConstituencyName Official name given to the Parliamentary Constituency
memberOfParliament Name of the MP representing their constituency
memberOfParliamentsParty Name of the party to which the MP belongs

For a full list of address elements, see the GBR dataset.

Element Name Description Example
businessLocationUrn Business location unique reference number
commercialMosaicTypeCode Mosaic type code
commercialMosaicTypeDescription Mosaic type description
commercialMosaicGroupCode Mosaic group code
commercialMosaicGroupDescription Mosaic type group description
businessRegistrationNumber Companies House registration number
telephoneNumber Telephone number
employeeCount Number of employees at site
locationCode Location code
locationDescription Location code and description
sohoCode Indicates whether the address is a small or home office.The value of this item is always Y or N Y
sohoDescription Returns a text string indicating whether the address is a small or home office
us1972SicCode US 1972 SIC code
us1972SicDescription US 1972 SIC Description
uk1980SicCode UK 1980 SIC code
uk1980SicDescription UK 1980 SIC description
us1987SicCode US 1987 SIC Code
us1987SicDescription US 1987 SIC Description
uk1992SicCode UK 2003 SIC code.
uk1992SicDescription UK 2003 SIC description
uk2007SicCode UK 2007 SIC code
uk2007SicDescription UK 2007 SIC description
thompsonCode Thomson classification code
thompsonDescription Thomson classification description text
businessPafQualityOfAddress PAF Quality of Address 0-Full postal address match. 1-Exact organisation and full postal address match. 2-Close organisation and full postal address match. 3-Full premise-level match - additional organisation or subpremise information exists on PAF. 4-Partial premise level match - non-PAF sub-premise information added. 5-Street level match - non-PAF premise information added. 6-Place level match - non-PAF premise and street information added. 9-Address unmatched
businessPafQualityOfPostcode PAF Quality of Postcode 0-Postal code match. 1-Postal code added
unitedKingdomNonLimitedCompanyKey 8 or 10 digit Company Key, as supplied by Companies House

For a full list of address elements, see the GBR dataset.

Element Name Description Example
title Title Mr
forenameOrSubmittedForename Forename Or Submitted Forename Robert
middleInitial Middle Initial S
surname Surname Watts
dateOfBirth Date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format
yearsOfResidency Number of continuous years that the individual has been at the given address on Experian ConsumerView. A value of 1 indicates that they are new at this address
nameSourceCode Source of Names data. The first digit of the code is “1” for the Electoral Register and “2” for other data sources. The second digit of the code is “1” if Experian have verified the name against another data supply or “0” if not
nameSource Description of the source data; either “Electoral Register” or “Other Data Source
nameVerified Value always either “Yes” or “No”, depending on whether the name has been verified against another data supply Yes
gbrNamesPafQualityOfAddress PAF Quality of Address 0-Full postal address match. 1-Exact organisation and full postal address match. 2-Close organisation and full postal address match. 3-Full premise-level match - additional organisation or subpremise information exists on PAF. 4-Partial premise level match - non-PAF sub-premise information added. 5-Street level match - non-PAF premise information added. 6-Place level match - non-PAF premise and street information added. 9-Address unmatched
gbrNamesPafQualityOfPostcode PAF Quality of Postcode 0-Postal code match. 1-Postal code added
householdKey The value is a numerical key for a household. The household key is unique to an address and is only returned with addresses that have one or more names against them
personKey The value is a numerical key for a person. The Person key is unique to the person and is only returned with addresses that have one or more names against them
Element Name Description Example
wholePoBox Whole PO Box PO Box 12
poBoxName PO Box (Name) PO Box
poBoxNumber PO Box (Number) 12
britishforcesPostOfficeBfpo BritishForces Post Office (BFPO) BFPO 10
bfpoName BFPO (Name) BFPO
bfpoNumber BFPO (Number) 10
wholeDependentThoroughfare Whole Dependent thoroughfare Gorse View
dependentThoroughfareName Dependent thoroughfare (Name) Gorse
dependentThoroughfareDescriptor Dependent thoroughfare (Descriptor) View
submittedDependentThoroughfare Submitted Dependent thoroughfare (Elements that are only returnable if included in the search when using Pro)
wholeThoroughfare Whole thoroughfare Peak Lane
thoroughfareName Thoroughfare (Name) Peak
thoroughfareDescriptor Thoroughfare (Descriptor) Lane
submittedThoroughfare Submitted thoroughfare (Elements that are only returnable if included in the search when using Pro)
doubleDependentLocality Double dependent locality Kingston Gorse
dependentLocality Dependent locality East Preston
submittedPnrlocality Submitted PNR Locality Clapham
town Town Littlehampton
county County West Sussex
pnrCounty PNR county (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) West Midlands
postcode Postcode BN16 1 RW
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) United Kingdom
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GB
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR

For a full list of address elements, see the GBR dataset.

Element Name Description Example
businessOrganisation Business Organisation
businessIndexedOrganisation Business Indexed Organisation
telephoneNumber The full telephone number, including dialling code, that is held for the business by Thomson
limitedCompanyName The Limited Company Name of the Business, as registered with Companies House
businessLocationUrn A unique reference number for the business at a specific location
1992SicCode 4-digit 2003 Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code.
1992SicDescription Description of the 2003 SIC code.
thomsonClassificationCode The Classification Code as sourced from Thomson
thompsonClassificationCodeDescription A description of the Classification Code sourced from Thomson
registrationNumber The registration number of the business, as held by Companies House
onlineKey A unique reference number for limited and non-limited businesses that links to a unique record on the Experian credit database
croLegalStatus A one byte code indicating the legal status of the business
goneawayFlag A yes/no flag indicating whether the business has been identified as a ‘Goneaway’ based on the Royal Mail’s returned mail file yes
registeredOfficeLocationFlag A yes/no flag indicating whether a business location is the company’s registered office no
pafQualityOfAddress PAF Quality of Address 0-Full postal address match. 1-Exact organisation and full postal address match. 2-Close organisation and full postal address match. 3-Full premise-level match - additional organisation or subpremise information exists on PAF. 4-Partial premise level match - non-PAF sub-premise information added. 5-Street level match - non-PAF premise information added. 6-Place level match - non-PAF premise and street information added. 9-Address unmatched
pafQualityOfPostcode PAF Quality of Postcode 0-Postal code match. 1-Postal code added

For a full list of address elements, see the GBR dataset.

Element Name Description Example
notYetBuilt If the address record is from NYB data, this will display as YES YES

For a full list of address elements, see the GBR dataset.

Element Name Description Example
multiOccupiedCount Indicates the number of addresses at the premises 1
multipleResidencesFlag Flag to indicate whether the premises has multiple addresses.If Multi-Occupied Count is greater than one, this field will return Y Y
pafQualityOfAddress The DataPlus element returns a number (0 - 6) which indicates the quality of the match to the address entered 0-Full postal address match. 1-Exact organisation and full postal address match. 2-Close organisation and full postal address match. 3-Full premise-level match - additional organisation or subpremise information exists on PAF. 4-Partial premise level match - non-PAF sub-premise information added. 5-Street level match - non-PAF premise information added. 6-Place level match - non-PAF premise and street information added
pafQualityOfPostcode The DataPlus element returns a number (0 - 1) which indicates the quality of the match to the postcode entered 0-Postal code match. 1-Postal code added
uniqueMultipleResidenceReferenceNumber The Unique Multiple Residence Reference Number is a unique identifier assigned by Royal Mail and linked to UDPRNs intheRoyal Mail's Multiple Residence dataset 12
Element Name Description Example
organisation Organisation Experian Ltd
department Department Gwerthiannau
wholePoBox Whole PO Box PO Box 12
poBoxName PO Box (Name) PO Box
poBoxNumber PO Box (Number) 12
subBuildingName Sub-building name Fflat 2
wholeSubBuildingNumber Whole Sub-building number 1G
subBuildingNumberPrimary Sub-building number (Primary) 1
subBuildingNumberAdditional Sub-building number (Additional) G
buildingName Building name Gwesty Cymru
wholeBuildingNumber Whole Building number 27a
buildingNumberPrimary Building number (Primary) 27
buildingNumberAdditional Building number (Additional) a
wholeDependentThoroughfare Whole Dependent thoroughfare Heol Y Gors
dependentThoroughfareName Dependent thoroughfare (Name) Y Gors
dependentThoroughfareDescriptor Dependent thoroughfare (Descriptor) Heol
wholeThoroughfare Whole thoroughfare Stryd Y Popty
thoroughfareName Thoroughfare (Name) Y Popty
thoroughfareDescriptor Thoroughfare (Descriptor) Stryd
doubleDependentLocality Double dependent locality Pillgwenlly
dependentLocality Dependent locality Casnewydd
submittedPnrLocality Submitted PNR Locality Penglais
town Town Aberystwyth
county County Dyfed
pnrCounty PNR county (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Mid Glamorgan
postcode Postcode SY23 3AQ
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Cymru
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) WL
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) WLS
deliveryPointSuffix Delivery Point Suffix (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) 1A
pafAddressKey PAF Address Key
pafOrganisationKey PAF Organisation Key
pafDeliveryPointType PAF Delivery Point Type L
udprnKey The unique delivery point reference number, an 8 character code assigned to every delivery point in the Royal Mail�s address file (PAF)
Element Name Description Example
buildingNumber Building Number 52
buildingName Building Name Rosebank
subBuildingName Sub Building Name Apartment
subBuildingNumber Sub Building Number 1
secondaryThoroughfare Secondary Thoroughfare Dublin Road
secondaryThoroughfareName Secondary Thoroughfare Name Dublin
secondaryThoroughfareDescriptor Secondary Thoroughfare Descriptor Road
gaelicSecondaryThoroughfare Gaelic Secondary Thoroughfare Bóthar Átha Cliath
primaryThoroughfare Primary Thoroughfare Francis Street
primaryThoroughfareName Primary Thoroughfare Name Francis
primaryThoroughfareDescriptor Primary Thoroughfare Descriptor Street
gaelicPrimaryThoroughfare Gaelic Primary Thoroughfare Sráid San Proinsias
buildingGroup Building Group Saint Canice's Court
buildingGroupName Building Group Name Saint Canice's
buildingGroupDescriptor Building Group Descriptor Court
gaelicBuildingGroup Gaelic Building Group Cúirt Chainnigh
county County (Only one of the L11 or L12 elements (and only one of the corresponding Gaelic L13 or L14 elements) will be populated, depending on whether the County name is the same as the county town) Co Sligo
countyPrefix County Prefix Co
countyName County Name Sligo
pnrCounty PNR County (Only one of the L11 or L12 elements (and only one of the corresponding Gaelic L13 or L14 elements) will be populated, depending on whether the County name is the same as the county town) Co Cork
pnrCountyPrefix PNR County Prefix Co
pnrCountyName PNR County Name Cork
gaelicCounty Gaelic County (Only one of the L11 o rL12 elements (and only one of the corresponding Gaelic L13 or L14 elements) will be populated, depending on whether the County name is the same as the county town) Sligeach
gaelicPnrCounty Gaelic PNR County (Only one of the L11 or L12 elements (and only one of the corresponding Gaelic L13 or L14 elements) will be populated, depending on whether the County name is the same as the county town) Corcaigh
posttown Posttown Portlaoise
residentPreferredPosttown Resident Preferred Posttown This element is the same as L21 (L23 forGaelic addresses) unless the resident prefers the posttown tobe dropped, in which case it is blank
gaelicPosttown Gaelic Posttown Port Laoise
gaelicResidentPreferredPosttown Gaelic Resident Preferred Posttown This element is the same as L21 (L23 forGaelic addresses) unless the resident prefers the posttown tobe dropped, in which case it is blank
secondaryLocality Secondary Locality Castletroy
gaelicSecondaryLocality Gaelic Secondary Locality Caladh An Treoigh
primaryLocality Primary Locality Ballinla
gaelicPrimaryLocality Gaelic Primary Locality Béal An Átha
country Country (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Ireland
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) IE
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) IRL
buildingGroupTypeName Building group type name,for example,shopping centre,or educational campus.The data has limited coverage; this field is not populated for most addresses
postaim2 Postaim 2 Locality. This is a more general postal location,for example,Laois.The Postaim 2 presorting discount is offered on mailings of 2,001 - 10,000 Laois
postaim3 Postaim 3 Locality. This is a more specific postal location,for example,Tipperary Town.The Postaim 3 presorting discount is offered on mailings greater than 10,000 TipperaryTown
viaHub Postal Distribution Hub. This acts as a central distribution point for the surrounding Postal Districts. There are four Postal Distribution Hubs in Ireland: Athlone, Cork, Dublin and Portlaoise
mosaicGroup MOSAIC Group Code
mosaicGroupName MOSAIC Group Name
mosaicType MOSAIC Type Code
mosaicTypeName MOSAIC Type Name
mosaicArea MOSAIC Area Code
Element Name Description Example
buildingName Building name(Denotes elements that are not provided for all addresses) Msn. de Retraite
poBoxNumber PO Box number 12
buildingNumber Building number(Denotes elements that are not provided for all addresses) 1900
street Street rue du Parc
postcode Postcode 6460
locality Locality Lauterborn
countryName Country Name(Denotes elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Luxembourg
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code(Denotes elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) LUX
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code(Denotes elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) LU
Element Name Description Example
postbus Postbus Postbus 110
houseNumber House number 8
nenStreet NEN street Burg v Wijngaardenstr
tpgStreet TPG street V Wyngaardenstr
officialStreet Official street Burgemeester van Wijngaardenstraat
nenTownCity NEN town/city Amsterdam
tpgTownCity TPG town/city Amsterdam
unofficialTownCity Unofficial town/city (Elements that are only used in searching and will not appear in the address) Amsterdam Noord
province Province (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Noord Holland
postalCode Postal code 1045 AD
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) The Netherlands
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) NLD
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) NL
tpgKixBarcode Barcode sequence (hexadecimal)
mosaicTypeCode MOSAIC Type code
mosaicTypeName MOSAIC Type name
mosaicDutchTypeName MOSAIC Dutch Type name
mosaicGroupCode MOSAIC Group code
mosaicGroupName MOSAIC Group name
mosaicDutchGroupName MOSAIC Dutch Group name
Element Name Description Example
buildingNumber Building number 13
street Street Sagadammen
county County (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Akershus
district District (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Skedsmo
locality Locality Strømmen
postOffice Post office Alnabru
boxNumber BOX number Postboks 1
postalCode Postal code 0026
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Norway
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) NO
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) NOR
Element Name Description Example
streetNumber Street Number 15A
streetNumberNumber Street Number (Number) 15
streetNumberAlpha Street Number (Alpha) A
buildingName Building Name Monterey Apartments
floorNumber Floor Number Floor 5
floorNumberType Floor Number (Type) Floor
floorNumberNumber Floor Number (Number) 5
unitTextual Unit Textual Basement Flat
unitTextualId Unit Textual (ID) Basement
unitTextualType Unit Textual (Type) Flat
unitAlphaNum Unit AlphaNum Flat 1
unitAlphaNumType Unit AlphaNum (Type) Flat
unitAlphaNumId Unit AlphaNum (ID) 1
subBuildingNumber Sub-Building Number 1
street Street South Fern Glen Road
streetName Street (Name) Fern Glen
streetType Street (Type) Road
streetDirection Street (Direction) South
allPostalDeliveryTypes All Postal Delivery Types (A generic element that will match B11, B12, B13, or B14 as appropriate. The sub-elements B101 and B102 will match accordingly) PO Box 10
allPostalDeliveryTypesType All Postal Delivery Types (Type) PO Box
allPostalDeliveryTypesNumber All Postal Delivery Types (Number) 10
poBox PO Box (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) PO Box 10
poBoxType PO Box (Type) PO Box
poBoxNumber PO Box (Number) 10
privateBag Private Bag (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output.) Private Bag 5
privateBagType Private Bag (Type) Private Bag
privateBagNumber Private Bag (Number) 5
counterDelivery Counter Delivery (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) Counter Delivery
counterDeliveryType Counter Delivery (Type) Counter Delivery
counterDeliveryNumber Counter Delivery (Number) (This element is usually blank)
cmb CMB (In Batch Standalone, it is not possible to configure these elements separately. They are all covered by configuring the element B10. In Batch API, these elements can be configured manually in the output) CMB A4
cmbType CMB (Type) CMB
cmbNumber CMB (Number) A4
ruralDelivery Rural Delivery RD 3
city City Warkworth
postcode Postcode 3216
suburb Suburb Warkworth
suburbInvalidAliases Suburb Invalid Aliases (Denotes elements that contain aliases that cannot be used in accreditation matching. These elements are not configurable in the final address) Henderson
lobbyName Lobby Name Otaki Railway
pnrLobbyName PNR Lobby Name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Wellington
country Country (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) New Zealand
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) GBR
dataFusionAddressTypeCode The numeric values that denotes different address type code 1
dataFusionAddressTypeDescription Returns a full string representing the address type URBAN
dataFusionDpid Returns a unique numeric identifier for an address, for example 4567. The identifier is defined by New Zealand Post 4567
dataFusionStreetId Returns a unique numeric identifier for a street. The identifier is defined by New Zealand Post. This element is not populated if an address does not contain a street 1324
roundNumber Postal area information relating to the specific delivery job. Always in the format:3 letters + 3 numbers + 15 spaces + 1 number NMS005                6
sequenceNumber The order the address should appear within a mail file provided to New Zealand Post.This is always a number with a maximum of seven digits.
Element Name Description Example
buildingNumber Building number 459
buildingName Building name Centennial Tower
floor Floor #02
unit Unit -09
street Street Marina Grove
locality Locality Singapore
postalCode Postal code 018990
countryName Country name (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Singapore
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) SG
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Denotes elements which only appear in the address if their position is fixed) SGP
customerBarcode Standard address barcode
mosaicType Three character code label
mosaicGroup Single character group label
mosaicTypeDescription Type description (text)
mosaicGroupDescription Group description (text)
residentialUnits The estimated number of households within the postal code
population The estimated number of people living within the postal code
factor1Score The Factor 1 score for this postal code
factor1Percentile The Factor 1 percentile for this postal code
factor1Decile The Factor 1 decile for this postal code.
factor2Score The Factor 2 score for this postal code
factor2Percentile The Factor 2 percentile for this postal code
factor2Decile The Factor 2 decile for this postal code
Element Name Description Example
companyName Company name Matteus Bank AB
houseNumber House number 12
littera Littera A
street Street HUMMELVÄGEN
village Village Gillane
postalArea Postal area Stockholm
secondLine Second line Båtskärsnäs
poBox PO Box Box 55601
mailbox Mailbox Mailbox 55
postcode Postcode 102 14
countryName Country Name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Sweden
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) SE
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) SWE

For a full list of address elements, see the NZL dataset.

Element Name Description Example
addressTypeCode The numeric values that denotes different address type code 1
addressTypeDescription Returns a full string representing the address type URBAN
dpid Returns a unique numeric identifier for an address 4567
streetId Returns a unique numeric identifier for a street t, for example 1324. The identifier is defined by New Zealand Post. This element is not populated if an address does not contain a street 1324
frontOfPropertyNztmXCoordinate The Geocode 'X' coordinate for the front of the building
frontOfPropertyNztmYCoordinate The Geocode 'Y' coordinate for the front of the building
centroidOfPropertyNztmXCoordinate The Geocode 'X' coordinate for the centre of the property
centroidOfPropertyNztmYCoordinate The Geocode 'Y' coordinate for the centre of the property
linzParcelId This is a unique identifier of the address record
propertyType The type of property, the possible values are: Business, Farm, Holiday Home, Residential or Empty section Business
addressable This defines whether the address is deliverable or not. The possible values are 'Y' or 'N' Y
meshBlockCode The unique identifier assigned to each Mesh Block
territorialAuthorityCode The unique identifier assigned to the Territorial Authority
territorialAuthorityName The name assigned to the Territorial Authority
regionalCouncilCode The unique identifier assigned to the Regional Council
regionalCouncilName The name assigned to the Regional Council
generalElectorateCode The unique identifier assigned to the General Electorate
generalElectorateName The name assigned to the General Electorate
maoriElectorateCode The unique identifier assigned to the Maori Electorate
maoriElectorateName The name assigned to the Maori Electorate
propertyCategory The code representing the Property Category 01
headOfHouseholdAge The code representing the Age band 00
childrenAtAddress The code representing the likelihood of Children at Address category 02
householdComposition The code representing the Household Composition category 03
headOfHouseholdLifestage The code representing the Head of Household Lifestage category 05
adultsAtAddress The code representing the Adults at Address category 07
mosaicGroup Mosaic Group B
mosaicTypeGroup Mosaic Group and Type A01
mosaicSegment Mosaic Segment 01_1
factorAScore Mosaic Factor A score 1.2348
factorAPercentile Mosaic Factor A percentile 13
factorADecile Mosaic Factor A decile 1
factorBScore Mosaic Factor B score 1.2348
factorBPercentile Mosaic Factor B percentile 13
factorBDecile Mosaic Factor B decile 1
factorCScore Mosaic Factor C score 1.2348
factorCPercentile Mosaic Factor C percentile 13
factorCDecile Mosaic Factor C decile 1
factorDScore Mosaic Factor D score 1.2348
factorDPercentile Mosaic Factor D percentile 13
factorDDecile Mosaic Factor D decile 1
factorEcore Mosaic Factor E score 1.2348
factorEPercentile Mosaic Factor E percentile 13
factorEDecile Mosaic Factor E decile 1
factorFScore Mosaic Factor F score 1.2348
factorFPercentile Mosaic Factor F percentile 13
factorFDecile Mosaic Factor F decile 1
deliveredTo 'Y' if mail is delivered directly to the address by NZ Post, 'N' if mail is not deliverable by NZ post Y
physicalPropertyType The property type of the address FLAT
propertyOwnership 'Y' if the property is owned by the occupant Y
residentialCode 'Y' if the property is residential Y
propertyValue The code representing the Property Value category 10
propertySize The code representing the Property Size category 09
bedrooms The code representing the Bedrooms category 04
bathrooms The code representing the Bathrooms category 05
townCity Town/City name. This field is populated when the Town name, present in the physical version, differs from the Town name present in the postal version
suburb Suburb name. This field is populated when there is no Suburb present in the postal version and the Suburb name differs from physical Town name.
Element Name Description Example
buildingFirmName Building/firm name The White House
urbanization Urbanization (Urbanization is extra locality information found in Puerto Rico) Urb Fronteras
primaryNumber Primary number (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) 1600
street Street Pennsylvania Ave NW
ruralRouteHighwayContract Rural route/highway contract (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) RR 6
boxNumber Box number (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) Box 2
secondaryNumber Secondary number (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) Apt 34
poBox PO Box (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) PO Box 165
generalDelivery General delivery (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) General delivery
privateMailBox Private mail box (Please note that this element is not present in Experian data, but can be used for formatting if provided) PMB 1234
cityName City name Bayamon
countyName County name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Fairfax
stateCode State code PR
stateName State name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) Puerto Rico
zipCode ZIP code 20500
zipPlus4Code ZIP+4 code 1004
countryName Country name (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) United States of America
twoCharacterIsoCountryCode Two character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) US
threeCharacterIsoCountryCode Three character ISO country code (Elements that only appear in the address if their position is fixed) USA
streetPreDirectional Street (pre-directional) (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) N
streetName Street name (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) Delaware
streetDescriptor Street descriptor (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) Ave
streetPostDirectional Street (post-directional) (Elements that cannot be explicitly set in CASS Certified mode, but can be set in QAS Compatibility Formatting mode) SW
barcode The IMB
usaBar The complete DPBC
dpc Two digits identifying the delivery point
checkDigit The single check digit
rdi Residential Delivery Indicator Y Residential, N-Business, M-Mixed, -No information available
latitude The latitude, given to an accuracy of six decimal places
longitude The longitude, given to an accuracy of six decimal places
tigerLineMatchLevel The accuracy with which the address was matched against the TIGER data Premise- A specific address address match has been achieved returning the interpolated Premise coordinates, ZIP-Premise match was not available and instead the returned coordinates are the average coordinates for the ZIP code
censusTract 4 digit Census Tract number
countyCode 3 digit county code
recordType A code representing the type of address record F-Firm or business, G-General delivery, H-High-rise, P-PO Box, R-Rural route or highway contract route, S-Street, Null-No information is available
carrierRoute 4 character alphanumeric code for the Carrier Route
dpvFootnotes The footnotes contain extra information returned by the DPV lookup AA-Input address matched to the ZIP+4 file, A1-Input address not matched to the ZIP+4 file, BB-Input address matched to DPV (all components), CC-Input address primary number matched to DPV but secondary number not matched (present but invalid), F1-Input address matched to a military address, G1-Input address matched to a General Delivery address, N1-Input address primary number matched to DPV but high rise address missing secondary number, M1-Input address primary number missing, M3-Input address primary number invalid, P1-Input address missing PO, RR, or HC Box number, P3-Input address PO, RR, or HC Box number invalid, RR-Input address matched to CMRA and PMB designator present, R1-Input address matched to CMRA but PMB designator not present, U1-Input address matched to a unique ZIP Code
dpvConfirmationIndicator Indicates whether the selected address is DPV confirmed Y-Address is DPV validated, N-Address is Not DPV validated, S-Match to Primary; Secondary not validated, D-Match to high rise default, Blank-Not present in DPV data
cmraConfirmationIndicator Indicates whether the selected address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency Y-Address found in the CMRA table, N-Address not found in the CMRA table, Blank-CMRA lookup not performed
seedAddressIndicator Indicates if the address selected is a seed address Y-Address was a seed address and DPV is now locked, N-Address was not a seed address, Blank-Address was not presented to the false positive table
vacantAddressIndicator Indicates if the address selected is known to be vacant and not receiving mail deliveries (The Vacant Address Indicator and No-Stat Indicator DataPlus elements are only available with Batch, and only when using CASS Certified Mode) Y-Location has been vacant for 90 or more days, N-Location is not a vacant address, Blank-Not matched to DPV
noStatIndicator Indicates known addresses not receiving mail deliveries, for example an address for a house still under construction (The Vacant Address Indicator and No-Stat Indicator DataPlus elements are only available with Batch, and only when using CASS Certified Mode) Y
pbsaIndicator Indicates addresses known to be Post Office Box Street Addresses (PBSA) (Only available with Pro products) Y-PBSA, N-Not a PBSA, Blank-Not matched to DPV
ewsIndicator Indicates an address has been found in the EWS (Only available with Pro products) Y-Address present in the EWS, Blank-Not present in the EWS
congressionalDistrict 2 digit congressional district number
lacsIndicator The LACS indicator identified addresses that matched to a ZIP+4 record with a LACS indicator. These address conversions are city-style addresses so that emergency vehicles (e.g. ambulances, police cars etc.) can more easily find these locations. L-The input was matched to a ZIP+4 address with LACS indicator field set, Blank-The input either did not match to a ZIP+4 address, or matched to an address without LACS indicator set
lacsLinkIndicator Indicates if the address has been modified by LACSLink Y-Address converted by LACSLink,N-Address not converted by LACSLink, F-False positive, S-Address converted, but secondary information dropped, Blank-Address not presented to LACSLink
lacsLinkReturnCode Returns more detailed information about LACSLink processing A-Address converted by LACSLink, 00-No LACSLink record match (not converted), 09-LACSLink matched an input address to an old address which is a high-rise default address (not converted), 14-LACSLink record match, but could not convert the data to deliverable address (not converted), 92 LACSLink record match, but secondary number dropped from input address (converted), Blank-Address not presented to LACSLink
suiteLinkIndicator Indicates if the address has been updated by SuiteLink Y-Address updated by SuiteLink, N-Address not updated by SuiteLink
suiteLinkReturnCode Provides the SuiteLink return code A-Address updated by SuiteLink, 00-Address not updated by SuiteLink, Blank-Address not presented to SuiteLink
verifiedMatchInformation The Verified Match Information DataPlus set is available with Pro and Pro Web only (Verified Match Information is only available when using Verification searching)