Creating custom layouts

There are different layouts available with Experian Address Validation. You can use a public one that is available to all users or use a custom layout to suit your solution. You can create a custom layout yourself or by contacting us.

  1. Go to our API specification page and click the POST /address/layouts/v2, so that it expands.
    POST /layouts swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. In the Parameter section:
    • Enter your token in the Auth-Token field.
  4. In the Request body you can customise the layout:
    • In the layout object, name your custom layout, and what country and dataset it will apply to.
    • Use the descriptions in the options object to help define the options object of the swagger.
    • In the lines collection, you can define your custom address lines. Depending on the search type and country you are creating the custom layout for, there are specific elements you can use.
  5. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  6. View the response returned by the API under Responses.