Certainty VerboseOutput Description
verified verified Mailbox exists, is reachable, and not known to be illegitimate or disposable.
undeliverable mailboxDisabled The user mailbox has been disabled.
mailboxDoesNotExist The user mailbox does not exist at this domain.
mailboxFull The user mailbox is full.
syntaxFailure The syntax of the email address is incorrect.
unreachable unreachable The domain is not responding to validation requests or does not have any active mail servers.
illegitimate illegitimate Seed, spamtrap, black hole, technical role account or inactive domain.
roleAccount Role accounts such as support@, sales@, info@ .
typoDomain The domain was close to a common domain and although it exists, it is highly unlikely to be correct.
disposable disposable Domain is administered by a disposable email provider (e.g. Mailinator).
unknown unknown We were unable to conclusively verify or invalidate this address.
timeout The request timed out due to the host domain not responding in time.
acceptAll The domain is accept-all, so the username cannot be validated.

Additional information on how to manage the result types can be provided by your account manager or your local support team.