home/Solutions/USA DataArc 360™/Get started/Connect and log in

Connect and log in

The DataArc 360™ solution, sometimes called DA360, is powered by Aperture Data Studio which is a web-based application, so all that's required is a web browser.

To connect:

  1. Open your browser (we recommend using Chrome).
  2. Navigate to the Data Studio URL provided by your instructor.
  3. Log in using the username and password provided. Let your instructor know if you don't have this.

When logging in for the first time:

  1. Go to http://localhost:7701/ or http://<servername>:7701/.
  2. Use the administrator username. You'll be prompted to change the password.

During your first login you'll also be prompted to request a license. Follow the directions on the Update License page:

To assist with troubleshooting, you can configure logging and and manage the Aperture Data Studio services. Logging capabilities can be configured to assist with troubleshooting and the ability to turn on or off by stopping or starting the Aperture Data Studio Services

Logging is the process of tracing the steps taken that can be reviewed retrospectively to determine what happened. This is useful when troubleshooting an issue.

Turning on verbose logging

Logging is achieved using Log4j2 and can be configured independently for both the Aperture Data Studio server and the remote Find duplicates server. The Log4j2 configuration will produce datastudio.log and monitor.log files daily. These are rolled over, meaning they will be overwritten after 20 days or when the total file size reaches 250MB.

Search for the "<Loggers>" tag and edit the following line:

<Root level="Error">

The available levels of logging are (listed in descending order of verbosity) are:

  • ALL
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF

To increase the verbosity of the logging use: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR. To decrease the verbosity, use: FATAL or OFF.

Search for the "<Loggers>" tag and edit the following line:

<Root level="Error">

The available levels of logging are (listed in descending order of verbosity) are:

  • ALL
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF

To increase the verbosity of the logging use: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, WARN, or ERROR. To decrease the verbosity, use: FATAL or OFF.

Sending your log files to us

Some issues may require assistance from us which means we'll have to look at your logs.

  1. Log in and navigate to the following folders:

    • Aperture Data Studio server
      • <drive>:\ApertureDataStudio\data\log
      • <drive>:\Program Files\Experian\Aperture Data Studio <version>\logs

    • Find duplicates server
      • <drive>:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\logs

  2. Zip the files and send them to us.

Stopping/starting the Aperture Data Studio service

  1. Log in to the Aperture Data Studio server and navigate to Services on Windows
  2. Scroll down to the service name Experian Aperture Data Studio Database Server 64bit
  3. Right-click on the service name and select the Stop or Start, as required.

Automate the service restart

To minimize the disruption to users, we recommended automating the service restart by combining the stop and start commands in a .bat file.

To create a Restart.bat file:

  1. Open a text file and add C STOP Experian Aperture Data Studio Database Server <version> 64bit to the first line.
  2. Add SC START Experian Aperture Data Studio Database Server <version> 64bit to the second line.
  3. Save the file with the name Restart.bat on the same server where the Experian Aperture Data Studio Database Server 64bit service runs.
  4. Associate Restart.bat file to a Windows Scheduled Task and configure it to be executed when there are no active users (e.g. on a weekend).
USA DataArc 360™

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