home/More/Self Service Portal/Notifications/Number of requests and Number of requests change notification types

Number of requests and Number of requests change notification types

These two notification types are similar, but have slightly different uses.

Number of requests is useful for tracking a static amount as a threshold level.

Some examples of things you could set up to be alerted of:

Scenario Example notification
The product has stopped being used Select the product and set the rule as "Chargeable requests less than (<) 100".
Any failed requests Set the rule as "Failed requests greater than (>) 0".
Your development team is using too many credits during testing Select the token they're using and set the rule as "Total requests > 1000".
Your annual license is making more requests than the agreed fair usage amount Set the rule as "Chargeable requests > 2,740". This is the fair usage amount per day; the standard amount of fair usage is 1 million, the rule is checked daily so divide this by 365.

Number of requests change is useful for being alerted to extreme changes in behavior versus normal behavior for your account. It still looks at the number of requests yesterday, but rather than comparing to a static number (as above) you specify a percentage change that would mean to you that something significant has changed when compared to the number of requests the:

  • 'Previous day' – if your usage tends to be fairly consistent.
  • 'Same day last week' – if your usage fluctuates consistently on specific days, dropping at the weekend for example.
  • 'Average of past 7 days' – if your usage fluctuates throughout the week.
  • 'Average of the past month' – if your usage fluctuates seasonally, rising significantly over the holiday period for example.