Supported countries

Passive validation works for all countries except Ireland which doesn't currently support the Validate search type.

Touchpoints configured for additional data retrieval

Passive validation will currently only validate the configured address/email/phone field, it cannot be set up to retrieve additional data from our APIs. If you have configured your Touchpoints to map Enrichment, Metadata or Components attributes to custom fields this will only work in real-time within our EDQ Lightning components.

Compatibility with real-time validation

If you use our EDQ Lightning components for real-time validation then enabling passive validation at the same time can lead to undesired consequences unless additional configuration is applied. The conflict between the two methods of validation is caused by a race condition following the creation or editing of a record. Both the EDQ component and the passive validation service create or edit an EDQ Log object to store the validation status and we can't be certain which one is going to execute first.

We recommend you utilize a suitable object field of your own in our custom trigger code to determine whether to only execute the passive validation service when you can be sure the real-time validation hasn't been configured or used.

Bulk operations

While passive validation will work with small batches of records created or updated via one of the Salesforce APIs, the intended use case is for individual records. The feature doesn't currently offer any auditing or reporting of bulk operations making it difficult to assess the success of the operation. As such, we cannot support any issues relating to the failure of passive validation when executed as a bulk operation.