A Dashboard is a customizable collection of widgets, containing useful information about Data Studio and your data in the form of a Chart, View or Dataset.
Dashboards allow you to identify data trends over time, highlight items that require immediate attention or need further investigation, all easily accessible in one place as data metrics and visualizations.
At the top of the Dashboards page you'll see a tab for each Dashboard in the Space you're in.
To switch between Dashboards or search all the available Dashboards (in any Space you have access to), click the arrow next to the tabs.
A chart is a visualization of data. Charts allow closer examination of data by:
Lastly, if enabled, a download button is shown in top-right corner.
Expanding a widget containing a data table to full-screen will enable the Explore mode allowing any user to manipulate the data further understand it.
Applying actions like filter and sort to your data temporarily will not impact other users. .
Take actions including filter, sample, hide/show columns, sort, group, transform, profile, chart or download (given the required permissions). Actions are listed in the right-side menu, but are not permanent and do not change the data for other users of the Space.
Data Studio allows you to explore results of a Group, Profile or Validate step to drill into the underlying data to better understand the results.
By default, a View or Dataset Snapshot will have interactivity turned off to prevent others from seeing data that's not suitable.
This widget contains a count of open issues that have been assigned to the user viewing the Dashboard, broken down by issue lists. Click into an issue list to see the issues and update or post comments.
For Designer users, your home Dashboard is the first thing you see when logging into Data Studio, regardless of the Space you're in. It can be customized to show the most relevant and useful widgets for you.
Most default widgets are designed to help Designer users learn how to use Data Studio and to quickly dive back into your work.
The community widget highlights the latest or most popular topics and discussions in our community pages.
Clicking on the title of the post takes you directly to that discussion in the community.
Click Join the conversation to be taken to the main community page. You can also provide feedback and get advice from other users or our own experts.
To get the best out of the community, we recommend registering - you'll then have access to the latest Data Studio downloads and release notes.
The Jobs run widget highlights the number of Jobs run in Data Studio within the last week.
The link at the bottom of the widget will take you to the Jobs list.
The video widget displays a playlist that showcases the capabilities of Aperture Data Studio.
To disable it, go to Settings > System and de-select Enable embedded videos.
Diving back into your data has never been easier!
Recently modified Workflows, Views and Functions across all of your Spaces are displayed in a chronological order of modification, allowing you to quickly and easily dive back into and continue from where you left off.
Click on the filters in the top right of the widget to limit the display the objects by their type.
The links at the bottom of the widget will take you to each respective objects' list pages.
The Your Datasets widget displays the user's Datasets across Spaces, with the count of columns and rows alongside it.
Click Dataset name to access a read-only view of that Dataset.
The link at the bottom of the widget will take you to the Dataset list for your active Space.
The Your recent Spaces widget shows the most recently used Spaces you have access to, alongside any other users that are also assigned to this Space.
Click Space name to go to that particular Space.
The user avatar shows the initials of the user, and the outline indicates their online status: green means online. Hover over the user to see their online status and access role within that Space.
The link at the bottom of the widget will take you to the Space management screen.
Issues in Issue lists can be assigned to any user including Consumer users, so this widget can be useful.
The Custom content widget is a free-text one which can be used to provide useful information to other Dashboard users, such as instructions for use or a description.
The Custom content widget allows you to provide text commentary about the Dashboard or a specific widget. Text can be styled using Markdown to add emphasis like bold or italic, create lists, tables and links.
Main Markdown elements are supported:
Headings go as small as H6.
**bold text** or __bold text__
*italic text* or _italic text_
Horizontal rule: ---
Links: https://google.com - automatic link
[title](https://google.com) - linked text
| Table | Column | Header |
| ----- | ------ | ------ |
| First | row | table |
| row | number | two |
Table | Column | Header |
First | row | table |
row | number | two |
Backslash \: print special characters as text by preceding them with a backslash \ e.g. \#
\ * _ { } [ ] ( ) # + - . !
Emoji: 🚀👍🌎 can be copy and pasted or Windows users can use the emoji keyboard Win key + Period(.)
Images: are supported if the image file is Base64 encoded

To add a new Dashboard, click + at the top of the Dashboards page. Specify a name and optional description, then click Apply. The new Dashboard will be immediately opened in edit mode for customization.
To edit the Dashboard content click Configure widgets at the top-right of the Dashboards page or use the options menu (three dots) next to the home Dashboard icon. This menu also lets you clone, duplicate or print Dashboards (depending on your access rights).
When in edit mode, you can also rename the Dashboard or customize in various different ways.
Once in a Dashboard's edit mode (click Configure widgets at the top-right of the Dashboards page), you can drag widgets from the widget menu on the left into any available space on the Dashboard.
Once in a Dashboard's edit mode, drag widgets from the widget sidebar on the left into any available space on the Dashboard. The sidebar contains the four main widget categories: Views, Charts, Datasets and the default Data Studio widgets.
When dragging, a pink border will appear on available space that a widget can be dropped into. By default, a Dashboard is 2 rows by 3 columns but you can add widgets to the bottom of the Dashboard to create additional rows.
Once changes have been applied, your Dashboard will be updated with your chosen widgets and data visualizations. The widgets can also be opened in full screen to get a better view of each one.
By default, each widget will occupy a single slot on the Dashboard. However, you can adjust the size of any widget you wish by dragging the widget from the bottom corner, as indicated by the drag icon.
To investigate a custom widget in more detail, click the expand icon in the top-right corner to make it full-screen.
You can move a widget by clicking on the widget header and dragging it somewhere else on the Dashboard.
A widget can be moved to the bottom of the Dashboard to create a new row, and can even be swapped horizontally with the widget to its right or left. When attempting to swap, a pink border will appear to the left or right of the other widget, indicating where the current widget will be positioned when dropped.
You can delete a widget from your Dashboard by clicking the trash can icon on the top right corner of the widget when in edit mode. This will remove the widget from the Dashboard and free up space for another one.
To re-order Dashboard tabs within a Space, click on a tab and drag it left or right to the position it should appear in.
Dashboards can be used to share information with stakeholders across your business by adding them as Data Consumer users in Data Studio.
When a Data Consumer logs in, they will have read-only access to the Dashboards in all Spaces they have been added to.