The Issue lists page allows collaborators in the same Space to track data quality problems, allocate owners and comment on the issue resolution progress.

Before adding issues, you have to create a list first. New issues can be added to existing lists using the Track Issues Workflow step.

Track Issues step

Track issues found in your data. The most likely input step will be Validate, but other steps such as Filter or Group are also possible.

Once the Track Issues step is connected to data, you have to specify the following:

Value Description
Issue list Choose an existing list to add newly found issues to.
Record key A unique value that will identify each issue. This will update the issue in future when the Workflow is re-run. If the unique value is no longer present, Data Studio will assume that this specific issue has been resolved.
Origin An optional field that can be used in conjunction with Record key to identify an issue if multiple Workflows are writing to the same Issue list. This ensures that the correct issue is being updated.
Name Choose the column(s) that will form the title of the issue.
Useful columns Choose the columns that will be useful when investigating the issue.
Owner The email of the user assigned to investigate the issue. This can be any existing user (Designer or Consumer). If the user doesn't exist in the source data, you can map them to it using the Lookup{:target="_blank} step.

View Issues

Users with the View and Update Issues capability (including Consumer users) can navigate to the relevant Issue list and see all the existing open issues. You can filter the view by status, owner or search for a specific issue.

A summary of current issues is provided in the Your Issues Dashboard widget, showing the current user and the number of open issues they have been assigned in each Issue list.

An existing Issue list from the current Space can also be selected as the source to a Workflow within the Source{:target="_blank} step, for further data transformation.

Manage Issues

Click an Issue to view its details, such as the creation date or when it was last updated.

The Status will be New until the owner manually sets it to Active.

Issues can also be manually re-assigned or the status updated, as required.

An External ID field can be used to track a ticket/record in a third-party system which is relevant to this issue.

Finally, Comments can be added by any user collaborating on the issue resolution.

Aperture Data Studio v2

Monitor data and troubleshoot