This is a custom object used to store API transactions as a log record. It's used to display the validation status for each address/email/phone field of a related record. It can also be used to run reports on the different records that have been validated.

This is an example of the list view of the log records:

View of EDQ log

These records store the following information:

Field Description
Created By The user and timestamp that created the EDQ log item.
Error JSON JSON string returned by API for errors.
ErrorMessage Error messages if any displayed on the front end.
FieldAPIName Field that was validated.
Input Value Input value encoded to comply with GDPR.
Last Modified By The user and timestamp that last modified the EDQ log item.
More Info Additional meta data encoded as a JSON string.
Owner The user that validated the record.
Related Record ID Record ID where the validation happened.
Status Status that came back from Experian API and displayed on the front end.
TimeStamp Timestamp of the validation.
Validation Type Type of validation.

View of EDQ log fields

Manually creating EDQ Log records

There are certain scenarios when you might need to manually create an EDQ Log record, for example if an address/email/phone field is populated by another system and you want to display the EDQ status indicator next to the field. One way of achieving this might be to use triggers after an object is created to also create the associated EDQ Log record.

Here are some examples for the cases of the Contact object and its Mailing Address, Email and Mobile Phone fields, which could be repurposed as required:

trigger LEDQ_SetAddressValidationStatus on Contact (after insert) {
    List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> edqLogToInsert = new List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> ();

    for (Contact c : {

        // instantiate the new log object
        TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c tl = new TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c (); 

        tl.OwnerId = c.OwnerId;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_RecordId__c = c.Id;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TimeStamp__c =;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_FieldAPIName__c = 'MailingAddress'; // update fieldApiName as required
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Type__c = 'Address';
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_More_Info__c = ''; 

        // address is concatenated, encoded and stored in input value
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_InputValue__c = '';
        String concatAddress = String.join(new List<String>{c.MailingStreet, c.MailingCity, c.MailingPostalCode, c.MailingState, c.MailingCountry}, ','); // can also add the following to this list: c.MailingStateCode, c.MailingGeocodeAccuracy, String.valueOf(c.MailingLatitude), String.valueOf(c.MailingLongitude)
        if (concatAddress != NULL || concatAddress != '') {
            tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_InputValue__c = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(blob.valueof(concatAddress));

        // initially set status to 'ManuallyUpdated', depending on how you integrate the AV response, you can feed that into a custom field and access that field's value to update the EDQ log status accordingly
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Status__c = 'ManuallyUpdated'; // possible values include 'ManuallyUpdated', 'Unverified', 'AddressVerified'

        // add new log object to the list that will later be inserted 

    try {
        // ensure we have sufficient permissions before attempting to insert new transaction log
        if(Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isAccessible() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isUpdateable() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isCreateable()) {
            insert edqLogToInsert;
        } else {
            system.debug('Missing LEDQ_TransactionLog__c permissions, abandoned insert attempt.');
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
trigger SetPhoneValidationStatus on Contact (after insert) {

       List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> edqLogToInsert = new List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> ();

    for (Contact c : {

        // instantiate the new log object
        TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c tl = new TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c (); 

        tl.OwnerId = c.OwnerId;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_RecordId__c = c.Id;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TimeStamp__c =;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_FieldAPIName__c = 'Email'; // update fieldApiName as required
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Type__c = 'Email';
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Status__c = 'EmailManuallyUpdated'; // possible values: 'verified', 'unreachable', 'unknown', 'undeliverable', 'illegitimate', 'disposable', 'EmailManuallyUpdated'
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_InputValue__c = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(c.Email));
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_More_Info__c = '';

        // add new log object to the list that will later be inserted 

    try {
        // ensure we have sufficient permissions before attempting to insert new transaction log
        if(Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isAccessible() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isUpdateable() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isCreateable()) {
            insert edqLogToInsert;
        } else {
            system.debug('Missing LEDQ_TransactionLog__c permissions, abandoned insert attempt.');
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
        system.debug (e);
trigger SetPhoneValidationStatus on Contact (after insert) {

       List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> edqLogToInsert = new List <TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c> ();

    for (Contact c : {

        // instantiate the new log object
        TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c tl = new TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TransactionLog__c (); 

        Map<String, String> moreInfoRaw = new Map<String, String>();
        moreInfoRaw.put('phoneCode', '44'); // adjust phone code for appropriate country
        moreInfoRaw.put('validatedNumber', c.MobilePhone);
        moreInfoRaw.put('number', '44' + c.MobilePhone); // adjust phone code for appropriate country
        moreInfoRaw.put('codeLessNumber', c.MobilePhone);

        tl.OwnerId = c.OwnerId;

        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_RecordId__c = c.Id;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_TimeStamp__c =;
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_FieldAPIName__c = 'MobilePhone'; // update fieldApiName as required
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Type__c = 'Phone';
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_Status__c = 'PhoneManuallyUpdated'; // possible values: 'Verified', 'Unverified', 'Unknown', 'Absent', 'Dead', 'No coverage', 'Teleservice not provisioned', 'PhoneManuallyUpdated'
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_InputValue__c = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(Blob.valueOf(c.MobilePhone));
        tl.TExperianLEDQ__LEDQ_More_Info__c = JSON.serialize(moreInfoRaw);

        // add new log object to the list that will later be inserted 

    try {
        // ensure we have sufficient permissions before attempting to insert new transaction log
        if(Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isAccessible() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isUpdateable() &&
        Schema.sObjectType.LEDQ_TransactionLog__c.isCreateable()) {
            insert edqLogToInsert;
        } else {
            system.debug('Missing LEDQ_TransactionLog__c permissions, abandoned insert attempt.');
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
        system.debug (e);

Status values

The Status field of the EDQ Log object can contain one of the following values:

  • AddressVerified
  • AddressUnverified
  • AddressValidationFailed
  • ManuallyUpdated
  • NotValidatedAVDisabled
  • NotValidatedAVCountryUnavailable
  • verified
  • disposable
  • illegitimate
  • undeliverable
  • unknown
  • unreachable
  • EmailManuallyUpdated
  • EmailNotValidatedEVDisabled
  • EmailNotValidatedEVUnavailable
  • EmailRequestTimedOutValidationDisabled
  • EmailValidationFailed
  • Verified
  • Absent
  • Dead
  • No coverage
  • Teleservice not provisioned
  • Unknown
  • Unverified
  • No coverage mobile
  • No coverage mobile no operator
  • Phone disposable
  • PhoneManuallyUpdated
  • PhoneNotValidatedPVDisabled
  • PhoneNotValidatedPVUnavailable
  • PhoneValidationFailed