home/Integrations/BigCommerce/Get started/Integrate into Checkout

Integrate into Checkout

Following the creation of your code snippet for your BigCommerce Checkout page, the below guide will outline where this code can be copy and pasted in the BigCommerce administration pages.

  1. Login to your BigCommerce Store Administration Portal.

  2. Click Settings in the left hand menu column.
    BigCommerce - Storefront

  3. Click to Script Manager in the left hand menu column.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager

  4. On the main Script Manager page, click Create a script.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Detail

  5. You will be presented with a form to complete, start by completing the Script name and Description with a name that will ensure you can find this script again in the future.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Script name and Description

  6. Select the Placement as Header.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Placement

  7. Select the Location as Checkout.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Location

  8. Select the Script category as Essential.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Script category

  9. Select the Script type as Script.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Script category

  10. Paste the code snippet generated for the Checkout page in the Script contents text box and click Save.
    BigCommerce - Script Manager - Script contents

Testing your integration

Now that your script has been integrated into your Checkout page, you can test your integration by entering your store, adding something to your cart and checking out.

To test the validation, follow these steps:

  1. Find a product on your store, click Add to Cart and then on the next screen Proceed to checkout.
    BigCommerce - Add to Cart

  2. When the checkout loads, you will be asked to enter an email address. To ensure no previous address entries are loaded, please use a dummy email address such as experian@test.com. Leave Subscribe to our newsletter unchecked and click Continue to move to entering the Shipping details.
    BigCommerce - Checkout - Email

  3. In the Shipping Address form block, enter a First Name and Last Name

  4. The first address form field now has some placeholder text stating Start typing…. This indicates that the address validation is ready to be used.
    BigCommerce - Checkout - Address form field with placeholder

  5. Start typing an address and after the third character is inputted a picklist will appear. This will be populated with the closest matches for the address you are typing. For certain countries such as the UK, a user can also enter a Postal Code here to get a list of addresses.
    BigCommerce - Checkout - Address Line picklist

  6. When the entry you are searching for appears, you can click and select the address which will then populate the form with the validated address details.
    BigCommerce - Checkout -Populated Address

  1. Unchecking My billing address is the same as my shipping address will allow a customer to enter a the address if it differs from their shipping address. Experian Address Validation is enabled on this set of fields as well to ensure consistency of user experience and capturing the best quality address data.
    BigCommerce - Checkout -Populated Address

You have now confirmed that your validation integration is working and that your users are benefitting from the authoritative address data being entered into their checkout.