Within address forms on BigCommerce stores, some countries trigger a selection box for the State/Province field. When not using our integration, this allows users to manually select their state or province from a list.

With our validation enabled, this field will be automatically selected for your customers for the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • USA

For those countries that trigger the State/Province selection box and are not in the above list, a customer will be able to manually select this field.

With future releases, we aim to increase this list in line with those Countries that are supported for this functionality by BigCommerce.

Address formats from postal authorities around the world can differ considerably and Experian Address Validation will provide the best possible response and format for any given country.

BigCommerce collect addresses in two different formats:

  • For the Account Registration page, the address form collects both an Address Line 1 and Address Line 2.
  • For the Checkout page, the address form collects just one street address line.

To ensure consistency for the Checkout page where address accuracy is most important for logistics and billing use cases, our integration will populate only Address Line 1 in the Account Registration page.

Our integration does not currently support these additional datasets for the UK, but they will be making an appearance shortly. Keep an eye on our product roadmap for more news on this and other new features coming for this integration.