home/Everything else/Capture sample code/Address validate/Address validate

Address validate

Capture sample code provides three address search workflows: Singleline, Verification and Intuitive.

Address Search Workflow Javascript File Supported Dataset
Singleline (default) singleline.js GBR only
Intuitive intuitive.js USA only
Verification verification.js USA & CAN only

Depending on the selected workflow, sample.html may render additional html elements.

Switching between workflows

  1. Open sample.html using any text editor.
  2. In <head> find the following section:
<!-- ***To enable address validation***
Comment and uncomment the scripts below to toggle between singleline, verification and intuitive address workflows.
NOTE: Only one of these scripts should be enabled at any one time.-->

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/singleline.js"></script>

<!--<script type="text/javascript" src="js/verification.js"></script>-->
<!--<script type="text/javascript" src="js/intuitive.js"></script>-->
  1. Comment / uncomment the required script to toggle between the available workflows.

Address validate