Dataset installation

The file qawserve.ini is used to specify which Primary Sourced datasets are available to Pro Web, and the location in which they are installed.

To modify these settings, open the file qawserve.ini in a plain text editor. For Windows, this file can be found in the same directory as the library files: for UNIX, this file can be found in apps directory.

The configuration keywords used to configure datasets are InstalledData and DataMappings, located in the default section [QADefault] of the qawserve.ini file. You may need to add these settings if they do not already exist.

The two remaining settings in this section, Language and UseDataLanguage, control the language used to display search prompts and address elements for multi-lingual versions of Pro Web.

You can manually specify the location of the qawserve.ini file using the QAWSERVE environment variable QAWSERVE = path-name.


InstalledData={dataset identifier},{path}




This keyword lists the installed datasets by a three letter identifier and location. These datasets are the ones installed by the setup program or copied across from the supplied data CDs/DVDs. If you wish to change or add to them, you should run the setup program again or copy them from the supplied medium. Note that if you are also using additional datasets, they do not need to be listed in this setting.

If you have more than one dataset installed, the first dataset appears directly after the = sign and each subsequent dataset appears on a new line preceded by a + sign.

For every line that you have specified here, you should also add a line in the DataMappings setting.


If you have installed the UK, Australia and Netherlands datasets in C:\Program Files\QAS\Data, this setting would appear as follows:

InstalledData=GBR,C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+AUS,C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+NLD,C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

If you need to move one or more of your datasets, you should update this setting accordingly.


PreviousInstalledData={dataset identifier},{path}




This keyword lists the previously installed datasets by a three letter identifier and location. When updating a dataset via the Administrator Console, this previously installed dataset is listed. This enables you to roll the product back to using a previously installed version of data.


If you have installed the UK, Australia and Netherlands datasets in C:\Program Files\QAS\Data, this setting would appear as follows:

InstalledData=GBR, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+AUS, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+NLD, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\


NewInstalledData={dataset identifier},{path}




This keyword lists the newly installed datasets by a three letter identifier and location. These datasets are the ones that have been installed but not yet updated to the server. The keyword is primarily used by the Administrator Console.


If you have installed the UK, Australia and Netherlands datasets in C:\Program Files\QAS\Data, this setting would appear as follows:

InstalledData=GBR, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+AUS, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\

+NLD, C:\Program Files\QAS\Data\


DataMappings={data mapping identifier},{data mapping name},{base dataset}[+{additional dataset}]




This allows you to specify which datasets and additional datasets you are using, and what you want the identifier and name of each to be. These groupings are referred to as data mappings.

{data mapping identifier} is a 3-digit alphanumeric code, and {data mapping name} is a short text description of the mapping. You can specify both the data mapping identifier and the data mapping name. {base dataset} is the identifier of the base dataset, and may be followed by the + symbol and {additional dataset}, which is the identifier of an additional dataset.

If you add or remove datasets in the InstalledData setting, you should update this setting accordingly.


If your InstalledData setting includes the UK, Australia and Netherlands datasets, this setting could appear as follows:

DataMappings=GBR,United Kingdom,GBR








This keyword specifies the time in seconds that the link to an old dataset is maintained after a live data update. New searches will always be made against the updated data, but this setting provides a period of time for existing searches to be serviced.


The following setting would allow three minutes for existing searches to be completed before disconnecting from the old data:



{Dataset Code}Language={integer}




This keyword specifies the language you want Pro Web to use. Note that the JSP and PHP sample pages are only supplied in English.

Search prompts are available in English, German, French, Dutch and Spanish. Data element names are available in English, for all datasets, and also in native languages for France, Germany, Netherlands and Spain.

The UseDataLanguage keyword overrides this keyword.

The table below lists the available languages and their language codes:

Language Code
English (American) 001
English (UK/AUS) 044
Dutch 031
French 033
Spanish 034
German 049



Sets the language to English (UK/AUS).


Sets the language for USA dataset to English (UK/AUS).






If you have a multi-lingual version of Pro Web this keyword controls the language preference used for search prompts and data element names.

When it is set to No, the order of preference is:

  1. The configured language
  2. The data language specific to each country
  3. English

When it is set to Yes, the order of preference is:

  1. The data language specific to each country
  2. English

This keyword only applies to Singleline integrations.


If the configured language is set to English (Language=044) and UseDataLanguage is set to No, then the first line of the French optimal prompt set is 'Building number or name'. If UseDataLanguage is set to Yes, then the first line of the optimal prompt set is 'Nom ou numéro d'immeuble'.