Windows Pro Web users can use the Configuration Editor to modify most settings relating to Layouts, Datasets and Notifications. For UNIX and advanced Windows configuration, settings need to be configured manually via the configuration file settings.

To configure the Pro Web server prior to making it available to clients Windows users can use the Administrator Console. It is also possible to manage clients and administer data and licenses using the Administrator Console.

Alternatively, the Command Line Management Utility is a tool for Windows and UNIX administrators that enables the display of query results on the command line that can otherwise only be displayed in the Administrator Console.

When setting up Pro Web for the first time, it is recommended that you follow the steps listed below:

  1. Ensure that one (or more) dataset has been copied to a known location.
  2. Configure an output format for the API to return a matched address (optional).
  3. Specify whether error logging is enabled.

The first step involves checking settings in qawserve.ini. The second requires you to specify keyword values in qawserve.ini, and the third step involves specifying keywords in qaworld.ini.

The 'Default' documented for each setting refers to the product default. If a setting is not defined in the qawserve.ini file, it will assume this default. Some settings have been configured in the .ini file; these configurations will override the product default.

To return the product to its shipping state, any changes that you have made to the qawserve.ini file need to be discarded, and the file returned to its original condition. Therefore, before you make any changes to this file, you should make a copy of it so it can be recovered in the event that you need to return the product to its shipping state. Alternatively, you can reinstall the product, which will have the same effect.

Qawserve.ini is known as the 'server-side' configuration file. It contains lists of all the installed datasets and includes the layouts for each available dataset. The settings in this file include:

Acserver.ini is an additional server-side configuration file. It is used to specify the address layouts and license keys for your Partner Sourced datasets.

The settings in this file include:

Qaworld.ini is the client ini file, and is used to set the server address for the C interface API, the Administrator Console, the Configuration Editor and the Command Line Management Utility.

The settings in this file include:

Pro Web

Configuration tools