Below is a full list of error codes and their descriptions. Call the system function QA_ErrorMessage to retrieve the message associated with the returned error code.

For any other error codes, please contact us.

Code Message Explanation
-1000 qaerr_FATAL Fatal error
-1001 qaerr_NOMEMORY Out of memory
-1002 qaerr_INITINSTANCE Invalid multi-threading instance
-1005 qaerr_INITOOLARGE INI file too large
-1009 qaerr_FILECHGDETECT Cannot detect file changes
-1006 qaerr_ININOEXTEND Cannot extend INI file
-1009 qaerr_FILECHGDETECT Cannot detect file changes
-1010 qaerr_FILEOPEN File not found
-1011 qaerr_FILEEXIST File already exists
-1012 qaerr_FILEREAD File read failure
-1013 qaerr_FILEWRITE File write failure
-1014 qaerr_FILEDELETE Could not delete file
-1015 qaerr_FILERESV Reserved device
-1016 qaerr_FILEACCESS File access denied
-1017 qaerr_FILEVERSION This occurs if the data files that comprise a dataset have different version numbers. Reinstall your data to ensure that you have the latest versions of all files
-1018 qaerr_FILEHANDLE Maximum number of files open
-1019 qaerr_FILECREATE Could not create file
-1020 qaerr_FILERENAME Could not rename file
-1021 qaerr_FILEEXPIRED This error occurs if a dataset has expired. Contact Experian Data Quality for a data update
-1022 qaerr_FILENOTDEMO Can only access demonstration data
-1023 qaerr_FILETIMEGET Failed to obtain file timestamp
-1024 qaerr_FILETIMESET Failed to modify file timestamp
-1025 qaerr_READFAIL Disk read failure
-1026 qaerr_WRITEFAIL Disk write failure
-1027 qaerr_BADDRIVE Invalid drive
-1028 qaerr_BADDIR Invalid directory
-1029 qaerr_DIRCREATE Could not create directory
-1030 qaerr_BADOPTION An invalid command line parameter has been used. Enter the correct parameter to continue
-1031 qaerr_BADINIFILE Could not locate INI file
-1032 qaerr_BADLOGFILE Could not create log file
-1033 qaerr_BADMEMORY Invalid memory configuration. Contact Experian Technical Support
-1034 qaerr_BADHOTKEY Invalid hot key
-1035 qaerr_HOTKEYUSED Hot key already in use
-1036 qaerr_BADRESOURCE Could not locate language file
-1038 qaerr_BADTEMPDIR Bad temporary directory
-1040 qaerr_NOTDEFINED Entry not defined
-1041 qaerr_DUPLICATE Entry duplicated
-1042 qaerr_BADACTION Invalid (list) action
-1050 qaerr_CCFAILURE Copy control failure
-1051 qaerr_BADCODE Invalid copy control code
-1052 qaerr_CCACCESS Copy control access denied
-1053 qaerr_CCNODONGLE The counter file has not been configured
-1054 qaerr_CCNOUNITS There are no units left on the appropriate meter
-1055 qaerr_CCNOMETER No meter can be found for this data
-1056 qaerr_CCNOFEATURE Feature not supported
-1057 qaerr_CCINVALID The counter file integrity has failed. Contact Experian Technical Support
-1060 qaerr_CCINSTALL Copy control not installed
-1061 qaerr_CCEXPIRED Allowable time expired
-1062 qaerr_CCDATETIME Date / time is invalid
-1063 qaerr_CCUSERLIMIT Number of concurrent users exceeded
-1064 qaerr_CCACTIVATE Copy control installed but not activated
-1065 qaerr_CCBADDRIVE Invalid copy control drive
-1066 qaerr_CCREGISTER Product must be registered
-1070 qaerr_UNAUTHORISED Not authorised
-1074 qaerr_NOLOCALEFILE Locale file not found
-1075 qaerr_BADLOCALEFILE Invalid locale file
-1076 qaerr_BADLOCALE Unknown language / country
-1077 qaerr_BADCODEPAGE Unknown code page
-1078 qaerr_RESOURCEFAIL Resource lookup failure
-1080 qaerr_NOTHREAD Invalid thread handle
-1081 qaerr_NOTLSMEMORY Out of thread local storage
-1090 qaerr_NOTASK Could not create task
-2300 qawdperr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code to library
-2301 qawdperr_NOKERNEL Kernel must be pre-initialised
-2302 qawdperr_NOPLUGIN Plug-in not found for this DataPlus set
-2305 qawdperr_ISOPEN DataPlus file already open by this DataPlus handle
-2306 qawdperr_BADENTRY Bad DataPlus entry detected (data error)
-2307 qawdperr_NOTOPEN DataPlus set is not open
-2308 qawdperr_NOCOUNTRY No country code specified
-2309 qawdperr_PLUGINIT Problem initialising plug-in
-2310 qawdperr_PLUGBADARG Bad argument to plug-in - no result returned
-2311 qawdperr_NEWFORMAT New file format detected
-2400 qallderr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2401 qallderr_NOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-2402 qallderr_BADHEADER Bad object header detected
-2403 qallderr_NOOBJSIZE No object size (internal error)
-2404 qallderr_NOMOREOBJECTS No more objects (result of attempted move)
-2405 qallderr_BADDICT Bad dictionary entry detected
-2406 qallderr_BADDATA Bad compressed data detected in rds
-2407 qallderr_INTDPPROB More than one DataPlus item returned from lookup
-2408 qallderr_MAXDPLITEMS Too many DataPlus references
-2409 qallderr_NONAMES Can't open Names DataPlus set
-2410 qallderr_BEYONDEOF Offset is beyond end of file
-2411 qallderr_BADOBJCHAIN Invalid object chain from this object position
-2412 qallderr_BADRANGETYPE Invalid range type detected
-2413 qallderr_BADRANGESTART Bad range start value detected
-2414 qallderr_ADSALREADYOPEN Requested ADS is already open
-2415 qallderr_DELTADELTACOMP Error decompressing delta-delta index
-2416 qallderr_NOADSFORDTS DTS reference not found in deltadelta index for this ADS
-2417 qallderr_NOADSFORADS ADS reference invalid for this ADS
-2450 qacerr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2451 qacerr_BADCCLASS Comms class not found
-2452 qacerr_NOLISFUNC Listen function not specified in listen request
-2453 qacerr_CCNOTIMP Specified comms class is not yet implemented
-2454 qacerr_ALRDYLIST Already listening on the specified port
-2455 qacerr_BADTFUNC Bad transport function called (internal error)
-2456 qacerr_NOLISTENER Destination is not listening
-2457 qacerr_BADHANDLE Invalid handle specified
-2458 qacerr_CANCELLED Connection was cancelled remotely
-2459 qacerr_NOBUFFER Attempted to take a size of an uninitialised buffer
-2460 qacerr_GETINSCHAR Get called but there are insufficient characters
-2461 qacerr_NOKERNEL qacerr_NOKERNEL
-2462 qacerr_NOTXN Can't call send or receive unless a transaction is in progress
-2463 qacerr_NOTXNNUM A transaction must have a nonzero transaction number
-2464 qacerr_TERMINATED Talk was cancelled in the transaction callback
-2465 qacerr_NOREGFUNCTION No registered function was found for this transaction number
-2466 qacerr_NOTXNMESSAGE Receive called but no message waiting
-2467 qacerr_NOSERVERMEMORY No server memory during transaction processing
-2468 qacerr_ATMAXBUFFER Maximum transaction buffer size reached
-2469 qacerr_NOTLISTENHAND Comms handle specified is not a listen handle!
-2470 qacerr_SERVERFULL Maximum server connection count exceeded
-2471 qacerr_DELETESELF Can't delete own connection
-2472 qacerr_TIMEDOUT A connection's transaction has timed out
-2473 qacerr_SCANLOCK Scan already in progress on another instance
-2474 qacerr_VSNNOTSUPPORTED This version not supported at server
-2507 TCPIP_CONNECTFAIL The connect attempt failed
-2508 TCPIP_TRANSTHREADFAIL Transmission thread failure
-2511 TCPIP_INSTANCENOTFOUND Using invalid connection instance
-2514 TCPIP_TRANSTHREADFULL Transmission thread message queue full
-2517 TCPIP_LISTENTHREADNOTINIT The expected listen thread was not found
-2519 TCPIP_INVALIDMSGTYPE Received invalid message type
-2520 TCPIP_MSGCORRUPTED Received corrupted message
-2521 TCPIP_MSGQUEUEFULL Outgoing message queue full
-2524 TCPIP_GETMOREDATA Retrieving more data
-2526 TCPIP_CANCELLED Connection cancelled remotely
-2549 TCPIP_LISTENSTRUCT Failed to create listen data or administrator
-2900 qadcperr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2901 qadcperr_NOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-2902 qadcperr_NOREGFUNCTION Function number not recognised by server glue
-2903 qadcperr_CANTCREATEINSTANCE Can't create server instance
-2904 qadcperr_REINITIALISE No initialisation instance found for this client
-2905 qadcperr_BADHANDLE Bad client dataplus handle specified
-2906 qadcperr_SERVERPROBLEM Error at server
-2907 qadcperr_INVALIDHANDLE Dataplus handle invalid
-2908 qadcperr_BADCODE Bad format for dataplus set code
-2909 qadcperr_SETNOTOPEN Dataplus set is not open
-2910 qadcperr_CLIENTPLUGINERR Error at client plug-in
-3400 qaerr_INVALIDCOUNTRYINDEX Invalid index into UIGetCountry
-3401 qaerr_INVALIDLAYOUTINDEX Invalid index into UIGetLayout
-3402 qaerr_UNKNOWNLAYOUTNAME Unknown layout name in UISetActiveLayout
-3403 qaerr_UNKNOWNCOUNTRYCODE UIStartup with unknown ISO code
-3404 qaerr_NOSEARCHENGINESAVAILABLE Fatal case of the UF reporting no engines available
-3405 qaerr_CANTCHANGEDATABASE The more common invalid/unknown ISO code error
-3406 qaerr_UIAPIALREADYSTARTED Multiple calls to UIStartup
-3407 qaerr_UIAPINOTSTARTED UIStartup not called
-3408 qaerr_UIBADSEARCHSTRING No longer used
-3409 qaerr_UIBADCDFFORMAT No longer used
-3411 qaerr_INVALIDLINEINDEX Invalid index into UIGetLayoutLineElements
-3412 qaerr_NOSELECTEDLAYOUT No layout in use during call to UIGetLayoutLineElements
-3413 qaerr_NOLIVESERVER Fatal comms error
-3414 qaerr_BADCONFIGFLAGS Bad combination of config flags
-3415 qaerr_CANTCHANGEENGINE Failed to change search engine
-3416 qaerr_NOUFACTIVE Internal error
-3417 qaerr_UFINVALIDSTATE Internal sequence error
-3418 qaerr_UILICENSINGERROR Licensing failure has occurred with one or more data sets
-3450 qaerr_BADFUNCTION Bad function number
-3451 qaerr_NOKERNEL No kernel initialised at library call
-3452 qaerr_NOTPRESENT Shared entity not present
-3600 qaerr_INITFAILURE QAS TCP/IP failure
-3601 qaerr_CLEANUPFAIL Sockets failed to clean up properly
-3602 qaerr_ACCEPTFAIL Error accepting remote connection
-3603 qaerr_SOCKETBIND Failed to bind socket
-3604 qaerr_LISTENFAIL Failed to initialise the listen
-3605 qaerr_TALKFAIL Failed to initialise the talk
-3606 qaerr_SOCKETFAIL Failed to create socket
-3607 qaerr_CONNECTFAIL (TCP/IP talk socket) failed to connect to target
-3608 qaerr_ADDRESSERROR Error looking up remote hostname or address
-3609 qaerr_SENDERROR Error sending data
-3610 qaerr_RECVERROR Error receiving data
-3611 qaerr_SELECTERROR Error during processing of socket select for pending data
-3612 qaerr_TOOLARGE Message is too large to be transmitted by protocol
-3613 qaerr_PORTINUSE Specified port number already in use / Non-reusable
-3614 qaerr_CONNECTREFUSED Could not connect to remote host
-3615 qaerr_CONNECTIONCLOSED Connection has been lost
-3616 qaerr_SOCKOPTERROR Error setting socket option
-3617 qaerr_WAITTIMEDOUT Wait timed out
-3618 qaerr_HOSTNOTFOUND Host not found
-3622 qaerr_WOULDBLOCK Socket would block
-3623 qaerr_UNEXPECTED Unhandled error: please inform Experian QAS Technical Support
-3625 qaerr_WSAEINVAL Invalid function or argument for socket
-3627 qaerr_NOSOCKETS (The listen thread has) no sockets attached
-3701 qaerr_CDFSYNTAX Invalid CDF syntax
-3702 qaerr_BADCDFORDER Inaccurate item order in CDF
-3703 qaerr_BADCDFITEM Item in CDF is invalid
-3705 qaerr_INVALIDCDFOBJECT Invalid CDF object
-3706 qaerr_INVALIDABBREV Invalid abbreviation
-3708 qaerr_NOSUCHVARIATION CDF does not have this many variations
-3709 qaerr_OBJECTDEFINITION Objects incorrectly defined
-3710 qaerr_UNKNOWNOFFSET Offset supplied was out of range
-3711 qaerr_INVPARSEERR Push invalid parse has failed
-3801 qaerr_FORMATSYNTAX Incorrect formatting syntax
-3802 qaerr_TOOMANYADDRLINES Too many address lines requested
-3803 qaerr_INVALIDADDRESSLINE Address line out of range
-3804 qaerr_NOFORMATSPEC No format spec in INI file
-3805 qaerr_FORMATOVERFLOW Format(s) have overflowed
-3806 qaerr_FORMATTRUNCATED Format(s) are truncated
-3807 qaerr_BADCDFVERSION CDF version incompatible with format
-3810 qaerr_PREMISENEEDED Enter premise details
-3811 qaerr_NEEDRANGEOFFSET You need to enter number details within a range
-4300 qaerr_UFHANDLING Engine would like UF to take over
-4301 qaerr_UFNOTHANDLING UF would like engine to handle again
-4302 qaerr_NOUFGLUEINSTANCE Glue not initialised
-4303 qaerr_UFNOHK Housekeeping unavailable
-4304 qaerr_UFNOFUNC Requested function unavailable
-4306 qaerr_UFCANTSTEP Can't step in
-4307 qaerr_UFITEMRANGE Chosen picklist item out of range
-4308 qaerr_UFLAYOUTRANGE Invalid layout handle given
-4309 qaerr_NOUF NULL handle given
-4310 qaerr_NOUFSEARCH No search in progress
-4311 qaerr_ENGINEUNAVAILABLE Engine cannot be selected
-4312 qaerr_UFCANCELLED An action has been cancelled
-4313 qaerr_UFNOLAYOUT No layout matched that supplied
-4315 qaerr_NODATAAVAILABLE Data unavailable at this level
-4316 qaerr_MOREINEXACT Data unavailable at this level
-4317 qaerr_CANTSTEPIN Can't step in
-4318 qaerr_CANTSTEPOUT Can't step out
-4319 qaerr_BADOPTIONS Options value(s) wrong
-4320 qaerr_NOENGINESUPPORT Underlying engine doesn't provide this function
-4321 qaerr_BADSEQUENCE Functions called out of sequence
-4361 qaerr_CANTFORMATITEM The informational item cannot be formatted (eg "No matches")
-4362 qaerr_NODATAMAPPINGS No (valid) datamappings can be found in the QAWSERVE.ini file
-4363 qaerr_MISSINGDATAMAP The QAWSERVE.ini file contains no datamappings for this request
-4552 qaerr_APIHANDLE Instance handle invalid
-4553 qaerr_OUTOFSEQUENCE Function called out of sequence
-4554 qaerr_INSTANCEBUSY Instance handle already being used
-4556 qaerr_BADINDEX Index not within valid range
-4557 qaerr_BADVALUE A value passed was not valid
-4558 qaerr_BADPARAM Invalid parameter passed to API
-4559 qaerr_PARAMTRUNCATED API output is truncated
-4560 qaerr_NOENGINE There is no search engine available for this dataset
-4561 qaerr_BADLAYOUT The active layout is invalid
-4562 qaerr_BADSTEP Step-in/Step-out not allowed on item
-4570 qaerr_DATASETNOTAVAILABLE The dataset cannot be used
-4571 qaerr_LICENSINGFAILURE Licensing failure has occurred with one or more datasets
-4580 qaerr_SERVERCONNLOST Lost connection to the server. Transaction timed out or server error
-4581 qaerr_SERVERFULL The maximum number of server connections has been reached
-8300 qaerr_CTDIFUNC Unknown client function
-8301 qaerr_CTDINOKERNEL No kernel instance on client
-8304 qaerr_CTDIBOTTOM Item is not steppable
-8305 qaerr_CTDISERVERERR Typedown server error (reported by client)
-8400 qaerr_NOTDGLUEINSTANCE No Typedown glue instance
-8401 qaerr_TDIFUNC Unknown server function
-8402 qaerr_TDINOKERNEL No kernel instance on server
-8403 qaerr_TDINOMATCH No match
-8404 qaerr_TDIINDEXERROR Error in typedown index
-8405 qaerr_THRESHOLDTOOLLOW Threshold was below minimum
-8406 qaerr_TDINOHK Housekeeping is not initialised
-8407 qaerr_TDINONAMES Names cannot be opened
-8408 qaerr_TDCANCELLED Typedown search was cancelled
-8409 qaerr_TDDISCONNECT Typedown search was disconnected
-8410 qaerr_TDSSWOPFAIL Typedown swap failed
-8411 qaerr_NORESULTS Results unexpectedly not present
-8412 qaerr_EMPTYBITMAP Bitmap was empty
-8413 qaerr_TOOMUCHDATA Comms exceeded
-8500 qaerr_HOUSEFUNC Bad function code
-8501 qaerr_HOUSENOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-8502 qaerr_REMOTEINLOCK Remote INI file is locked
-8650 qaerr_ZLCFUNC Function unavailable
-8651 qaerr_ZLCNOKERNEL Kernel not initialised
-8652 qaerr_ZLCDISTANCE Maximum search range cannot be less than minimum
-8653 qaerr_ZLCBADTERM Search term must contain at least one letter or number
-8654 qaerr_ZLCNOMEMORY Client out of memory
-8655 qaerr_ZLCTOOMANYMATCHES Too many matches found
-8660 qaerr_ZLCABORT Search cancelled
-8661 qaerr_ZLCTIMEOUT Search timed out
-8750 qaerr_ZLSFUNC Unknown function
-8751 qaerr_ZLSNOKERNEL Kernel not initialised
-8752 qaerr_ZLSABORT Search aborted
-8753 qaerr_ZLSTOOMANYMATCHES Too many matches found
-8754 qaerr_ZLSTIMEOUT Search timed out
-11500 qaerr_LICFILENOTFOUND Licence File not found
-11501 qaerr_INVALIDLICENCEKEY Invalid license key
-11502 qaerr_LICENCECONFLICT Conflicting licenses found in license file
-11510 qaerr_LICENCENOTFOUND Licence not found
-11511 qaerr_LICENCEEXPIRED Licence expired
-11512 qaerr_EVALUATIONEXPIRED Evaluation license expired
-11520 qaerr_BADINPUTPARAM Invalid input parameter
-11521 qaerr_INVALIDDATE Invalid date
-11523 qaerr_NONEXPIRYMETERTRANSFER Transfer of non-expiry GBR clicks not allowed


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