If you are running Windows, and the Pro front-end meets your input and output requirements, it is recommended that you integrate the User Interface API. This is the easiest method of gaining maximum functionality with the minimum of effort, as programming with these functions is simpler.

Pro User Interface API can be integrated with a minimum of five functions:

  • QAProWV_UIStartup
  • QAProWV_UISearch
  • QAProWV_UIResultCount
  • QAProWV_UIGetResult
  • QAProWV_UIShutdown

These functions start up and shut down the Pro API, perform searches and return full addresses. If you wish to provide additional functionality, such as viewing and selecting address layouts and datasets, the appropriate functions can be added to your program.

The User Interface API is available for Windows Server 2012 64-bit, Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit, Windows 7 Professional SP1 and Windows 10 64-bit.

If, however, you need to use your own front-end screens, or you are running UNIX, you should integrate the primary Pro API.

The primary Pro API provides you with the functionality you need to integrate Pro seamlessly into your application. It is up to you how searches are performed and results are returned, and you are responsible for any user interface that is required. Although these functions require more programming on your part, they also give you great flexibility in integrating the API.

Even if you choose to integrate the primary Pro API, you might find it useful to look at the sample code provided for the User Interface API, to get an idea of the available functionality.

The primary Pro API is available for Windows Server 2012 64-bit, Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit, Windows 7 Professional SP1, Windows 10 64-bit and UNIX.

An unresolvable range is a picklist item that represents a range of premises, but where there is not enough information within the data to resolve the entry into a list of premises. These are very common when searching against the USA data, although they also exist within other data and must be handled appropriately.

For example, search using Single Line against the USA data using the optimal prompt set with the address:

Street Address: Arch St
Zip Code: 02110-14ND

This returns a page containing a text box that prompts the user to enter a premises within the following range:

2…78 Arch St, Bostom MA [even]

This is an unresolvable range meaning that there is no available data to determine which possible even values between 2 and 78 are valid, and which are invalid. The user therefore has to specify the premises number that will resolve this picklist item, so that a single address can be generated from the range.

A Phantom Primary Point (PPP) is specific to AUS data. A phantom primary point is a premises which is non-deliverable unless the user enters further secondary information. This secondary information may or may not be in the actual data. The user must enter this sub-premises information in order to complete a final address match.

For example, search using Single Line against the AUS data using the optimal prompt set with the address:

Building number or PO Box: 44
Street: Miller St
Postcode: 2060

This returns a picklist where the first entry is:

44 Miller Street, NORTH SYDNEY NSW

This is marked as a PPP, which means that if this picklist item is selected, the integration must prompt the user for additional sub-premises information.

Flattening defines whether the search results will be 'flattened' to a single picklist of deliverable results, or shown as (potentially multiple) hierarchical picklists of results that can be stepped into.


Enter command or search: **#f**
Picklist flattening can be: True/1 or False/0
Picklist flattening is set to: False

Enter command or search: **#f** 1
Picklist flattening is set to: True
