API output elements

A successful lookup of a telephone number will return information about the number supplied.

Generic response body fields

Field Description
ResultCode Status code of the submitted phone. See result codes for details.
Certainty Description of the ResultCode
PhoneType Type of the submitted phone number, e.g. "Landline", "Mobile", "Pager", "VoIP", "Unknown", "Provided number is Invalid".
Number Phone number supplied

Additional phone information

Field Description
ValidatedPhoneNumber Verified number in international format without the leading "+", e.g. "447123456789"
CountryName Name of the country relating to the phone number, e.g. "United Kingdom"
CountryCode Home country relating to the phone number, e.g. "44"
OperatorName Company name of the MSISDN Operator, e.g. "T-Mobile"
PortedCountryName Name of the country from which the mobile number is ported.
PortedCountryCode Home country code from which the mobile number is ported.
PortedOperatorName Operator from which the mobile number is ported.
IsRoaming Indicates whether the number is currently outside of the country where it is registered.
RoamingNetworkName The network name of the Mobile Switching Centre that the number is currently connected to.
RoamingNetworkPrefix The prefix of the Mobile Switching Centre the number is currently connected to.
RoamingCountryCode The prefix of the country the number is currently located in.
MCCMNC Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC).