Business manager

Once the EDQ Site Preferences are uploaded in the Business Manager:

  1. Choose the site.

  2. Go to Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Custom Site Preferences Groups.

  3. Choose the Experian properties and select the preferred options:

    EDQ Business Manager Config

Experian options

Properties Value Type Details
EDQ Token String Credentials provided to use the service; license token supplied by Experian
Email Enable Boolean Enable/disable email validation
Email Validation Boolean Enable/disable to force email validation to prevent the page from going through
Phone Enable Boolean Enable/disable phone validation
Phone Validation Boolean Enable/Disable to force phone validation to prevent the page from going through
Preferred address search engine Enum of String Select from: Both, Global Intuitive, Verification Engine, None
Global Intuitive Use Current Location Boolean Enable use of current location
Address layout String Address layout format for the data. See examples below.
Data Set Code String Code to use data sets in case the country ISO code requires it
Activates or deactivates data set usage Boolean Activates or deactivates data set usage or non-USA countries
Pro Web Custom Transition Callback String Name for the custom function to be triggered
Pro Web Callback validation Boolean Activates or deactivates page transition from the callback.

Example address layouts

  • EDQ NA Integration 5 Line No Retention - North American layout without any retention elements.

  • EDQ NA Integration 5 Line Default - North American layout with sub premise and care of retention.

  • EDQ NA Integration 5 Line Modified - North America layout with sub premise and care of retention, but with secondary information split out for concatenation.

  • EDQ NA Integration 5 Line Full Retention - North American layout with sub premise, care of, pre street, and post street retention.