Touchpoint installation

EDQHeaders Integration

  1. Go to int_experian_sgjc cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > components > header > htmlhead_UI.isml.
  2. The header line has been added already by us at the end of the htmlhead_UI.isml:
    <isinclude template="EDQ/EDQHeaders" />
    EDQ Headers

EDQUnicorn Integration

  1. Go to int_experian_sgjc cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > account > addressbook > addressdetails.isml:

  2. The line has been added already by us before the buttons definition in addressdetails.isml file:

    EDQ Unicorn integration

  3. Go to int_experian_sgjc cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > account > user > registration.isml.

  4. The line has been added already by us before the ending tag in "registration.isml" file:

    EDQ Unicorn integration

  5. Go to int_experian_sgjc cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > checkout > billing > billing.isml.

  6. The line has been added already by us before the ending tag in "billing.isml" file :

    EDQ Unicorn integration

  7. Go to int_experian_sgjc cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > checkout > shipping > singleshipping.isml.

  8. The line has been added already by us before the ending tag in "singleshipping.isml" file

    EDQ Unicorn integration

EDQUnicorn Integration

  1. Go to int_experian_sfra cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > account > components > registerForm.isml.
  2. The "registerForm.isml" line has been added already by us at the end of file <isinclude template="EDQ/EDQUnicorn" />.
  3. In the button section the attribute name with the label save to the submit button has been added alrady by us:
    EDQ Unicorn Integration
  4. Go to int_experian_sfra cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > account > addressForm.isml:
  5. In "addressForm.isml" file the <isinclude template="EDQ/EDQUnicorn" /> has been added already by us after the submit button as shown below.
  6. In the button section the attribute name with the label save has been added already by us to the submit button:
    EDQ Unicorn Integration
  7. Go to int_experian_sfra cartridge and open the template located in templates > default > checkout > checkout.isml.
  8. The line has been added already by us after the checkout workflow buttons in "checkout.isml" file:
    EDQ Unicorn Integration
  9. In the <!-- Step 1: Shipping --> section the attribute id with the label editShipping has been added already by us to the html span tag:
    EDQ Unicorn Integration
  10. In the <!-- Step 2: Payment and Billing--> section the attribute id with the label editPayment has been added already by us to the html span tag:
    EDQ Unicorn Integration

If your cloud server has the Auto-Upload option active, save all files and all new cartridges are going to be uploaded to your sandbox instance.

If you want to upload manually from Eclipse:

  1. Click the cloud server icon:
    Eclipse Server
  2. Choose the option Upload Cartridges:
    Server upload