Create custom mapping

While the solution is preconfigured to use specific fields for all kinds of validation, it is possible for these settings to be changed. All the preconfigured fields are managed through the solution's Mapping tab. When you first get the Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution an example mapping exists. If you do not create your own custom mapping, then the example preconfigured mapping is used.

Latitude, Longitude and Match level fields are shown if Geocoding (global datasets) is checked in the Select components tab. These components are used when a custom dataset is not specified for the request being sent.

For example, if a GBR address is searched and a custom regional dataset has been specified, fields used to store the data will be those which names start with Enrichment_. If a USA address is searched and there is no custom dataset specified for USA, then Latitude, Longitude and Match level mapped fields will be used. So, the typical settings for such a situation would be to map both Latitude and Enrichment_latitude to same field, for example address1_latitude.

To map the fields to your forms:

  1. Get to the Configuration page.
  2. Click the Map fields tab and select the entity you want your address, phone and/or email validation mapping to appear in.
  3. Next select your chosen mapping:
    • For all standard entities and fields there will already be preinstalled mapping, click 'Address 1' or 'Address 2'.
    • Click ADD to create a new mapping (keep the name to less than 40 characters).

Then for each of the following fields:

  1. In each section, map the fields where you want each bit of information returning from the API to appear. If you do not want to use a field, select "Not used".
    • There are additional address validation components at the bottom which are all optional. You need to have at least one trigger for the API to work. Add additional triggers by selecting + additional trigger.
    • To add additional Email validation fields select + additional Email.
    • To add additional Phone validation fields select + additional Phone.
  2. Click Apply.
  1. In the address validation section under the Enrichment components, map the latitude and longitude fields where you want each bit of information returning from the API to appear (If you do not want to use a field, select "Not used").
  2. Click Apply.
  1. In the address validation section under the Enrichment components, map the Match level field to where you want the information returning from the API to appear (in the dropdown you will find the new field you created).
  2. Click Apply.
  1. In the address, email and phone validation sections, map the corresponding validation message field and validation timestamp field you created earlier to where you want the information returning from the API to appear.
  2. Click Apply.