Our Experian Address Validation documentation details what datasets are available for each country and territory.

Currently, the following countries have options for additional datasets beyond the default address dataset:

  • Australia
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom

For these four countries you can set the default dataset which should be used as well as any additional datasets to be used together with the default dataset.

Configuring datasets

To specify address datasets:

  1. Go to the Configuration page.

  2. Click the Configure products tab.

  3. (Optional) Fill in the Default Dataset field. Currently only valid for Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

  4. (Optional) Fill in the Additional datasets field. This text field contains what datasets need to be used together with the default dataset already set in search request.

    Make sure you use a

    • ; between different countries
    • , between different datasets, and
    • : between country ISO code and corresponding datasets

    (Country ISO:Dataset name1,Dataset name2; Country ISO:Dataset name1)

    Example: GBR:gb-additional-notyetbuilt,gb-additional-multipleresidence

    Additional datasets example

  5. Click Apply.