To bind the fields to your forms:

  1. Go to Customize the System.
  2. Expand Entities in the left panel.
  3. Expand your chosen entity you want to add the fields to (e.g. Account) and click Forms under the chosen entity.
  4. Click your chosen form you want to add a field to (e.g. Account Quick Create). This will open a new window.
  5. Select the field you need to map.
  6. Click Change Properties, and go to the Controls tab.
  7. Click Add Control….
  8. Scroll and select EDQPhone, and click Add.
  9. Select where you want the control to work - Web, Phone and/or Tablet.

Optional steps

  1. Click the pencil icon by Country code field.
  2. Under Bind to a value on a field select your created field for Country code field.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click the pencil icon by Validation message.
  5. Under Bind to a value on a field select your created field for phone validation message.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click the pencil icon by Validation Timestamp.
  8. Under Bind to a value on a field select your created field for phone timestamp.
  9. Click OK.
  10. If you have configured a phone mapping for additional phone data (see section below) click the pencil icon by Mapping name.
  11. Select Bind to a static value and in the text box enter the Mapping name from the Map fields tab in the Configuration page.
  12. Click OK.
  13. If a mapping name has been provided in the previous step then the edq_formmanager web resource will need to be added to the form if it hasn't already been added. Follow the steps below to add this web resource to the form:
    1. Select Form Properties from the ribbon to open the Form Properties dialog box. In the Events tab click the top "Add" button and add the web resource "edq_formmanager" to the form.
    2. With the OnLoad event selected, click the bottom "Add" button to open the "Handler Properties" dialog box. For library select the previously added "edq_formmanager" and in the textbox labelled Function type in "edq_onLoadHandler" (exclude the quotes). Be sure that both checkboxes labelled "Enabled" and "Pass execution context as first parameter" are selected.
    3. Click "OK" to close the Form Properties dialog box.

Configure additional phone data in a Phone Mapping

Additional data values returned by the phone API can optionally be configured in a mapping to populate entity fields by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Configuration page.
  2. Click the Map fields tab.
  3. From the entities list on the left select the entity for which you want to configure a phone mapping.
  4. Either select an existing mapping from the list in the MAPPINGS column or click + ADD to create a new mapping (enter a name in the textbox labelled Name in this case).
  5. The data properties for the Result and Metadata property groups that have been selected under the Configure additional data tab are shown under the tab heading Phone data fields.
  6. Click on the drop-down listbox for each data property you would like to map and select the entity field that you want populated by the value returned by the API. You will need to ensure that the fields to accept the data values have been created on the entity beforehand.
    • Five types of entity fields can be selected: Number, Text, Choice, Lookup or DateTime. If you select:
    • Number, the integer or decimal value returned by the API is stored in the field. If the entity field only holds integers and a decimal value is returned by the API, the value will be truncated to an integer value.
    • Text, the text value returned by the API is stored in the field.
    • Choice, the item selected for the choice field will be the one where the text of the choice item matches the text returned by the API using a case insensitive match.
    • Lookup, the lookup record selected for the field will be the one where the text of the primary name column of the Lookup entity matches the text returned by the API using a case insensitive match.
    • DateTime, the date and time text value returned by the API is stored in the field.
    • Without additional configuration, for both the Choice and Lookup cases, an empty value will be saved to the mapped field if a match is not found amongst the Choice or Lookup values.
  7. For any data property that you want to ignore, choose the value Not mapped from the drop-down list.