
Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.
integer Maximum time you are prepared to wait for a response, expressed in seconds.
Acceptable values: 2-15. If a timeout occurs, an HTTP status code of 408 - Request Timeout will be returned.

The default value of this setting is 15.
boolean Specify whether the response should return all fields and values, in addition to the main core information.

The default value of this setting is true.

Body parameters

In the request body you can specify:

Name Type Description
components object Object defining the input components.
first_name collection Collection containing the first name of the individual.
middle_name collection Collection containing the middle name of the individual.
last_name collection Collection containing the last name of the individual.
address_line_1 collection Collection containing the address of the individual.
town collection Collection containing the town, city or suburb.
region collection Collection containing the state or province.
postal_code collection Collection containing the post/zip code.
email collection Collection containing the email of the individual.
phone collection Collection containing the phone number of the individual.
country_iso_2 collection Collection containing the ISO 2 code of the country of the individual.
IP_address collection Collection containing the IP address of the individual.
user_agent collection Collection containing the user agent of the individual.
attributes collection Collection containing the type of the request.


Name Type Description
string Identifier that was supplied by you in the request header to help you track the request.


The response from the API returns the below fields within a result object. Should an error occur, an error object is returned instead.


Name Type Description
score integer The risk score for the email address provided, low score: 0, High score: 100.
tumbling_risk integer A score indicating multiple variations of the same email address. 0 indicates no tumbling detected, while values of 1, 2 and 3 indicated a linear risk of tumbling detected.
domain_risk integer A score indicating the domain risk level, based on historical information and industry data. Low score: 0, High score: 10.


Name Type Description
date_first_seen string The date the email address first appeared in the records.
longevity integer A score relating to when the email address was first discovered. From 0 (not discovered) to 3 (Discovered over a year ago).
velocity integer A score reflecting the activity of the email address over the last 6 months, from 0 (no activity) to 10 (most active).
popularity integer A score assessing the email address's visibility over the last 12 months based on the number of sources that have received the address, ranging from 0 (no sources) to 10 (most sources).
domain string Collection containing the email domain info, including date_first_seen, longevity, velocity, popularity and domain_type.
confidence string Collection containing the confidence of the email.
verbose_output string The verbose output of the validation.
verbose_reason string The verbose output description of the validation.

If the HTTP status code of the response is 200, among other fields, the response body will contain a confidence level and verbose details.

Confidence Verbose Description
verified verified The mailbox exists, is reachable, and is not known to be illegitimate or disposable.
undeliverable mailboxDisabled The mailbox is disabled.
mailboxDoesNotExist The mailbox does not exist.
mailboxFull The mailbox is full.
syntaxFailure The syntax of the specified email address is incorrect.
internationalCharactersUnsupported The domain does not support the use of international characters (e.g. á, é or ø).
unreachable unreachable The domain is not responding to validation requests or does not have any active mail servers.
illegitimate illegitimate Seed, spamtrap, black hole, technical role account or inactive domain.
roleAccount Role accounts such as support, sales, info etc.
typoDomain The domain of the email address you've provided was close to a common domain and, although it exists, it is highly unlikely to be correct.
localPartSpamTrap Known local portions of the email address that may indicate spam traps.
Profanity The email address contains profanity.
disposable disposable The domain is administered by a disposable email provider (e.g. Mailinator).
unknown unknown We were unable to conclusively verify or invalidate the email address.
timeout The request timed out due to the host domain not responding in time.
acceptAll The domain is accept-all, so the email address cannot be validated.
relayDenied The result was validated at the incorrect mail exchanger.
BLANK You are submitting requests at a faster rate than allowed by the email service providers for the domains you are checking.
Name Type Description
first_name_match string Checks to see if the first name matches first names previously associated with that email.
last_name_match string Checks to see if the last name matches last names previously associated with that email.
address_line_1_match string Checks to see if the address line matches the address line previously associated with that email.
town_match string Checks to see if the town matches the town data previously associated with that email.
postal_code_match string Checks to see if the postal code matches the postal code data previously associated with that email.
deliverability string Checks if the address is deliverable.
deliverability_detail string Deliverable sub status.
address_type string Indicates the address type.


Name Type Description
routing_type string Indicates the IP Routing Type (IPRT), which specifies how the connection is routed through the Internet and can be used to determine how close the user is to the public IP address.
organization string The registering organization, which can include many types of entities, including corporate, government, or educational entities, and ISPs managing the allocation and use of network blocks.
proxy_type string The network or protocol utilized by the server to proxy the user connection is identified.
hosting_facility boolean A value of "true" indicates that the IP address is associated with a hosting facility; otherwise the value is "false".
latitude number The latitude of the identified location.
longtitude number The longitude of the identified location.

The following response codes can be returned by the API:

Status Code Reason phrase Description
200 Success Request processed successfully.
400 Bad Request Request failed due to malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized Auth-Token provided is incorrect.
403 Forbidden Request is not authorized to use this service.
404 Not Found Request is not found.
406 Not Acceptable Request is not in an acceptable format.
408 Request Timeout Response was not returned within the timeout allowance.
415 Unsupported Media Type Request is not using a Media type that is recognized by the server.
429 Too many requests Too many requests were sent. To protect all customers, your account has been temporarily throttled. Check our rate limiting for more details.
500 Internal Server Error The server has encountered an error.
503 Service Unavailable Service unavailable. Check service status for up-to-date information.


  "components": {
    "first_name": [
    "last_name": [
    "address_line_1": [
      "123 Main St"
    "town": [
      "New York"
    "region": [
    "postal_code": [
    "email": [
    "phone": [
    "country_iso_2": [
    "ip_address": [
    "user_agent": [
  "attributes": [


  "result": {
    "risk": {
      "score": 100,
      "tumbling_risk": 3,
      "domain_risk": 5
  "metadata": {
    "email_detail": {
      "date_first_seen": "2016-08-09",
      "longevity": 3,
      "velocity": 10,
      "popularity": 10,
      "domain": {
        "date_first_seen": "now",
        "longevity": 3,
        "velocity": 10,
        "popularity": 10,
        "domain_type": "freeisp"
      "confidence": "verified",
      "verbose_output": "verified",
      "verbose_reason": "Valid email address."
    "address_detail": {
      "first_name_match": "match",
      "last_name_match": "no_match",
      "address_line_1_match": "no_data",
      "town_match": "no_data",
      "postal_code_match": "no_data",
      "deliverability": "undeliverable",
      "deliverability_detail": "missing_primary",
      "address_type": {
        "code": "S",
        "description": "Street"
    "ip_detail": {
      "routing_type": "fixed",
      "organization": "experian",
      "proxy_type": "tor",
      "hosting_facility": true,
      "latitude": 38.89768,
      "longitude": -77.03651