home/Address validation/Pro Web/API reference (REST)/Status codes and error responses

Status codes and error responses

The following response codes can be returned by the API:

Status Code Reason phrase Description
200 Success Request processed successfully.
400 Bad Request Request failed due to malformed syntax.
408 Request Timeout Response was not returned within the timeout allowance.
500 Internal Server Error The server has encountered an error.

Below is a full list of error codes and their descriptions.

For any other error codes, please contact us.

Code Message Explanation
-1000 qaerr_FATAL Fatal error
-1001 qaerr_NOMEMORY Out of memory
-1002 qaerr_INITINSTANCE Invalid multi-threading instance
-1005 qaerr_INITOOLARGE INI file too large
-1009 qaerr_FILECHGDETECT Cannot detect file changes
-1006 qaerr_ININOEXTEND Cannot extend INI file
-1009 qaerr_FILECHGDETECT Cannot detect file changes
-1010 qaerr_FILEOPEN File not found
-1011 qaerr_FILEEXIST File already exists
-1012 qaerr_FILEREAD File read failure
-1013 qaerr_FILEWRITE File write failure
-1014 qaerr_FILEDELETE Could not delete file
-1015 qaerr_FILERESV Reserved device
-1016 qaerr_FILEACCESS File access denied
-1017 qaerr_FILEVERSION This occurs if the data files that comprise a dataset have different version numbers. Reinstall your data to ensure that you have the latest versions of all files
-1018 qaerr_FILEHANDLE Maximum number of files open
-1019 qaerr_FILECREATE Could not create file
-1020 qaerr_FILERENAME Could not rename file
-1021 qaerr_FILEEXPIRED This error occurs if a dataset has expired. Contact Experian Data Quality for a data update
-1022 qaerr_FILENOTDEMO Can only access demonstration data
-1023 qaerr_FILETIMEGET Failed to obtain file timestamp
-1024 qaerr_FILETIMESET Failed to modify file timestamp
-1025 qaerr_READFAIL Disk read failure
-1026 qaerr_WRITEFAIL Disk write failure
-1027 qaerr_BADDRIVE Invalid drive
-1028 qaerr_BADDIR Invalid directory
-1029 qaerr_DIRCREATE Could not create directory
-1030 qaerr_BADOPTION An invalid command line parameter has been used. Enter the correct parameter to continue
-1031 qaerr_BADINIFILE Could not locate INI file
-1032 qaerr_BADLOGFILE Could not create log file
-1033 qaerr_BADMEMORY Invalid memory configuration. Contact Experian Technical Support
-1034 qaerr_BADHOTKEY Invalid hot key
-1035 qaerr_HOTKEYUSED Hot key already in use
-1036 qaerr_BADRESOURCE Could not locate language file
-1038 qaerr_BADTEMPDIR Bad temporary directory
-1040 qaerr_NOTDEFINED Entry not defined
-1041 qaerr_DUPLICATE Entry duplicated
-1042 qaerr_BADACTION Invalid (list) action
-1050 qaerr_CCFAILURE Copy control failure
-1051 qaerr_BADCODE Invalid copy control code
-1052 qaerr_CCACCESS Copy control access denied
-1053 qaerr_CCNODONGLE The counter file has not been configured
-1054 qaerr_CCNOUNITS There are no units left on the appropriate meter
-1055 qaerr_CCNOMETER No meter can be found for this data
-1056 qaerr_CCNOFEATURE Feature not supported
-1057 qaerr_CCINVALID The counter file integrity has failed. Contact Experian Technical Support
-1060 qaerr_CCINSTALL Copy control not installed
-1061 qaerr_CCEXPIRED Allowable time expired
-1062 qaerr_CCDATETIME Date / time is invalid
-1063 qaerr_CCUSERLIMIT Number of concurrent users exceeded
-1064 qaerr_CCACTIVATE Copy control installed but not activated
-1065 qaerr_CCBADDRIVE Invalid copy control drive
-1066 qaerr_CCREGISTER Product must be registered
-1070 qaerr_UNAUTHORISED Not authorised
-1074 qaerr_NOLOCALEFILE Locale file not found
-1075 qaerr_BADLOCALEFILE Invalid locale file
-1076 qaerr_BADLOCALE Unknown language / country
-1077 qaerr_BADCODEPAGE Unknown code page
-1078 qaerr_RESOURCEFAIL Resource lookup failure
-1080 qaerr_NOTHREAD Invalid thread handle
-1081 qaerr_NOTLSMEMORY Out of thread local storage
-1090 qaerr_NOTASK Could not create task
-2300 qawdperr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code to library
-2301 qawdperr_NOKERNEL Kernel must be pre-initialised
-2302 qawdperr_NOPLUGIN Plug-in not found for this DataPlus set
-2305 qawdperr_ISOPEN DataPlus file already open by this DataPlus handle
-2306 qawdperr_BADENTRY Bad DataPlus entry detected (data error)
-2307 qawdperr_NOTOPEN DataPlus set is not open
-2308 qawdperr_NOCOUNTRY No country code specified
-2309 qawdperr_PLUGINIT Problem initialising plug-in
-2310 qawdperr_PLUGBADARG Bad argument to plug-in - no result returned
-2311 qawdperr_NEWFORMAT New file format detected
-2400 qallderr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2401 qallderr_NOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-2402 qallderr_BADHEADER Bad object header detected
-2403 qallderr_NOOBJSIZE No object size (internal error)
-2404 qallderr_NOMOREOBJECTS No more objects (result of attempted move)
-2405 qallderr_BADDICT Bad dictionary entry detected
-2406 qallderr_BADDATA Bad compressed data detected in rds
-2407 qallderr_INTDPPROB More than one DataPlus item returned from lookup
-2408 qallderr_MAXDPLITEMS Too many DataPlus references
-2409 qallderr_NONAMES Can't open Names DataPlus set
-2410 qallderr_BEYONDEOF Offset is beyond end of file
-2411 qallderr_BADOBJCHAIN Invalid object chain from this object position
-2412 qallderr_BADRANGETYPE Invalid range type detected
-2413 qallderr_BADRANGESTART Bad range start value detected
-2414 qallderr_ADSALREADYOPEN Requested ADS is already open
-2415 qallderr_DELTADELTACOMP Error decompressing delta-delta index
-2416 qallderr_NOADSFORDTS DTS reference not found in deltadelta index for this ADS
-2417 qallderr_NOADSFORADS ADS reference invalid for this ADS
-2450 qacerr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2451 qacerr_BADCCLASS Comms class not found
-2452 qacerr_NOLISFUNC Listen function not specified in listen request
-2453 qacerr_CCNOTIMP Specified comms class is not yet implemented
-2454 qacerr_ALRDYLIST Already listening on the specified port
-2455 qacerr_BADTFUNC Bad transport function called (internal error)
-2456 qacerr_NOLISTENER Destination is not listening
-2457 qacerr_BADHANDLE Invalid handle specified
-2458 qacerr_CANCELLED Connection was cancelled remotely
-2459 qacerr_NOBUFFER Attempted to take a size of an uninitialised buffer
-2460 qacerr_GETINSCHAR Get called but there are insufficient characters
-2461 qacerr_NOKERNEL qacerr_NOKERNEL
-2462 qacerr_NOTXN Can't call send or receive unless a transaction is in progress
-2463 qacerr_NOTXNNUM A transaction must have a nonzero transaction number
-2464 qacerr_TERMINATED Talk was cancelled in the transaction callback
-2465 qacerr_NOREGFUNCTION No registered function was found for this transaction number
-2466 qacerr_NOTXNMESSAGE Receive called but no message waiting
-2467 qacerr_NOSERVERMEMORY No server memory during transaction processing
-2468 qacerr_ATMAXBUFFER Maximum transaction buffer size reached
-2469 qacerr_NOTLISTENHAND Comms handle specified is not a listen handle!
-2470 qacerr_SERVERFULL Maximum server connection count exceeded
-2471 qacerr_DELETESELF Can't delete own connection
-2472 qacerr_TIMEDOUT A connection's transaction has timed out
-2473 qacerr_SCANLOCK Scan already in progress on another instance
-2474 qacerr_VSNNOTSUPPORTED This version not supported at server
-2507 TCPIP_CONNECTFAIL The connect attempt failed
-2508 TCPIP_TRANSTHREADFAIL Transmission thread failure
-2511 TCPIP_INSTANCENOTFOUND Using invalid connection instance
-2514 TCPIP_TRANSTHREADFULL Transmission thread message queue full
-2517 TCPIP_LISTENTHREADNOTINIT The expected listen thread was not found
-2519 TCPIP_INVALIDMSGTYPE Received invalid message type
-2520 TCPIP_MSGCORRUPTED Received corrupted message
-2521 TCPIP_MSGQUEUEFULL Outgoing message queue full
-2524 TCPIP_GETMOREDATA Retrieving more data
-2526 TCPIP_CANCELLED Connection cancelled remotely
-2549 TCPIP_LISTENSTRUCT Failed to create listen data or administrator
-2900 qadcperr_BADFUNCTION Bad function code
-2901 qadcperr_NOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-2902 qadcperr_NOREGFUNCTION Function number not recognised by server glue
-2903 qadcperr_CANTCREATEINSTANCE Can't create server instance
-2904 qadcperr_REINITIALISE No initialisation instance found for this client
-2905 qadcperr_BADHANDLE Bad client dataplus handle specified
-2906 qadcperr_SERVERPROBLEM Error at server
-2907 qadcperr_INVALIDHANDLE Dataplus handle invalid
-2908 qadcperr_BADCODE Bad format for dataplus set code
-2909 qadcperr_SETNOTOPEN Dataplus set is not open
-2910 qadcperr_CLIENTPLUGINERR Error at client plug-in
-3400 qaerr_INVALIDCOUNTRYINDEX Invalid index into UIGetCountry
-3401 qaerr_INVALIDLAYOUTINDEX Invalid index into UIGetLayout
-3402 qaerr_UNKNOWNLAYOUTNAME Unknown layout name in UISetActiveLayout
-3403 qaerr_UNKNOWNCOUNTRYCODE UIStartup with unknown ISO code
-3404 qaerr_NOSEARCHENGINESAVAILABLE Fatal case of the UF reporting no engines available
-3405 qaerr_CANTCHANGEDATABASE The more common invalid/unknown ISO code error
-3406 qaerr_UIAPIALREADYSTARTED Multiple calls to UIStartup
-3407 qaerr_UIAPINOTSTARTED UIStartup not called
-3408 qaerr_UIBADSEARCHSTRING No longer used
-3409 qaerr_UIBADCDFFORMAT No longer used
-3411 qaerr_INVALIDLINEINDEX Invalid index into UIGetLayoutLineElements
-3412 qaerr_NOSELECTEDLAYOUT No layout in use during call to UIGetLayoutLineElements
-3413 qaerr_NOLIVESERVER Fatal comms error
-3414 qaerr_BADCONFIGFLAGS Bad combination of config flags
-3415 qaerr_CANTCHANGEENGINE Failed to change search engine
-3416 qaerr_NOUFACTIVE Internal error
-3417 qaerr_UFINVALIDSTATE Internal sequence error
-3418 qaerr_UILICENSINGERROR Licensing failure has occurred with one or more data sets
-3450 qaerr_BADFUNCTION Bad function number
-3451 qaerr_NOKERNEL No kernel initialised at library call
-3452 qaerr_NOTPRESENT Shared entity not present
-3600 qaerr_INITFAILURE QAS TCP/IP failure
-3601 qaerr_CLEANUPFAIL Sockets failed to clean up properly
-3602 qaerr_ACCEPTFAIL Error accepting remote connection
-3603 qaerr_SOCKETBIND Failed to bind socket
-3604 qaerr_LISTENFAIL Failed to initialise the listen
-3605 qaerr_TALKFAIL Failed to initialise the talk
-3606 qaerr_SOCKETFAIL Failed to create socket
-3607 qaerr_CONNECTFAIL (TCP/IP talk socket) failed to connect to target
-3608 qaerr_ADDRESSERROR Error looking up remote hostname or address
-3609 qaerr_SENDERROR Error sending data
-3610 qaerr_RECVERROR Error receiving data
-3611 qaerr_SELECTERROR Error during processing of socket select for pending data
-3612 qaerr_TOOLARGE Message is too large to be transmitted by protocol
-3613 qaerr_PORTINUSE Specified port number already in use / Non-reusable
-3614 qaerr_CONNECTREFUSED Could not connect to remote host
-3615 qaerr_CONNECTIONCLOSED Connection has been lost
-3616 qaerr_SOCKOPTERROR Error setting socket option
-3617 qaerr_WAITTIMEDOUT Wait timed out
-3618 qaerr_HOSTNOTFOUND Host not found
-3622 qaerr_WOULDBLOCK Socket would block
-3623 qaerr_UNEXPECTED Unhandled error: please inform Experian QAS Technical Support
-3625 qaerr_WSAEINVAL Invalid function or argument for socket
-3627 qaerr_NOSOCKETS (The listen thread has) no sockets attached
-3701 qaerr_CDFSYNTAX Invalid CDF syntax
-3702 qaerr_BADCDFORDER Inaccurate item order in CDF
-3703 qaerr_BADCDFITEM Item in CDF is invalid
-3705 qaerr_INVALIDCDFOBJECT Invalid CDF object
-3706 qaerr_INVALIDABBREV Invalid abbreviation
-3708 qaerr_NOSUCHVARIATION CDF does not have this many variations
-3709 qaerr_OBJECTDEFINITION Objects incorrectly defined
-3710 qaerr_UNKNOWNOFFSET Offset supplied was out of range
-3711 qaerr_INVPARSEERR Push invalid parse has failed
-3801 qaerr_FORMATSYNTAX Incorrect formatting syntax
-3802 qaerr_TOOMANYADDRLINES Too many address lines requested
-3803 qaerr_INVALIDADDRESSLINE Address line out of range
-3804 qaerr_NOFORMATSPEC No format spec in INI file
-3805 qaerr_FORMATOVERFLOW Format(s) have overflowed
-3806 qaerr_FORMATTRUNCATED Format(s) are truncated
-3807 qaerr_BADCDFVERSION CDF version incompatible with format
-3810 qaerr_PREMISENEEDED Enter premise details
-3811 qaerr_NEEDRANGEOFFSET You need to enter number details within a range
-4300 qaerr_UFHANDLING Engine would like UF to take over
-4301 qaerr_UFNOTHANDLING UF would like engine to handle again
-4302 qaerr_NOUFGLUEINSTANCE Glue not initialised
-4303 qaerr_UFNOHK Housekeeping unavailable
-4304 qaerr_UFNOFUNC Requested function unavailable
-4306 qaerr_UFCANTSTEP Can't step in
-4307 qaerr_UFITEMRANGE Chosen picklist item out of range
-4308 qaerr_UFLAYOUTRANGE Invalid layout handle given
-4309 qaerr_NOUF NULL handle given
-4310 qaerr_NOUFSEARCH No search in progress
-4311 qaerr_ENGINEUNAVAILABLE Engine cannot be selected
-4312 qaerr_UFCANCELLED An action has been cancelled
-4313 qaerr_UFNOLAYOUT No layout matched that supplied
-4315 qaerr_NODATAAVAILABLE Data unavailable at this level
-4316 qaerr_MOREINEXACT Data unavailable at this level
-4317 qaerr_CANTSTEPIN Can't step in
-4318 qaerr_CANTSTEPOUT Can't step out
-4319 qaerr_BADOPTIONS Options value(s) wrong
-4320 qaerr_NOENGINESUPPORT Underlying engine doesn't provide this function
-4321 qaerr_BADSEQUENCE Functions called out of sequence
-4361 qaerr_CANTFORMATITEM The informational item cannot be formatted (eg "No matches")
-4362 qaerr_NODATAMAPPINGS No (valid) datamappings can be found in the QAWSERVE.ini file
-4363 qaerr_MISSINGDATAMAP The QAWSERVE.ini file contains no datamappings for this request
-4552 qaerr_APIHANDLE Instance handle invalid
-4553 qaerr_OUTOFSEQUENCE Function called out of sequence
-4554 qaerr_INSTANCEBUSY Instance handle already being used
-4556 qaerr_BADINDEX Index not within valid range
-4557 qaerr_BADVALUE A value passed was not valid
-4558 qaerr_BADPARAM Invalid parameter passed to API
-4559 qaerr_PARAMTRUNCATED API output is truncated
-4560 qaerr_NOENGINE There is no search engine available for this dataset
-4561 qaerr_BADLAYOUT The active layout is invalid
-4562 qaerr_BADSTEP Step-in/Step-out not allowed on item
-4570 qaerr_DATASETNOTAVAILABLE The dataset cannot be used
-4571 qaerr_LICENSINGFAILURE Licensing failure has occurred with one or more datasets
-4580 qaerr_SERVERCONNLOST Lost connection to the server. Transaction timed out or server error
-4581 qaerr_SERVERFULL The maximum number of server connections has been reached
-8300 qaerr_CTDIFUNC Unknown client function
-8301 qaerr_CTDINOKERNEL No kernel instance on client
-8304 qaerr_CTDIBOTTOM Item is not steppable
-8305 qaerr_CTDISERVERERR Typedown server error (reported by client)
-8400 qaerr_NOTDGLUEINSTANCE No Typedown glue instance
-8401 qaerr_TDIFUNC Unknown server function
-8402 qaerr_TDINOKERNEL No kernel instance on server
-8403 qaerr_TDINOMATCH No match
-8404 qaerr_TDIINDEXERROR Error in typedown index
-8405 qaerr_THRESHOLDTOOLLOW Threshold was below minimum
-8406 qaerr_TDINOHK Housekeeping is not initialised
-8407 qaerr_TDINONAMES Names cannot be opened
-8408 qaerr_TDCANCELLED Typedown search was cancelled
-8409 qaerr_TDDISCONNECT Typedown search was disconnected
-8410 qaerr_TDSSWOPFAIL Typedown swap failed
-8411 qaerr_NORESULTS Results unexpectedly not present
-8412 qaerr_EMPTYBITMAP Bitmap was empty
-8413 qaerr_TOOMUCHDATA Comms exceeded
-8500 qaerr_HOUSEFUNC Bad function code
-8501 qaerr_HOUSENOKERNEL Kernel is not initialised
-8502 qaerr_REMOTEINLOCK Remote INI file is locked
-8650 qaerr_ZLCFUNC Function unavailable
-8651 qaerr_ZLCNOKERNEL Kernel not initialised
-8652 qaerr_ZLCDISTANCE Maximum search range cannot be less than minimum
-8653 qaerr_ZLCBADTERM Search term must contain at least one letter or number
-8654 qaerr_ZLCNOMEMORY Client out of memory
-8655 qaerr_ZLCTOOMANYMATCHES Too many matches found
-8660 qaerr_ZLCABORT Search cancelled
-8661 qaerr_ZLCTIMEOUT Search timed out
-8750 qaerr_ZLSFUNC Unknown function
-8751 qaerr_ZLSNOKERNEL Kernel not initialised
-8752 qaerr_ZLSABORT Search aborted
-8753 qaerr_ZLSTOOMANYMATCHES Too many matches found
-8754 qaerr_ZLSTIMEOUT Search timed out
-11500 qaerr_LICFILENOTFOUND Licence File not found
-11501 qaerr_INVALIDLICENCEKEY Invalid license key
-11502 qaerr_LICENCECONFLICT Conflicting licenses found in license file
-11510 qaerr_LICENCENOTFOUND Licence not found
-11511 qaerr_LICENCEEXPIRED Licence expired
-11512 qaerr_EVALUATIONEXPIRED Evaluation license expired
-11520 qaerr_BADINPUTPARAM Invalid input parameter
-11521 qaerr_INVALIDDATE Invalid date
-11523 qaerr_NONEXPIRYMETERTRANSFER Transfer of non-expiry GBR clicks not allowed

When SOAP errors are returned, they are passed to the user via the XML interface in the form of a fault message. Fault messages are customized to provide error information that does not include any confidential details about the application.

For any other error codes, please contact us.

Code Message Explanation
-4600 qaerr_XMLPARSEFAILURE Failure to parse XML. Returned if the SOAP action sent to the server does not conform to the WSDL file: commonly occurs if attributes and/or elements do not contain valid settings. The integration environment may not validate the SOAP action against the WSDL file, and so it is possible to pass values that are outside defined ranges or thresholds.
-4650 qaerr_SOAPHTTPPARSEFAILURE Failed to parse HTTP request.
-4651 qaerr_SOAPENVELOPEPARSEFAILURE Failed to parse SOAP envelope in request.
-4652 qaerr_SOAPENVELOPENOTPRESENT No envelope found in parsed XML.
-4653 qaerr_SOAPNAMESPACEMISMATCH SOAP namespace does not match.
-4654 qaerr_SOAPBODYNOTPRESENT No body could be found.
-4655 qaerr_SOAPREQUESTPARSEFAILURE Payload of message could not be parsed.
-4660 qaerr_XMLINVALIDACTION Invalid SOAP action.