This section describes the WSDL document (proweb.wsdl) that is provided with this version of Pro Web.To access the WSDL document, ensure that the server is running and use the following URL:
http://server name:port name/proweb.wsdl
For example: http://localhost:2021/proweb.wsdl
The WSDL document is provided for integrators who want to communicate with the Pro Web Server, but do not want to base their integration on the standard integration code supplied with the product. Knowledge of the following technologies is assumed:
The server supports SOAP version 1.1 only.
HTTP versions 1.1 and 1.0 are both supported.
This section describes the Pro Web Server operations that make up the address capture and address verification processes.
Name | Description |
Can Search | Check the combination of data mapping, engine, and layout are valid to search. |
Initial Search | Performs initial search. |
Step In | Steps into a picklist that was created during a previous search. |
Refinement | Refines a picklist that was created during a previous search. |
Get Final Address | Creates a final formatted address from a previously-created picklist item. |
The capture of an address using the Verification engine, in the majority of cases, only needs to use the first, second, fourth and fifth operations.
Every input XML document has an optional language attribute which specifies the language in which the server will return errors and other messages to the user. The element is of the form:
qas:LanguageIDType Language
The table below lists the available languages and their language codes:
Language | Code |
English (American) | 001 |
English (UK/AUS) | 044 |
Dutch | 031 |
French | 033 |
Spanish | 034 |
German | 049 |
Typically, the process of searching with the Singleline or Typedown engine follows the format outlined as follows:
Pre-check - An optional check on the validity of a search against the intended engine/data mapping/layout combination. This uses the DoCanSearch action.
Initial Search - This returns a Picklist
object, which contains a list of PicklistItems
that can be displayed. Each item can either be expanded, formatted into a final address or may be merely informational. The DoSearch action can be used for the initial search.
Handling picklists and monikers - The picklist items are displayed to the user. Depending on the choice made by the user, one of the following will occur:
A call to stepIn, refine or DoGetAddress requires a moniker from either the Picklist or PicklistItem returned by a previous call. These monikers encode the information required to recreate a particular picklist or picklist item, and are the means by which any integration navigates the search process.
Format the final address.
Once a final address picklist item has been identified, the DoGetAddress action will apply a layout to the item, returning a FormattedAddress
object that contains the final, formatted address.
The Verification engine is designed so that only minimal interaction, or none at all, is required from the user. This is the choice of the integrator. The user should enter their whole address in the same format the would write it on an envelope, and the entire address is submitted to the engine.
Picklists are only returned by Verification searches where the verification level is a high enough match to at least one address, but not high enough to confidently match a single address, for example PremisesPartial, StreetPartial or Multiple. In such cases, the integrator may decide to offer the user a picklist and proceed in a similar fashion to the address capture process, or simply to ignore the picklist and use the address as originally entered (in order to minimise user interaction).
The DoCanSearch action may be called for the Verification engine, but it is unlikely that this extra step in the workflow will be useful: the page can simply perform a search and process the results as required.
The typical search process for verification is as follows:
object that may contain a FormattedAddress
object and/or a Picklist
object, as well as the VerifyLevel
. If picklists are not being handled, the integrator may simply check that the VerifyLevel
is high enough before using the FormattedAddress
object that contains the final, formatted address.The following examples describe in detail each of the Pro Web Server operations. Example SOAP communication is also provided.
An optional stage of the address capture process is to check that the combination of data mapping, engine and layout is valid for searching by using the DoCanSearch action.
This is an essential stage if you are using metered datasets. The operation returns an error if the value of the meter is less than or equal to zero.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoCanSearch | QACanSearch | QASearchOK |
Returns a value of False if you specify a data mapping:
It also returns a value of False if the meters have run out, or if the requested engine is not appropriate or available (for example, Verification is only available for some data mappings). The operation also returns information as to why a value of False was returned.
The following example shows the combination of the GBR data mapping, Singleline search engine and the layout named "( QAS Standard Layout )" being verified as valid.
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 456
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<web:QACanSearch xmlns:web="">
<web:Engine Flatten="false"><a href="/address-validation/pro-web/7.98/address-search-types/singleline/" target="_self" title="">Singleline</a></web:Engine>
<web:Layout>( QAS Standard Layout )</web:Layout>
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Length: 257
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QASearchOk xmlns:qas="">
The next stage is to submit an initial search to the server, using the DoSearch action.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoSearch | QASearch | QASearchResult |
Performs an address search that returns one or more results. Result(s) can be in the form of a picklist or a single final address.
The following example submits the search string "s87bw" to be searched against the GBR data mapping using the Singleline engine, and specifies the "(Standard Layout)" layout. The response is in the form of a Picklist item consisting of a single entry.
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 401
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0">
<web:QASearch xmlns:web="">
<web:Engine Flatten="false"><a href="/address-validation/pro-web/7.98/address-search-types/singleline/" target="_self" title="">Singleline</a></web:Engine>
<web:Layout>( QAS Standard Layout )</web:Layout>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 808
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QASearchResult xmlns:qas="">
<qas:QAPicklist AutoStepinSafe="true">
<qas:Prompt>Enter selection</qas:Prompt>
<qas:PicklistEntry Multiples="true" CanStep="true">
<qas:Picklist>Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD, S8 7BW</qas:Picklist>
<qas:PartialAddress>Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD S8 7BW</qas:PartialAddress>
If you want to step into a picklist result, you should use the SOAP action DoRefine with the picklist item SPM contained within a PicklistEntryType
structure, and a blank refinement string.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoRefine | QARefine | QAPicklist |
Refines a picklist that was created during a previous search.
The following example shows a refinement request using a moniker returned from the previous Initial Search example. The refinement request consists of the moniker of the street picklist item for "Westwick Road", and the refinement text is blank. The response is in the form of a picklist item containing 3 entries.
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 374
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web:QARefine Threshold="50"
<web:Refinement />
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 1339
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QAPicklist xmlns:qas="">
<qas:Prompt>Enter building number/name or organization</qas:Prompt>
<qas:PicklistEntry Multiples="true" CanStep="true">
<qas:Picklist>121 ... 161 [odd]</qas:Picklist>
<qas:PartialAddress>Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD, S8 7BW</qas:PartialAddress>
<qas:PicklistEntry FullAddress="true">
<qas:PartialAddress>161a Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD, S8 7BW</qas:PartialAddress>
<qas:PicklistEntry Multiples="true" CanStep="true">
<qas:Picklist>163 ... 207 [odd]</qas:Picklist>
<qas:PartialAddress>Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD, S8 7BW</qas:PartialAddress>
If you want to refine a picklist, you should use the SOAP action DoRefine with the full picklist moniker contained within a Picklist
structure, and a non-blank refinement string.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoRefine | QARefine | QAPicklist |
Refines a picklist that was created during a previous search.
Continuing from the previous Step In example, the user has entered refinement text of "205". In this case, the refinement request uses the moniker of the full picklist from the previous operation, and the refinement text "205" in the refinement field. The response is a picklist item containing a single entry.
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 388
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web:QARefine Threshold="50"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 705
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QAPicklist xmlns:qas="">
<qas:Prompt>Enter building number/name or organization</qas:Prompt>
<qas:PicklistEntry FullAddress="true">
<qas:PartialAddress>205 Westwick Road, SHEFFIELD, S8 7BW</qas:PartialAddress>
The final stage of the address capture process is to obtain a final address using the DoGetAddress action. The picklist item SPM of the PicklistEntry that you want to format should be passed in as input.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoGetAddress | QAGetAddress | QAAddress |
Creates a final formatted address from a previously-created picklist item.
Continuing from the previous Refinement example, the moniker of the single picklist entry for "205 Westwick Road" is passed along with the "( Standard Layout)" Layout. The response contains the captured address, formatted according to the specified layout.
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 383
SOAPAction: ""
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<web:QAGetAddress xmlns:web="">
<web:Layout>( QAS Standard Layout )</web:Layout>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 927
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QAAddress xmlns:qas="">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:Line>205 Westwick Road</qas:Line>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:Line>S8 7BW</qas:Line>
The bulk search process performs address Verification on one or more addresses. Unlike the normal search process, the bulk search process consists of a single step: each address is either verified and returns a formatted address, or is not verified.
SOAP Action | Input XML Document | Output XML Document |
/DoBulkSearch | QABulkSearch | QABulkSearchResult |
Carries out a bulk Verification search.
This example shows two addresses being verified against the USA data mapping.
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: text/xml
Content-Length: 614
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QABulkSearch xmlns:qas="">
<qas:Layout>( QAS Standard Layout )</qas:Layout>
<qas:Engine Flatten="false" Threshold="50"
Timeout="20000" PromptSet="Default"
<qas:Search>555 Ellis St| Mountain View| CA| 94043</qas:Search>
<qas:Search>222 Charles St| Cambridge| MA| 01241</qas:Search>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 2899
Content-Type: text/xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qas:QABulkSearchResult xmlns:qas="
2013-12" Count="2" SearchCount="4">
<qas:BulkAddress VerifyLevel="Verified">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:Line>555 Ellis St</qas:Line>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:Label>City name</qas:Label>
<qas:Line>Mountain View</qas:Line>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:Label>State code</qas:Label>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:InputAddress>555 Ellis St| Mountain View| CA| 94043</qas:InputAddress>
<qas:BulkAddress VerifyLevel="Verified">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:Line>222 Charles St</qas:Line>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="None">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:Label>City name</qas:Label>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:Label>State code</qas:Label>
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:AddressLine LineContent="Address">
<qas:InputAddress>222 Charles St| Cambridge| MA| 01241</qas:InputAddress>