To facilitate easy integration, Experian supplies detailed, self-documenting C# sample code.

The sample pages allow you to send your address information to Clean Web Service via a .CSV formatted file.

Deploying The Sample Pages

The sample pages should be deployed as a .Net v2 application using IIS on a Microsoft Windows system.

Ensure the sample pages are stored in a location on the local machine.

For example, C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CleanWSSample

  • In the location where you saved the sample pages, open Web.config in a text editor.
  • In the <appsettings> section, locate the following key and edit its value to equal your Experian SaaS Token
    <add key="ExperianSaaSToken" value="#TOKEN#"></add>
    If you do not have access to your token, contact us.

IIS 5.1** (Windows XP)

  1. Open the Run dialog, type inetmgr, and press Enter.
    This will open IIS.
  2. Navigate to Default Web Site on the local machine.
  3. Right-click Default Web Site and select New > Add Virtual Directory.
  4. Using the dialog that appears, assign an alias to the new virtual directory, and enter the location that you saved the sample pages to in step 1.
    The sample pages will now appear as a directory under the Default Web Site, using the alias you chose.
  5. Select the newly-created virtual directory. Its contents display in the central pane.
  6. Double-click Directory Browsing and select Enable from the right-hand pane.
  7. In the Connections pane, select Application Pools.
  8. In the central pane, right-click the application pool you are using and select Basic Settings.
  9. In the dialog that appears, select .Net Framework v2.0.50727 from the .Net Framework version drop-down box.
  10. Click OK to save your settings.

IIS 6.0** (Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003)

  1. Open the Run dialog, type inetmgr, and press Enter.
    This will open IIS.
  2. Navigate to Default Web Site on the local machine.
    Right-click Default Web Site and select New > Virtual Directory
    Using the wizard that appears, assign an alias to the new virtual directory, and enter the location that you saved the sample pages to in step 1.
    If you are prompted to select access permissions, retain the default settings and also select the Read box.
    The sample pages will now appear as a directory under the Default Web Site, using the alias you chose.
  3. Right-click the newly-created virtual directory, and select Properties. From the Properties dialog, select the following settings:
    • Under the Virtual Directory tab, click Create next to the Application Name field
    • Select the Directory Browsing box, and select Scripts Only from the Execute Permissions drop-down box.
    • Under the ASP.NET tab, select version 2.0.50727 from the drop-down box.
    • In the dialog that appears, type Default.aspx and click OK.
  4. Click OK to save and close the Properties dialog.

IIS 7.x** (Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7)

  1. Open the Run dialog, type inetmgr, and press Enter.
    This will open IIS.
  2. Navigate to Default Web Site on the local machine.
  3. Right-click Default Web Site and select New > Add Virtual Directory.
  4. Using the dialog that appears, assign an alias to the new virtual directory, and enter the location that you saved the sample pages to in step 1.
    The sample pages will now appear as a directory under the Default Web Site, using the alias you chose.
  5. Select the newly-created virtual directory. Its contents display in the central pane.
  6. Double-click Directory Browsing and select Enable from the right-hand pane.
  7. In the Connections pane, select Application Pools.
  8. In the central pane, right-click the application pool you are using and select Basic Settings.
  9. In the dialog that appears, select .Net Framework v2.0.50727 from the .Net Framework version drop-down box.
  10. Click OK to save your settings.

Right-click the virtual directory and select Browse (or, if you're using IIS 7.x, Manage Virtual Directory > Browse) to view the QAS Clean Web Service sample pages in your browser.

Using The Sample Pages

The sample pages include examples of the following workflows:

Follow the CleanEnrich link from the sample pages to use a sample integration of this workflow.

  1. From the CleanEnrich page, select Browse and navigate to the CSV file that contains the postal address records you want to clean.
  2. Enter the following information in each field:
    • User Label [optional] – specify a name for this batch of records.
      This is used for tracking and reporting purposes, and is recommended for live usage.
    • Address Dataset – specify the three-letter ISO code of the dataset that Clean Web Service should match address records to by default.
    • Layout – specify the name of a layout that you want Clean Web Service to return your addresses in. The layout you specify must be compatible with the Address Dataset.
    • Reference Field [optional] – Specify 'True' to tell Clean Web Service not to process the first field of each address. This field will remain unaltered, and will be returned with the corresponding address in the response.
      This setting will be ignored if you use the Input Field Mappings setting.
    • Output Match Profile [optional] – specify 'True' to include an additional string at the start of every Record block (before the Match Code) which details the Match Profile for that address.
    • Job Locale [optional] – tell the Clean which language the results should be sent in. Only Output Header and Output Match Profile are affected by this setting.
    • Input Field Mappings – specify the field types in your input file in the order that they appear.
      For example, 'Reference,Address,Address,Address' informs Clean that the first field contains a reference field and the next three fields comprise address information.
      If you use this setting, the Reference Field setting will be ignored.
    • Output Header [optional] – specify 'True' to include an additional Record block (before the first cleaned address record) which contains headers for each field in all subsequent Record blocks.
  3. Click Upload. On a new page, you'll see a summary of the parameters you specified.
    If you are happy with the summary shown, click Start Processing to send your file to Clean Web Service for processing.

Follow the EmailValidate link from the sample pages to use a sample integration of this workflow.

  1. From the EmailValidate page, select Browse and navigate to the CSV file that contains the email address records you want to clean.
  2. Enter the following information in each field:
    • **User Label **[optional] – specify a name for this batch of records.
      This is used for tracking and reporting purposes, and is recommended for live usage.
    • Reference Field [optional] – Specify 'True' to tell Clean Web Service not to process the first field of each address. This field will remain unaltered, and will be returned with the corresponding address in the response.
      This setting will be ignored if you use the Input Field Mappings setting.
    • Job Locale [optional] – tell the Clean which language the results should be sent in. Only Output Header and Output Match Profile are affected by this setting.
    • Input Field Mappings – specify the field types in your input file in the order that they appear.
      For example, 'Reference,Email' informs Clean that the first field contains a reference field and the second field an email address.
      If you use this setting, the Reference Field setting will be ignored.
    • Output Header [optional] – specify 'True' to include an additional Record block (before the first cleaned address record) which contains headers for each field in all subsequent Record blocks.
  3. Click Upload. On a new page, you'll see a summary of the parameters you specified.
    If you are happy with the summary shown, click Start Processing to send your file to Clean Web Service for processing.

Follow the CleanEnrichEmailValidate link from the sample pages to use a sample integration of this workflow.

  1. From the CleanEnrichEmailValidate page, select Browse and navigate to the CSV file that contains the postal and email address records you want to clean. The records should be grouped together (each record should include a postal address and an email address).

  2. Enter the following information in each field:

    • **User Label **[optional] – specify a name for this batch of records.
      This is used for tracking and reporting purposes, and is recommended for live usage.
    • Address Dataset – specify the three-letter ISO code of the dataset that Clean Web Service should match address records to by default.
    • Layout – specify the name of a layout that you want Clean Web Service to return your postal addresses in. The layout you specify must be compatible with the Address Dataset.
    • Reference Field [optional] – Specify 'True' to tell Clean Web Service not to process the first field of each address. This field will remain unaltered, and will be returned with the corresponding address in the response.
      This setting will be ignored if you use the Input Field Mappings setting.
    • Output Match Profile [optional] – specify 'True' to include an additional string at the start of every Record block (before the Match Code) which details the Match Profile for that address.
    • Job Locale [optional] – tell the Clean which language the results should be sent in. Only Output Header and Output Match Profile are affected by this setting.
    • Input Field Mappings – specify the field types in your input file in the order that they appear.
      For example, 'Reference,Address,Address,Address,Email' informs Clean that the first field contains a reference field and the next three fields comprise address information and the last field contains an email address.
      If you use this setting, the Reference Field setting will be ignored.
    • Output Header [optional] – specify 'True' to include an additional Record block (before the first cleaned address record) which contains headers for each field in all subsequent Record blocks.
  3. Click Upload. On a new page, you'll see a summary of the parameters you specified.
    If you are happy with the summary shown, click Start Processing to send your file to Clean Web Service for processing.