In the Results Summary, each of the processed results are grouped into different categories depending on the level of success that Clean was able to match them with a correct postal or email address.

Each of the possible Match Profiles (postal addresses) and Email Match Codes (email addresses) are defined below.

All addresses (except French)

If you are cleaning addresses from any country other than France, the possible Match Profiles are as follows.

Match Profile Meaning Related Match Codes
Verified Correct Clean verified the input address as a good-quality match to a complete address. No corrections or formatting changes were necessary. Success: R or Q
Confidence: 9
Generic Infobit: 00000040
Good Match Clean verified the input address as a good-quality match to a complete address, although minor corrections or formatting changes may have been applied. Success: R or Q
Confidence: 9
Good Premise Partial Clean was not able to find a full match to a correct address, but found a good match to premise level by excluding organisation or sub-premise details. Success: O or P
Confidence: 9
Generic Infobit: 00000002
Tentative Match Clean found a match to a complete address, but the overall differences between the input and Cleaned addresses are significant enough to reduce Clean's confidence in the match. Success: R or Q
Confidence: 5
Multiple Matches Clean found more than one correct address which matched the input address. This generally means that no single address could be matched with high confidence. Success: M or N
Poor Match Clean found a match to an address, but with low confidence. This often means that the Cleaned address is not deliverable. Success: R or Q
Confidence: 0
Partial Match Clean was unable to find a full correct address which matched the input address. This often occurs when the property number is missing from the input address. Success: O or P
Foreign Address Clean could not find a matching address because the input address referred to a country other than that which you ran your clean against. Success: C
Unmatched Clean was unable to match the input address to any correct address. For more detail, see the Match Success Indicator assigned to this address. Success: A, B, D, K or L

French addresses

If you are cleaning French addresses, the possible Match Profiles match the La Poste Match Categories, as follows.

Match Profile Meaning Related Match Codes
Address already correct The address was deemed to be correct as supplied. All address elements were supplied on the correct lines, and in the correct format. Confidence: 9
Country Infobit: 10000000
Address corrected or modified The address was matched with a high degree of confidence, but some corrections were made. For example, spelling or formatting may have been corrected, or missing address elements may have been added. Confidence: 9
Country Infobit: 20000000
Address to be checked A match was found, but Clean cannot be certain that the returned address is the correct one. For example, the returned address may be very different from the input, important address elements may have been changed, or other equally good matches may exist in the data. The match has been downgraded to intermediate confidence, and the user should check the returned address manually. Confidence: 5
Country Infobit: 40000000
No match No address could be returned at all. Unmatched addresses will return low confidence. Confidence: 0


Email Match Code Meaning
Verified Mailbox exists, is reachable, and not known to be illegitimate or disposable.
Undeliverable Mailbox or domain does not exist, or mailbox is full, suspended or disabled.
Unknown We were unable to conclusively verify or invalidate this address.
Unreachable Domain has no reachable mail exchangers.
Illegitimate Seed, spamtrap, black hole, technical role account or inactive domain.
Disposable Domain is administered by a disposable email provider (e.g. Mailinator).