home/Address validation/Batch API/API Process/Generic information bits

Generic information bits

The generic information bits provide detailed information on how well an address match conforms to the Batch API matching rules.

The numbers below are added together to make up the hexadecimal match code. For example, 000A0000 would be the result of an error in the input street name (00080000) and an added or changed street descriptor (00020000).

A brief explanation of each of the generic information bits is provided below.

Information bits Description
10000000 The elements in the input address were not in the expected order.
For example, in the address 'Top Flat, 4 Baker Street, Dyfed, Aberystwyth, SY23 2BJ', the county (Dyfed) should appear after the town (Aberystwyth). In this example, infobit 00000020 is also returned as a result of the address cleaning process.
20000000 Preferred matching rules were not satisfied, and the match will be marked with, at best, intermediate confidence.
40000000 The address has been marked with, at best, intermediate confidence because the close matching rules were not satisfied.
80000000 Conditional formatting has taken place. Some address elements in the specified output format were not present in the matched address record and have been replaced with equivalent address elements. For more information on how Batch API can apply conditional formatting when using a particular dataset, and which address elements may be affected, consult the relevant Data Guide.
01000000 Extra numbers were found in the address. An example might be '4 Granary 8 Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 3DP'. A full match was achieved (4 Granary Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 3DP), but the additional number(s) (i.e. '8' in the above example) may reduce the confidence level to intermediate.
02000000 Additional text between a number and its expected adjacent component has been found, for example between a property number and a street name. The confidence level has been reduced to intermediate.
04000000 No place element (e.g. a locality in Australia) was found in the address, so the confidence level may be reduced.
08000000 The item associated with a number is missing. For example, the British address '4, South Marston, Swindon, SN3 4XX' is missing the street name 'Ash Gardens' after the building number. In this example, infobits 10000000 and 2000000 are also returned due to the absence of a street name. In addition, further infobits are returned as a result of the address cleaning process (i.e. adding the street name and reformatting the address).
00100000 One or more essential matching rules were not satisfied, so the match confidence has been reduced to low.
00200000 A timeout has occurred, and the address was not matched. The default timeout period is 5 seconds; you can change this with the configuration setting BatchTimeout in qaworld.ini.
00400000 The input address begins with unmatched text before a premise number. For example, the input address 'Village Arcade, 5 Hillcrest Road, Pennant Hill, NSW, 2120' contains more information than the official version, which does not contain the 'Village Arcade' element before the premise number, '5'. See also 00004000, which is similar but occurs even if no premise number is present.
00800000 A leading number was unused in the input address. For example, the Level 5 element in the address 'L 5, 2/6 The Bollard, Corlette, NSW' is not found in the official address.
00010000 There was ambiguity in the supplied range of the input address. For example, the address '26-30 Delhi Street, Adelaide SA 5000' has an ambiguous range because there is a 26, 28 and 30 Delhi Street and the input address cannot be matched to a specific property.
00020000 A street descriptor has been added or has been changed. For example, with '10 Railway Road, Serviceton, Vic', the correct descriptor 'Street', is returned instead of 'Road'.
00040000 Additional text in the input address was too significant to ignore. For example, the French address '18 boulevard Voltaire, 75011 Paris CEDEX 11' contains unmatched, but significant, information 'CEDEX 11'. This returns an intermediate confidence level.
00080000 There was an error in the input street name that Batch API has amended.
00001000 There was an error in an input place name (for example, an Australian locality) that Batch API has amended.
00002000 Batch API has added or changed a key premise number or range compared with the input address, such as a building number in Australia data where a single number matched to a range, or organization names in the France data.
00004000 The input address begins with unmatched text. For example, the input address 'Rose Cottage, Hillcrest Road, Pennant Hill, NSW, 2120' contains more information than the official version, which does not contain the 'Rose Cottage' element. See also 00400000, which is similar but occurs only when the unmatched text occurs directly before a premise number.
00008000 A name was used to secure an address match.
00000100 The address line settings of the currently configured layout are of an insufficient width to contain each address element. Widen the address lines to ensure that the address elements are not truncated.
00000200 Complete address element(s) are unable to fit on the address line. Widen the address lines to ensure that all of the address elements are visible.
00000400 Batch API failed to generate one or more non-address items. It is likely that the DataPlus set could not be opened.
00000800 When in enhanced cleaning mode, Batch API cannot fill the unmatched address elements back into the database. To resolve this, widen the address lines or add additional lines.
00000010 Postal address elements have been moved to the right or downwards to allow unmatched elements to be incorporated in an enhanced address.
00000020 Batch API has determined that the supplied address has been non-trivially cleaned. This means that spelling may have been corrected, capitalization changed, or the input address elements could have been reformatted in some way. Note that quotes and spaces are ignored during Batch API's comparison process.
00000040 Key input address elements were judged effectively correct as supplied, although the output address's representation or formatting may differ (for example, address elements may have been expanded or abbreviated, capitalization changes made, etc.).
00000080 If the user defines InputLineCount (including blank) and the input line count does not match the number of lines defined in the input search string (allowing for quotes), this bit will be set. This bit does not affect match confidence.
00000001 The final tests on the address have failed against the strict matching rules; hence the match confidence level is reduced to, at best, intermediate confidence.
00000002 Batch API has found a premise level partial address match.
00000004 Batch API has found a street level partial address match.
00000008 Batch API has found a place level partial address match.
Batch API

API Process