Current DPV status

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the GET /support/dpv/status, so that it expands.
    GET /dpv/status swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  4. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will tell you what your update code is for your product counter.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

Response body parameters

Name Type Description
DPVstatus DPVNotConfigured string You havent configured the DPV.
DPVConfigured string The DPV has been configures and can be used.
DPVLocked string
  • date - The date you run this request.
  • time - The time you run this request.
  • seed_address - This contains the search string which was identified as a seed address.
  • lock_code - The lock code for the DPV.
DPVLock date string This is the date of the search which locked DPV.
time string This is the time of the search which locked DPV.
seed_address string This contains the search string which was identified as a seed address.
lock_code string This is the DPV lock code generated by the search. A corresponding unlock code must be supplied to reactivate DPV.

DPV unlock

Unlocks a locked DPV, with an unlock code based on the DPV lock code (see DPV status response)

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    POST /dpv/unlock swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  4. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will unlock a locked DPV.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

Get an audit code

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    GET /audit_code swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  4. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will produce an audit code.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

Compare audit codes

This endpoint will compare two audit codes and return an XML report.

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    POST /audit_code/compare swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Enter two audit codes in code1 and code2 fields.
  4. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  5. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will produce an XML report.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

apply a counter update code

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    POST /update_code swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Enter two update code in update_code fields.
  4. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  5. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will update the code and return a success result.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

Get an XML report for all counters

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    GET /report_counters swagger view
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Enter the layout you want to use in the layout fields.
  4. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  5. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will provide you with an XML report.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.

To create a CASS report:

  1. Go to our your swagger editor and click the POST /support/dpv/unlock, so that it expands.
    POST /create_ps3553
  2. Click Try it out in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click Execute to send the request to the API.
  4. View the response returned by the API under Responses. This will unlock a locked DPV.
    Note that your request was successful only if the API returned an HTTP status code of 200 - Success. Check out the possible Response status codes to find out more about scenarios where the API returns errors.
Name Type Description
count integer This is the total amount of records submitted
dpv integer ZIP+4/DPV Confirmed
zip5 integer 5-Digit Coded
crt integer CRRT Coded
elot integer eLOT Assigned
hdef integer High Rise Default
hexact integer High Rise Exact
rrdef integer RR Default
integer RR Exact
llk integer LACSlink(tm)
ews integer EWS
slk integer SuiteLink(tm)