Request a free trial

If you don't already have an Authentication Token from Experian and are based in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States or Canada, you have the option of starting a free 14 day trial.

Request a free trial

For the United Kingdom, United States or Canada, please reach out to the Sales team in your region to get you up and running with a free trial.

For Australia and New Zealand the trial is activated automatically once you complete the form, setting you up with an Authentication Token with the following limitations:

  • Expires after 14 days
  • 500 Address Validation credits for addresses in Australia (AUS)
  • 500 Address Validation credits for addresses in New Zealand (NZL)
  • 500 Email Validation credits
  • 500 Phone Validation credits

Once the free trial is activated you can view the expiry date and current credit balances on the Free trial page found in the left menu, where you also have the option to revoke your token at any point.

Expiry data and current credit balances

The Configure products page will also show the active free trial token. This can't be edited and must be revoked on the Free trial page to allow a full token to be applied.

Free trial token active