An Automation allows an action, such as running a Workflow, to happen automatically whenever an event, such as data being loaded, occurs.


An Automation listens for chosen events to occur. These events fall into different categories:

  • Custom events
  • Events for a particular Space: Dataset loaded/load failed, Workflow started/completed/failed, etc.
  • System related events: licensing, disk space, user management, etc.

Multiple Events

If multiple events are selected then a Time period for all events to occur must be entered. Once all the events have happened, within the specified number of minutes, the Automation will trigger.

Alternatively, there is an option to Trigger Automation if time expires without all events occurring which will trigger the Automation at the end of the time period if any of the events have happened.

Event filters

In most cases it will be necessary to add filters for each event. Users can make use of multiple filter properties for each event. Without a filter, the Automation will be triggered when the chosen event occurs for any object.

For example, if the event type 'Workflow started' is chosen without any filter, the Automation will be triggered each time any Workflow in the Space is run.
It is more likely the Automation should be listening for a specific object(s), say 'Workflow ABC' or 'Workflow XYZ', rather than any workflow.

Custom events

A Custom event is a separate object that can be created and shared across Spaces, similar to sharing a View. This type of event can contain parameters that can be used as event data for a Workflow run (see the Fire Event step) or as data items in an email notification.


To populate the event parameter:

  1. Create/edit a Workflow.
  2. Add a Fire event step.
    To use this step, at least one Custom event has to exist.
  3. On the Fire event step, select the Custom event containing the defined parameter.
  4. Click the Parameter dropdown.
    You can type in a value manually, select Special characters or select First column value (any value from the first row of a column of the connected step).

For example, specific Dataset batch metadata could be included as a parameter on the Fire event step of a Workflow in order to notify users about the number of records processed, or the number and type of errors detected.


  1. Run one or more published Workflowsrunning a Workflow
  2. Run one or more Schedules -
  3. Send email - sends an email with details of the event.
  4. Send notification - sends a notification within the product with details of the event.

Run one or more Schedules

Select a Schedule from the list. To run more than one, click Add Schedule.

All the Schedules will be run parallel, but the Workflows within the Schedule will be run in sequence.

Send email

Enter the Recipient(s) email address. When using multiple addresses, separate them with a space, comma or semicolon.

Enter the Email subject and Email content.

If you type the @ symbol, you will be presented with a list of available data items for the selected event(s).
These will be replaced by the actual data from the event when the email is sent.

Send notifications

Notifications are in app messages that can be sent to the inbox of users within Data Studio. Click on the next tab to learn more.

Enter the Subject and Message.

If you type the @ symbol, you will be presented with a list of available data items for the selected event(s).
These will be replaced by the actual data from the event when the notification is sent.

Assign the target Recipient(s) from the listed user/group to receive the notifications.


Notifications are in app messages that can be sent to the inbox of users within Data Studio. This is a useful option if you do not wish to receive automation messages in your usual email inbox. There are manual (triggered via Automations) and automatic (system generated) notifications.

View notifications

To access your notifications:

  1. Click on the bell icon at the top left menu.
  2. Click on View notifications.

Notifications are displayed in a inbox style format. Here you can view and manage your notifications. You can view other details (the triggering automation and the space it was triggered in, users that received this notification) of each notification by hovering over the information icon.

Configure notification emails

If you do not log on to Data Studio often, but still want to be reminded of in app notifications received, you can configure notification email reminders to be sent to your usual email inbox.

To configure email reminders for automation notifications:

  1. Click on the bell icon at the top left menu.
  2. Click on Configure notification email.
  3. Set your preferred frequency for Automation messages.

Automatic notifications

Automatic notifications are automatically generated by the system to notify you of important events.

'Dropzone authentication failed'

  • This notification is sent to notify users when an external dropzone (Amazon S3, Azure Blob, SFTP Server) is not available for a period of time, such as credential issues.
  • It is sent hourly then daily until resolved, to all user with the Manage permission for the credentials of the impacted external dropzone.

'A new version of < Solution name > Solution is available'

  • This notification is sent once to notify users when a new version of a deployed solution is made available.
  • It is sent to all users with Deploy Solution Packages and/or View Solution Deployments permissions.

'Your API key < API key name > will expire in 10 days'

  • This notification is sent once to notify users when their API key is about to expire in 10 days.
  • It is sent to the user who created the expiring API key.