Problem: Unable to start the workbench service on the currently configured port number.

Cause: There is another service already running on the configured port number.

Resolution 1: Change the other service to use a different port number.

Resolution 2: It is possible to change the port number used by the workbench after installation, but it involves carrying out several manual steps and may require administrator privileges. If you would still like to change the port number, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Start > Run > Type services.msc > Press OK.
  2. Right click on the Experian Find Duplicates Workbench service and select Properties.
  3. Make a note of the Service name, including version number.
  4. Copy the full value under Path to executable and paste it into a text editor.
  5. Replace the server.port value with the new port number you would like to use and remove any double quotes.
  6. If the workbench service is running, stop it.
  7. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
    sc delete "{Service name including version number from step 3}"
  8. Run the following command after replacing the service name and binpath placeholders. Note that the space between binpath= and the double quote is intentional and required.
    sc create "{Service name including version number from step 3}" binpath= "{value from step 5}"

You should now be able to start the workbench service (refresh your services if it isn't present) and access it from your new port number.

  1. Stop the Docker containers with the following command:
    sudo docker-compose down
  2. Modify the find-duplicates-workbench: > ports: section of the docker-compose.yml file with your preferred port number.
  3. Start the containers with the following command:
    sudo docker-compose up -d

The Find duplicates workbench container should now be using the newly updated port number.