Pro API is supplied with a simple test harness which can be used to verify that you have installed the product correctly and to demonstrate some of the product functionality.

The test harness enables you to obtain matching addresses and picklists from input address information that you type in on the command line. The examples in this section use the C version of the test harness.

Searching with a test harness

If you are using Windows, run the test harness from the shortcut (C Primary API Program) in the Program Group which was created when you installed Pro API. To perform a Singleline search, follow these steps:

  1. Press Enter to select the default layout.

  2. Press Enter again to select the default dataset.

    Alternatively, type ? and press Enter to display a list of all datasets with their identifiers. Type the relevant code (for example, DEU for Germany, AUS for Australia) and press Enter to select the related dataset.

  3. Once you have selected a dataset, enter a search string, separating each part from the next with a comma, and press Enter. For example (if you are using the GBR dataset):

    linden gardens, london

    There are 181 possible matches, as shown by the Match Count.

  4. Type 30 and press Enter to refine the picklist and to therefore reduce the number of matches. Press Enter at any prompt to remove the refine and return the list to the way it was.

    There are now two matches displayed. Note that they are numbered from 1 to 2 in the picklist.

  5. Type #1 and press Enter to select the first picklist entry.

    The full address is returned.

    If your text appears odd, this may be because any diacritics in the text (for example, accents and umlauts) are not displaying correctly in the DOS Console. You can remove diacritics with the OemCharacterSet setting.

Running The Test Harness

Run the test harness from the shortcut (C User Interface API Program) in the Program Group which was created when you installed Pro API.

The test harness appears, this is the Pro User Interface.

In the example below, you are searching for 7 Sand Lake Road in Orlando, FL, USA.

  1. Select the Typedown search button on the toolbar or press Ctrl+T.

  2. Enter this search string:


    The test harness starts searching as soon as you type the first character. After typing 'orlando', the test harness returns only one match for this search string.

  3. Click Select (or press Enter) to step into the picklist item.

  4. Type sandl.
    In this example it is the second match in the list that you want.

  5. Use the arrow down cursor key to move the focus to Sand Lake Rd Orlando FL. Click Select (or press Enter) to step into Sand Lake Rd.

    There are too many matches to display in a picklist.

  6. Type 7.

    The match that you want is returned at the top of the picklist.

    Pro also returns several other matches, and, where appropriate, has split the matches into odd and even number ranges.

  7. Click Select or press Enter. The full address is returned to the address edit screen.

  8. Accept the search to return the result from the API.

  1. Click on the Singleline search button on the toolbar, or press **1. **.

  2. Enter a search string, separating each part from the next with a comma, and click Search (or press Enter). For example (if you are using the Australia dataset):

    65 Rushton St, Carnarvon, WA

    The test harness returns only one address which precisely matches your search criteria, it returns it directly to the address edit screen.

  3. Accept the search to return the result from the API.
    For examples of searches from other datasets, see the Data Guide supplied with your data.

  1. Select the Key search button on the toolbar or press Ctrl+K.

  2. For example (if you are using USA Names dataset), type in the telephone number, 703 815 7850, and press Enter.

    A picklist is returned, containing the property details and a list of all registered occupants.

  3. Select an occupant with the arrow keys and press Enter, or double click the occupant's name, to return the full address.