The collection of /layouts endpoints provides functionality to list your available layouts as well as to create a custom layout that suits your solution.


Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.
integer Maximum time you are prepared to wait for a response, expressed in seconds.
Acceptable values: 2-15. If a timeout occurs, an HTTP status code of 408 - Request Timeout will be returned.

The default value of this setting is 15.


In the request body you can specify the country and dataset you want layout availability information on.

Name Type Description
country_iso string This is the Country ISO3 code.
datasets string The dataset that the response layouts are available for.


Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.


Name Type Description
id string The layout ID.
name string The layout name. This should be between 1-100 characters in length.
comment string The layout comment giving a short description of what the layout is.
applies_to array An array of settings that define which datasets the layout applies to. Every array element is defined by:
  • country_iso: The Country ISO3 code.
  • datasets: A collection of datasets you want the layout to be available for.
  • language: The language that the address should be returned in.
  • script: The script that the address should be returned in.
options object An object containing various settings for the layout. See Options object for detailed information on all available settings.
lines array Every array element is defined by:
  • line_name: Indicates the custom line name of the address line.
  • max_width: The maximum number of characters that fit on the line.
  • elements: A collection of names of elements to be placed on the address line.

Options object

Name Type Description
variations integer Defines which form of address to use when automatically fitting address element into the returned address. This is for datasets which include more than one Form of address, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Finland datasets.
flatten_diacritics boolean When set to true, it will replace all diacritic characters, such as accents and umlauts, with their non-diacritic equivalents. For example, the Danish address "Degnsgårdvej 1 7840 Højslev" would change to "Degnsgardvej 1 7840 Hojslev" if the FlattenDiacritics keyword is set to Yes.
use_secondary_postcode string This setting allows you to specify when postcodes from the secondary dataset should be used in place of postcodes in the primary dataset. The setting determines the data source for the postcode in the final returned address. The dataset must be an LPG with GBR dual search data mapping. The default value is `blank`, or else, the value must be either `Always` or `Never`
enable_enhanced_layout boolean When set to true, it will prepend unmatched leading information to address lines.
display_enhanced_info_on_picklist boolean When set to true, it will define whether any leading unmatched text before the actual address elements are retained in the picklist. This setting will only take effect if the `enable_enhanced_layout` setting is set to true.
enable_intelligent_layout boolean When set to true, the intelligent layout will be enabled for the created layout. If the intelligent layout is enabled, the PAF or G-NAF address which most closely matches the entered address will be returned, regardless of the default layout.
capitalise_unused boolean When set to true, this will change the case of unmatched leading information.
separate_elements boolean When set to true, the address elements on a single line are separated, usually by commas. Set this to false if you do not want to comma-separate address elements.
If set to true - Chester Road, Ash.
If set to false - Chester Road Ash
element_separator string This defines which address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` setting is set to true. Example:
Here the element separator would be blank before and after the postcode. Element separators take precedence right over left.
retention_element_separator string This defines which retention address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
prepend_element_separator string This defines which prepend address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
separate_element_separator string This defines which separate address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
terminate_lines boolean When set to true, the address lines are ended with an additional character. Example:
If set to true:

6 Cedar Grove,
GU24 9EF

If set to false, the additional characters would not appear.
line_terminator string This defines the additional character(s) for the `terminate_lines`. Example:
conditional_format string This setting has a different function depending on the dataset being used. For the GBR with additional Business dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to display the PAF or Experian organisation data, or a combination of both. There are four possible values for this settings:
  • ExperianOrgPref: The Experian organisation name takes priority, but the PAF organisation name will be used if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • ExperianOrgOnly: Only Experian organisation names will be returned, and PAF organisation names will be suppressed if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgPref: The PAF organisation name takes priority, but the Experian organisation name will be used if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgOnlyOnly PAF organisation names will be returned, and Experian organisation names will be suppressed if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
For the USA dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to return the full city name or the abbreviated city name.
  • NormCityThe full city name will be returned.
  • AbbCityThe abbreviated city name will be returned. This will have a maximum of 13 characters.
pad_lines boolean If set to true, it populates the line to the maximum width with empty spaces, or, the character defined in the `padding_character` setting.
padding_character string This defines the single character used to pad an address line to its width. The default value is a space.
multiple_dataplus_delimiter string This defines the delimiter used to separate returned multiple DataPlus values.
abbreviate_item string This defines which address elements should be abbreviated in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names, which differ from dataset to dataset.
capitalise_item string This defines which address elements should appear in upper case in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names.
Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.
integer Maximum time you are prepared to wait for a response, expressed in seconds.
Acceptable values: 2-15. If a timeout occurs, an HTTP status code of 408 - Request Timeout will be returned.

The default value of this setting is 15.


Name Type Description
string Filters by Country ISO3.
array[string] FIlters by datasets.
string Filters by layout name contains text.
Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.
integer Maximum time you are prepared to wait for a response, expressed in seconds.
Acceptable values: 2-15. If a timeout occurs, an HTTP status code of 408 - Request Timeout will be returned.

The default value of this setting is 15.


Name Type Description
name string The layout name.
Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.


Name Type Description
name string The layout name to be deleted.


Name Type Description
Auth-Token string Input your unique token here. This is required to submit an API request.
string Alternative authentication header. Auth-Token takes precedence.
string Identifier that will be returned to the response to help you track the request.


Name Type Description
name string The layout name to be updated.


Name Type Description
id string The layout ID.
name string The layout name. This should be between 1-100 characters in length.
comment string The layout comment giving a short description of what the layout is.
applies_to array An array of settings that define which datasets the layout applies to. Every array element is defined by:
  • country_iso: The Country ISO3 code.
  • datasets: A collection of datasets you want the layout to be available for.
  • language: The language that the address should be returned in.
  • script: The script that the address should be returned in.
options object An object containing various settings for the layout. See Options object for detailed information on all available settings.
lines array Every array element is defined by:
  • line_name: Indicates the custom line name of the address line.
  • max_width: The maximum number of characters that fit on the line.
  • elements: A collection of names of elements to be placed on the address line.

Options object

Name Type Description
variations integer Defines which form of address to use when automatically fitting address element into the returned address. This is for datasets which include more than one Form of address, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Finland datasets.
flatten_diacritics boolean When set to true, it will replace all diacritic characters, such as accents and umlauts, with their non-diacritic equivalents. For example, the Danish address "Degnsgårdvej 1 7840 Højslev" would change to "Degnsgardvej 1 7840 Hojslev" if the FlattenDiacritics keyword is set to Yes.
use_secondary_postcode string This setting allows you to specify when postcodes from the secondary dataset should be used in place of postcodes in the primary dataset. The setting determines the data source for the postcode in the final returned address. The dataset must be an LPG with GBR dual search data mapping. The default value is `blank`, or else, the value must be either `Always` or `Never`
enable_enhanced_layout boolean When set to true, it will prepend unmatched leading information to address lines.
display_enhanced_info_on_picklist boolean When set to true, it will define whether any leading unmatched text before the actual address elements are retained in the picklist. This setting will only take effect if the `enable_enhanced_layout` setting is set to true.
enable_intelligent_layout boolean When set to true, the intelligent layout will be enabled for the created layout. If the intelligent layout is enabled, the PAF or G-NAF address which most closely matches the entered address will be returned, regardless of the default layout.
capitalise_unused boolean When set to true, this will change the case of unmatched leading information.
separate_elements boolean When set to true, the address elements on a single line are separated, usually by commas. Set this to false if you do not want to comma-separate address elements.
If set to true - Chester Road, Ash.
If set to false - Chester Road Ash
element_separator string This defines which address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` setting is set to true. Example:
Here the element separator would be blank before and after the postcode. Element separators take precedence right over left.
retention_element_separator string This defines which retention address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
prepend_element_separator string This defines which prepend address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
separate_element_separator string This defines which separate address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
terminate_lines boolean When set to true, the address lines are ended with an additional character. Example:
If set to true:

6 Cedar Grove,
GU24 9EF

If set to false, the additional characters would not appear.
line_terminator string This defines the additional character(s) for the `terminate_lines`. Example:
conditional_format string This setting has a different function depending on the dataset being used. For the GBR with additional Business dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to display the PAF or Experian organisation data, or a combination of both. There are four possible values for this settings:
  • ExperianOrgPref: The Experian organisation name takes priority, but the PAF organisation name will be used if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • ExperianOrgOnly: Only Experian organisation names will be returned, and PAF organisation names will be suppressed if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgPref: The PAF organisation name takes priority, but the Experian organisation name will be used if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgOnlyOnly PAF organisation names will be returned, and Experian organisation names will be suppressed if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
For the USA dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to return the full city name or the abbreviated city name.
  • NormCityThe full city name will be returned.
  • AbbCityThe abbreviated city name will be returned. This will have a maximum of 13 characters.
pad_lines boolean If set to true, it populates the line to the maximum width with empty spaces, or, the character defined in the `padding_character` setting.
padding_character string This defines the single character used to pad an address line to its width. The default value is a space.
multiple_dataplus_delimiter string This defines the delimiter used to separate returned multiple DataPlus values.
abbreviate_item string This defines which address elements should be abbreviated in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names, which differ from dataset to dataset.
capitalise_item string This defines which address elements should appear in upper case in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names.


Name Type Description
string Identifier that was supplied by you in the request header to help you track the request.


The response from the API returns the below fields within a result object. Should an error occur, an error object is returned instead.

Name Type Description
name string The name of the address layout.
country_iso_3 string This is the Country ISO3 code.
datasets string The dataset that the response layouts are available for.
Name Type Description
id string The layout ID.
Name Type Description
id string The layout ID.
name string The layout name. This should be between 1-100 characters in length.
applies_to array An array of settings that define which datasets the layout applies to. Every array element is defined by:
  • country_iso: The Country ISO3 code.
  • datasets: A collection of datasets you want the layout to be available for.
  • language: The language that the address should be returned in.
  • script: The script that the address should be returned in.
status string The current status of the layout creation. Available values:
  • CreationInProgress: The layout is still being created.
  • Completed: The layout has been created and is ready to use.

The result object contains a layout object whose properties are listed below:

Name Type Description
id string The layout ID.
name string The layout name. This should be between 1-100 characters in length.
comment string The layout comment giving a short description of what the layout is.
applies_to array An array of settings that define which datasets the layout applies to. Every array element is defined by:
  • country_iso: The Country ISO3 code.
  • datasets: A collection of datasets you want the layout to be available for.
  • language: The language that the address should be returned in.
  • script: The script that the address should be returned in.
options object An object containing various settings for the layout. See Options object for detailed information on all available settings.
lines array Every array element is defined by:
  • line_name: Indicates the custom line name of the address line.
  • max_width: The maximum number of characters that fit on the line.
  • elements: A collection of names of elements to be placed on the address line.
status string The current status of the layout creation. Available values:
  • CreationInProgress: The layout is still being created.
  • Completed: The layout has been created and is ready to use.

Options object

Name Type Description
variations integer Defines which form of address to use when automatically fitting address element into the returned address. This is for datasets which include more than one Form of address, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Finland datasets.
flatten_diacritics boolean When set to true, it will replace all diacritic characters, such as accents and umlauts, with their non-diacritic equivalents. For example, the Danish address "Degnsgårdvej 1 7840 Højslev" would change to "Degnsgardvej 1 7840 Hojslev" if the FlattenDiacritics keyword is set to Yes.
use_secondary_postcode string This setting allows you to specify when postcodes from the secondary dataset should be used in place of postcodes in the primary dataset. The setting determines the data source for the postcode in the final returned address. The dataset must be an LPG with GBR dual search data mapping. The default value is `blank`, or else, the value must be either `Always` or `Never`
enable_enhanced_layout boolean When set to true, it will prepend unmatched leading information to address lines.
display_enhanced_info_on_picklist boolean When set to true, it will define whether any leading unmatched text before the actual address elements are retained in the picklist. This setting will only take effect if the `enable_enhanced_layout` setting is set to true.
enable_intelligent_layout boolean When set to true, the intelligent layout will be enabled for the created layout. If the intelligent layout is enabled, the PAF or G-NAF address which most closely matches the entered address will be returned, regardless of the default layout.
capitalise_unused boolean When set to true, this will change the case of unmatched leading information.
separate_elements boolean When set to true, the address elements on a single line are separated, usually by commas. Set this to false if you do not want to comma-separate address elements.
If set to true - Chester Road, Ash.
If set to false - Chester Road Ash
element_separator string This defines which address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` setting is set to true. Example:
Here the element separator would be blank before and after the postcode. Element separators take precedence right over left.
retention_element_separator string This defines which retention address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
prepend_element_separator string This defines which prepend address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
separate_element_separator string This defines which separate address elements should be separated by additional characters in the formatted address. This setting will only take effect if the `separate_elements` & `use_extended_retention` settings are set to true.
terminate_lines boolean When set to true, the address lines are ended with an additional character. Example:
If set to true:

6 Cedar Grove,
GU24 9EF

If set to false, the additional characters would not appear.
line_terminator string This defines the additional character(s) for the `terminate_lines`. Example:
conditional_format string This setting has a different function depending on the dataset being used. For the GBR with additional Business dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to display the PAF or Experian organisation data, or a combination of both. There are four possible values for this settings:
  • ExperianOrgPref: The Experian organisation name takes priority, but the PAF organisation name will be used if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • ExperianOrgOnly: Only Experian organisation names will be returned, and PAF organisation names will be suppressed if there is no Experian equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgPref: The PAF organisation name takes priority, but the Experian organisation name will be used if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
  • PostOrgOnlyOnly PAF organisation names will be returned, and Experian organisation names will be suppressed if there is no PAF equivalent for the address.
For the USA dataset this setting allows the user to specify whether to return the full city name or the abbreviated city name.
  • NormCityThe full city name will be returned.
  • AbbCityThe abbreviated city name will be returned. This will have a maximum of 13 characters.
pad_lines boolean If set to true, it populates the line to the maximum width with empty spaces, or, the character defined in the `padding_character` setting.
padding_character string This defines the single character used to pad an address line to its width. The default value is a space.
multiple_dataplus_delimiter string This defines the delimiter used to separate returned multiple DataPlus values.
abbreviate_item string This defines which address elements should be abbreviated in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names, which differ from dataset to dataset.
capitalise_item string This defines which address elements should appear in upper case in the formatted address. The value is a list of element names.

There is no response body for this endpoint.

There is no response body for this endpoint.

The following response codes can be returned by the API:

Status Code Reason phrase Description
200 Success Request processed successfully.
204 No Content Request processed successfully, but there is no content to be returned.
400 Bad Request Request failed due to malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized Auth-Token provided is incorrect. Sign in to the Self Service Portal to find the right token.
403 Forbidden Request is not authorized to use this service.
404 Not Found Request is not found.
406 Not Acceptable Request is not in an acceptable format.
408 Request Timeout Your request has timed out (the web server failed to respond in the specified time frame). Try submitting another request. If the issue persists, contact us.
415 Unsupported Media Type You've specified an invalid Content-Type header. Try submitting another call and make sure you specify a valid Content-Type value.
429 Too many requests Too many requests were sent. To protect all customers, your account has been temporarily throttled. Check our rate limiting for more details.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected server error was encountered. Try submitting another request. If the issue persists, contact us.
503 Service Unavailable Service unavailable. Check service status for up-to-date information.



  "country_iso": "AUS",
  "datasets": [


  "result": [
      "name": "Default",
      "country_iso_3": "AUS",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "JB Hifi",
      "country_iso_3": "AUS",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "JB Hifi_all",
      "country_iso_3": "AUS",
      "datasets": [

United Kingdom


  "country_iso": "GBR",
  "datasets": [


  "result": [
      "name": "Default",
      "country_iso_3": "GBR",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "Selfridges",
      "country_iso_3": "GBR",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "Selfridges_2",
      "country_iso_3": "GBR",
      "datasets": [


  "layout": {
    "name": "United Kingdom with DataPlus",
    "comment": "United Kingdom with DataPlus",
    "applies_to": [
        "country_iso": "GBR",
        "datasets": [
    "options": {
      "variation": 1,
      "flatten_diacritics": false,
      "enable_enhanced_layout": false,
      "display_enhanced_info_on_picklist": false,
      "enable_intelligent_layout": false,
      "capitalise_unused": false,
      "separate_elements": true,
      "element_separator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "buildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "subBuildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "postcode": " ^ ",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": " ^ ",
          "country": " ^ ",
          "pafAddressKey": "^",
          "pafOrganisationKey": "^"
      "terminate_lines": false,
      "line_terminator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "postcode": "^",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": "^",
          "country": ".^."
      "pad_lines": false,
      "multiple_dataplus_delimiter": "|",
      "abbreviate_item": [
      "capitalise_item": [
    "lines": [
        "line_name": "Line 1",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 2",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 3",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Locality",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "town"
        "line_name": "Region",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Postal Code",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "postcode"
        "line_name": "Country",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "country"
        "line_name": "MOSAIC Household Type Code",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "mosaicHouseholdTypeCode"
        "line_name": "UDPRN",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "udprnKey"


  "result": {
    "id": "f98ecf74-de87-4ee8-b732-87d474c9d2b0"


  "layout": {
    "name": "United Kingdom without DataPlus",
    "comment": "United Kingdom without DataPlus",
    "applies_to": [
        "country_iso": "GBR",
        "datasets": [
    "options": {
      "variation": 1,
      "flatten_diacritics": false,
      "enable_enhanced_layout": false,
      "display_enhanced_info_on_picklist": false,
      "enable_intelligent_layout": false,
      "capitalise_unused": false,
      "separate_elements": true,
      "element_separator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "buildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "subBuildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "postcode": " ^ ",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": " ^ ",
          "country": " ^ ",
          "pafAddressKey": "^",
          "pafOrganisationKey": "^"
      "terminate_lines": false,
      "line_terminator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "postcode": "^",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": "^",
          "country": ".^."
      "pad_lines": false,
      "multiple_dataplus_delimiter": "|",
      "abbreviate_item": [
      "capitalise_item": [
    "lines": [
        "line_name": "Line 1",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 2",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 3",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Locality",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "town"
        "line_name": "Region",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Postal Code",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "postcode"
        "line_name": "Country",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "country"


  "result": {
    "id": "f98ecf74-de87-4ee8-b732-87d474c9d2b0"


  "layout": {
    "id": "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111",
    "name": "United Kingdom with DataPlus",
    "comment": "Updated United Kingdom with DataPlus",
    "applies_to": [
        "country_iso": "GBR",
        "datasets": [
    "options": {
      "variation": 1,
      "flatten_diacritics": false,
      "enable_enhanced_layout": false,
      "display_enhanced_info_on_picklist": false,
      "enable_intelligent_layout": false,
      "capitalise_unused": false,
      "separate_elements": true,
      "element_separator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "buildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "subBuildingNumber": ", ^ ",
          "postcode": " ^ ",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": " ^ ",
          "country": " ^ ",
          "pafAddressKey": "^",
          "pafOrganisationKey": "^"
      "terminate_lines": false,
      "line_terminator": {
        "default": ", ",
        "configuration_by_element": {
          "postcode": "^",
          "deliveryPointSuffix": "^",
          "country": ".^."
      "pad_lines": false,
      "multiple_dataplus_delimiter": "|",
      "abbreviate_item": [
      "capitalise_item": [
    "lines": [
        "line_name": "Line 1",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 2",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Line 3",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Locality",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "town"
        "line_name": "Region",
        "max_width": 255
        "line_name": "Postal Code",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "postcode"
        "line_name": "Country",
        "max_width": 255,
        "elements": [
            "element_name": "country"

United States


  "country_iso": "USA",
  "datasets": [


  "result": [
      "name": "Default",
      "country_iso_3": "USA",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "AMEX_1",
      "country_iso_3": "USA",
      "datasets": [
      "name": "AMEX_alternate",
      "country_iso_3": "USA",
      "datasets": [