Check data integrity

You can check the integrity of the data files using quchkn.exe. Quchkn.exe is called as follows:

Windows Syntax QUCHKN (filespec) show all command line options
QUCHKN -log -?
UNIX Syntax QUCHKN (filespec) show all command line options
QUCHKN -log -?
Example QUCHKN H:\QAS\DATA\*.*
Description Performs an integrity check on selected Experian Data Quality data files. Uses a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) to verify that the contents of the data files are not corrupt. Can be used to check for problems with the data or file corruption.
Windows options The buttons on the dialog once the application has been launched can be used to perform the following actions:
Add... Add a data file to the list.
Remove... Remove the selected file from the list.
Check File Check the currently-selected file.
Check All Check all the files in the list.
UNIX options The following command-line arguments are available:
-INI: Specify configuration file.
-SECTION: Specify configuration section.
-DATADIR: Specify directory for data files.
-LOG: Specify log file.
-ERRORS Enable error logging.