Before upgrading

  1. Locate your current Batch API directory. If you are using Windows, the default location is within one of these locations:
    • C:\Program Files\QAS
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\QAS
    • C:\Program Files\Experian
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Experian
  2. Create a copy of this directory in another location and name the copy Batch API backup.
  3. If you are using Windows, uninstall your current copy of Batch API.
    1. To do this, from the Start menu, select Control Panel > Programs and features.
    2. From the program list, select QAS Batch API or Experian Batch API
    3. Right-click, select Uninstall, and follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the product.


  1. To install Batch API on your operating system:
    1. Microsoft Windows: Run the setup.exe file that we sent you. Once the installation program starts, follow the on-screen instructions to install.
    2. UNIX or UNIX-like operating systems: Follow the install instructions.

Restore configuration files

  1. To ensure Batch API uses the same settings as your previous version, you must manually copy the settings from your previous installation of Batch API into the new Batch API:
    1. In the newly installed Batch API folder, rename the QAWORLD.INI and QAWSERVE.INI files to backup_QAWORLD.INI and backup_QAWSERVE.INI respectively.
    2. This will allow you to compare any settings added to the product since your previous version.
    3. To retain the settings from your previous version, from your Batch API backup directory, copy the three configuration files into the new install Batch API directory:
      • QALICN.INI
  2. Copying the QAWSERVE.INI file will ensure that any custom layouts are retained.
  3. To take advantage of any new settings that have been added to Batch API since your previous version, we recommend that you inspect the Batch API configuration files and online documentation.
Batch API

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