Lookup status messages

The status of the call can be found in the response's header under Message:

Message (in JSON response header) Comments
OK Request has been successfully sent and valid responses are being returned back.
Bad query: Unsupported country The supplied country code is invalid.
Bad query: Malformed JSON in request Request has been successfully sent but no responses are being returned. Possible causes:
  • Missing a mandatory parameter
  • Invalid JSON format
  • Blank values are being sent
Bad query: Missing security token The token is missing in the request's header or the URL.
Bad query: Missing query id parameter in URL The query id parameter is missing in the URL.
Resource not found The requested resource could not be found but may be available again in the future. Subsequent requests by the client are permissible.
Unauthorized: Token not recognized Provided token is incorrect. Please check your token: log into the Self Service Portal > Licenses.
Forbidden: Product not matched Request is not authorized to use the service.
Forbidden: Entitlement disabled Your token has run out of credits. To find token information, log into the Self Service Portal > Licenses.
Phone number has too few digits The submitted phone number is too short - it has to contain 10 digits (excluding the country code).
Phone number has too many digits The submitted phone number is too long - it cannot exceed 10 digits (excluding the country code).
Forbidden: Your IP address is not whitelisted. This IP address does not have access to your integration. To whitelist it, log into the Self Service Portal > Licenses.
Forbidden: Your origin domain is not defined. This domain does not have access to your integration. To allow access to it, log into the Self Service Portal > Licenses.